DPRK Annual Chronologies


The North Korea Chronology was begun in 2000 as part of the Northeast Asia Cooperative Security Project, then housed at the Social Science Research Council with support from the Rockefeller Foundation, the W. Alton Jones Foundation, the Ploughshares Fund, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Compiled by Leon Sigal, the chronology draws on official sources; news articles and op-eds in US newspapers; English-language editions of DPRK, South Korean, Japanese, and Chinese newspapers and news agencies; and selected reports from think tanks and other organization.

The chronology aims to provide a detailed compilation of North Korean missile and nuclear developments, as well as the responses of the US and others, including negotiations, sanctions, and the political and economic contexts for such actions.

To the extent possible, the dates reflect when events occurred, not when they are reported, and prior reports will be updated to reflect that. Any revisions will be noted on updated chronologies.


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