Energy Security

Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Briefing Book: Energy Security

In order for a Korea-Japan Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (KJNWFZ) to be a long-lasting and effective arrangement, it will be necessary to assure that nuclear energy fuel cycle issues that relate to potential nuclear weapons development/production in Japan and the ROK are addressed to the satisfaction of each party.  Some sort of arrangement regarding these nuclear fuel cycle activities is needed that fulfills energy security goals of the ROK and Japan while offering both Koreas and Japan sufficient confidence in the other parties’ nuclear activities to allow the KJNWFZ to be meaningfully sustained.

Publications l  Supporting Materials


Engaging the DPRK Enrichment and Small LWR Program: What Would It Take?
Peter Hayes, Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, and David von Hippel, Nautilus Institute Senior Associate.

Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Spent Fuel and High Level Waste as a Focus of Regional East Asia Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cooperation
Peter Hayes, Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, and David von Hippel, Nautilus Institute Senior Associate.

The DPRK Energy Sector: Current Status and Future Engagement Options
Peter Hayes, David von Hippel and Scott Bruce, Nautilus Institute Special Report, 16 August 2011

Transforming the DPRK through Energy Sector Development 
David von Hippel, Nautilus Institute Senior Associate, Scott Bruce, Nautilus Institute Director and Peter Hayes, Professor, RMIT University and Nautilus Institute Executive Director, Policy Forum, 4 March 2011.

An Initial Exploration of the Potential for Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Wastes in South Korea
Jungmin Kang, an Associate of the Nautilus Institute-ARI in Seoul and Visiting Scholar at John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.

Fukushima’s Implications for Korea’s Nuclear Dilemmas
Peter Hayes, Professor, RMIT University and Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute

After the Deluge: Short and Medium-term Impacts of the Reactor Damage Caused by the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Peter Hayes, David von Hippel, Richard Tanter, Takase Kae, Jungmin Kang, Wen Bo, Gordon Thompson, Yi Kiho, Arabella Imhoff, Scott Bruce and Joan Diamond

The Path From Fukushima: Short and Medium-term Impacts of the Reactor Damage Caused by the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Japan’s Electricity Systems
David von Hippel, Nautilus Institute Senior Associate, and Kae Takase,  Director of Governance Design Laboratory in Japan

DPRK “Collapse” Pathways: Implications for the Energy Sector and for Strategies Redevelopment/Support
Peter Hayes, Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, and David von Hippel, Nautilus Institute Senior Associate.

Growth in Energy Needs in Northeast Asia: Projections, Consequences, and Opportunities
Peter Hayes and David von Hippel, The Nautilus Institute

Future Regional Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cooperation in East Asia: Energy Security Costs and Benefits
David von Hippel, The Nautilus Institute June, 2010.

Fueling DPRK Energy Futures and Energy Security: 2005 Energy Balance, Engagement Options, and Future Paths
David von Hippel and Peter Hayes, Nautilus Institute, June 2007.

DPRK Energy Security Without Rewarding Bad Behavior
Peter Hayes, Nautilus Institute, 2003.

DPRK Energy Development Report
The Nautilus Institute, 2000.

Rural Energy Survey in Unhari Village
The Nautilus Institute, 2001.

Rural Energy Crisis in the DPRK
The Nautilus Institute, 2000.

Supporting Materials

After Fukushima: Where is Japan Going? Where it Should Go To?
Abe, N., Nautilus Institute East Asia Nuclear Security Workshop, November 2011

Update on the ROK Energy Sector and ROK Energy Policies
Ms. Park Jimin

Update on the Japanese Energy Sector and on the Japan LEAP Modeling Effort

Ms. Takase Kae

Overview of Chinese Taipei‘s Energy Sector – Current Status and Plans of Future Development

Prof. Yunchang Jeffrey Bor and Prof. Yophy Huang

Overview of Vietnam‘s Energy Sector – Current Status and Plans of Future Development

Prof. Pham Khanh Toan and Mr. Bao Nguyen

Update on the Chinese Energy Sector and on the China LEAP Modeling Effort
Prof. Wang Yanjia

Overview of Indonesia‘s Energy Sector – Current Status and Plans for Future Development

Dr. Asclepias R.S. Indriyanto and Mr. Sukma Sepriana

Update on China’s Nuclear Power Program, and Relationship with China’s Climate Policy
Prof. Wang Jie

East Asian Ecological Security as Absolute Determinant for Stability, Security and Peace
Kosima Weber Liu

Overview of East Asia Science and Security Project Report

Dr. David von Hippel

EASS Status Report, Introduction to Proposed Research Plan for 2010-11 and Beyond, Funding Possibilities, and Connections of EASS with Other Initiatives

Dr. Peter Hayes and Dr. David von Hippel