


Satellite Ground Station – East, Kapooka’,  Australian Defence Facilities, updated 10 November 2024.

Satellite Ground Station – West, Kojarena’, Australian Defence Facilities, updated 10 November 2024.

Australian Defence Satellite Communications Station‘, Australian Defence Facilities, updated 28 October 2024.

Richard Tanter,  ‘AUKUS-plus and the realities of Australia’s involvement in US nuclear proliferation’, Pearls & Irritations, 16 September 2024; paper for the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Conference, AUKUS: Assumptions & Implications, Canberra, 16 August 2024.

Nuclear-capable B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers: a visual guide to identification, (with Vince Scappatura), Nautilus Institute Special Report, 26 August 2024 (241 pp.; 11.2 MB]

Correspondence timeline: Richard Tanter complaint to the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security concerning risk of Australian complicity of Pine Gap in genocide in Gaza.

Pine Gap implicates Australia as complicit in Israel’s genocide in Gaza‘, Pearls and Irritations, 30 March 2024, with links to the IGIS complaint and to the 27 March webinar Pine Gap and Gaza: Blood on Our Lands, Blood on Our Hands, with Nasser Mashni, Barbara Flick, Kathryn Gilbey, Peter Cronau and Richard Tanter (slides).

Does Pine Gap place Australia at risk of complicity in genocide in Gaza? A complaint concerning the Australian Signals Directorate to the Inspector General of Security and Intelligence, 27 March 2024

Mystifying Pine Gap – again: Brian Toohey on Paul Dibb’s “astonishing” errors, Pearls and Irritations, 21 March 2024.

Attachment: ‘Evaluating four claims by Brian Toohey against Paul Dibb on Pine Gap’, 20 March 2024.


Cover up: The Australian Government’s secret list of US bases‘, Pearls & Irritations, 25 July 2023.

AUKUS – “These are the horrors”’, Pearls & Irritations, 24 March 2023.


AUKUS and the threat of war with China: five tasks for the peace movement’, Pearls & Irritations, 22 December 2022

Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade inquiry into international armed conflict decision-making, 18 November 2022

Prepping for a China war: the new arc of militarization across northern Australia’, Pearls & Irritations, 2 November 2022, [‘Prepping for a China war: the new arc of militarization across northern Australia‘, Asia-Pacific Journal/Japan Focus, Volume 20 | Issue 18 | Number 4 (15 November 2022); ‘Préparatifs de guerre contre la Chine : les États-Unis et le nouvel arc de militarisation dans le nord de l’Australie‘, Collectif Échec à la guerre, 15 novembre 2022]

‘Captive media: what does the submarine scandal tell us about our “defence correspondents”?, Pearls & Irritations, 26 October 2022

Australia trashes the ‘international rules based order’ over AUKUS and nuclear proliferation‘, Pearls & Irritations, 19 September 2022

The North West Cape cluster of high technology defence facilities‘, Australian Defence Facilities, Australian Defence Facilities, Nautilus Institute, 15 September 2022

Mr Albanese goes to Madrid: Australia on the alliance path to Global Nato’, Pearls & Irritations, 30 June 2022. [See Talks and interviews page]

Revisiting the Scott-Tanter secret 1978 assessments on the state of the East Timor campaign in Australia and on the question of FRETILIN negotiations‘, International Workshop Solidarity with Timor-Leste struggle for Self-determination, Actors, Institutions, Contexts, 16 a 19 de maio de 2022, Fundação Oriente, em cujo Museu do Oriente, Lisboa [v.3, updated 1 July 2022]. [Presentation and materials]

‘Hope Becomes Law: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region’, in Peter Hayes, Tanvi Kulkarni, Chung-in Moon & Shatabhisha Shetty (eds.), WMD in the Asia-Pacific, Seoul: Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, pp. 501-560. [revised version of 2021 paper].

‘Nuclear-powered submarines for Australia– stepping back into the Anglosphere andinto a new Asian arms race’, in ICAN Australia, Troubled Waters: Nuclear Submarines, AUKUS and the NPT, (January 2022), pp. 10-12 [revised an updated version of Troubled Waters, July 2022]; [edited version at ‘Australia’s nuclear submarine deal: very high risk for no reward’, Pearls & Irritations, 1 January 2022].


Submission to the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network People’s Inquiry in US-Australia Alliance, September 2021. [Edited and slightly expanded parts of the IPAN Inquiry submission appeared in two series in Pearls & Irritations:]

Dangerous liaisons: Pine Gap (and the Alice) as nuclear target, then and now. Part 4’, Pearls & Irritations, 14 November 2021

Dangerous liaisons: Pine Gap is key to America’s nuclear war apparatus. Part 3’, Pearls & Irritations, 13 November 2021

Dangerous liaisons: Australia’s involvement in nuclear war. Part 2’, Pearls & Irritations , 12 November 2021

Dangerous liaisons: America’s huge, little-known military footprint in Australia. Part 1’, Pearls & Irritations, 11 November 2021

How US military culture worked its way into Australian defence policy’, Pearls & Irritations, 28 October 2021

The alliance at the heart of Australia. Part 4’, Pearls & Irritations, 27 October 2021

The reasons Australia’s US alliance has persisted. Part 3’, 26 October 2021

It’s in Australia’s national interest to look beyond military risks in foreign policy – Part 2’, Pearls & Irritations, 25 October 2021.

Beyond repair: Alliance distortions of Australian national interest in foreign policy and defence. Part 1’, Pearls & Irritations, 24 October 2021.

A flawed argument for Australian nuclear deterrence’, Pearls & Irritations, 23 October 2021

Imagining the Possible: Asia-Pacific Prospects for the Nuclear Ban Treaty‘, GlobalAsia, Vol.16 No.2, (June 2021), pp. 48-51.

Hope Becomes Law: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region‘, Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, Vol. 4, (2021), Supplement 1, pp. 234-275, DOI: 10.1080/25751654.2021.1908736


Mystifying Pine Gap, Distorting Des Ball: Notes on Brian Toohey’s Secret: The Making of Australia’s Security State, Nautilus Institute, NAPSNet Policy Forum Online, 11 January 2021 [with a response by Brian Toohey].

Hope Becomes Law: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in the Asia Pacific Region, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, Special Report, 13 December 2020.

WikiLeaks, Australia and empire‘, in Felicity Ruby and Peter Cronau, (eds.), A Secret Australia: Revealed by the WikiLeaks Exposés, Monash University Press, 2020.


Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Threat to the British Nuclear Weapons State’, Pearls & Irritations, 22 December 2019

Hiding from the light: The establishment of the Joint Australia-United States Relay Ground Station at Pine Gap, Special Report, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, 2 November 2019; short version: ‘Pine Gap history-dogged by censorship and dereliction of duty‘, Pearls & Irritations, 14 November 2019

‘An Australian pathway through Pine Gap to the nuclear ban treaty’, Pearls & Irritations, 5 August 2019; Alice Springs News, 6 August 2019; [extended and footnoted version here].


Darwin, the Marines, and touring the American empire of bases‘, Pearls & Irritations, 17 November 2018; extended version: ‘Touring the American empire of bases with the Marines‘, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 166, Issue 22, No. 4, 10 November 2018.

Erwin Chlanda, ‘Pine Gap’s new role as a war fighting command centre‘, Alice Springs News, 22 June 2018.

Yemen, Australian mercenaries and the shifting sands of Australia–Middle East alliances‘, Arena Magazine, (155), August 2018; extended and footnoted version here. See also The war in Yemen: the Australian connection‘, Late Night Live, Radio National, ABC, 3 September 2018.

Pine Gap electricity supply and the Ausgrid controversy‘, Pearls and Irritations, 30 May 2018

‘Tightly Bound: Australia’s Alliance-Dependent Militarization’, Global Asia, Spring 2018, Vol.13 No.1; reprinted in Pearls & Irritations, 18 May 2018); extended and documented version: ‘Tightly Bound: The United States and Australia’s Alliance-Dependent Militarization‘, Asia-Pacific Journal, Volume 16, Issue 11, Number 2 (31 May 2018)

Bad, bad BADA (aka Bipartisan Australian Defence Agreement)‘, Pearls & Irritations, 1 March 2018.


‘Pine Gap’s nuclear role and the alternative’, Alice Springs News, 15 November 2017; extended version: ‘The nuclear ban treaty, Pine Gap and the Nobel Peace Prize‘, Pearls and Irritations, 16 November 2017.

Richard Tanter: Australia hardwired into US military planning in Korea’, NT News, 13 November 2017.

Submission to the Defence Sub-Committee, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, Inquiry into the benefits and risks of a Bipartisan Australian Defence Agreement, as a basis of planning for, and funding of, Australian Defence Capability, 2 November 2017.

North Korea necessitates a reassessment of Australia’s US intelligence bases’, East Asia Forum, 13 October 2017; extended version published as ‘Pine Gap and a possible Korean war’, Pearls and Irritations, 16 October 2017.

John Blaxland on Des Ball and Pine Gap’, The Strategist, 13 September 2017.

A Global Nuclear Weapons Ban? Ready Or Not, Here It Comes‘,  Australian Outlook, 19 June 2017.

Prospects and Challenges of Nuclear Power and Small Modular Reactors in Indonesia, (with Bernadette K. Cogswell, Nataliawati Siahaan, Friga Siera R, and M. V. Ramana), Nautilus Institute and Indonesian Institute of Energy Economics, NAPSNet Special Report,  27 April 2017.

Photo Essay: Landscapes of Secret Power‘. Photography by Kristian Laemmle-Ruff, Trevor Paglen, Felicity Ruby, and Desmond Ball. Text by Richard Tanter, Arena Magazine, 147, May-June 2017 [footnoted version].

‘Trump chaos to our north? Where do we stand at the end of US hegemony in Asia?’, Arena Magazine, 146, March/April 2017, pp. 7-9; expanded version: ‘Donald Trump’s Japanese and South Korean Nuclear Threat to China: A tipping point in East Asia?’, The Asia-Pacific Journal/Japan Focus, Volume 15, Issue 7, Number 2, April 2017. [Japanese edition: 「トランプ政権が目論む日本と韓国の核武装、中国への威嚇:東アジアの転換期?」, 平和をめざす翻訳者たち」, 速報1003号、投稿日 2017年5月4日.]

‘Trump chaos to our north? Where do we stand at the end of US hegemony in Asia?’, Arena Magazine, 146, March/April 2017, pp. 7-9

‘Review & Forecast: The US-China ASW Calculus In the South China Sea’, Sea Technology, January 2017


Fifty years on, Pine Gap should reform to better serve Australia‘, The Conversation, 9 December 2016.

Nuclear weapons: the Trump reality’, Arena Magazine, 145, November-December 2016, p. 19-21.

The man who saved the world: remembering Des Ball’, Late Night Live, Radio National, ABC, 17 October 2016.

Our poisoned heart: the transformation of Pine Gap‘, Arena Magazine, No. 144, October 2016.

Pine Gap’s 50th anniversary‘, Late Night Live, Radio National, ABC, 28 September 2016

Australia’s participation in the Pine Gap enterprise, (with Desmond Ball and Bill Robinson), Nautilus Institute Special Report, 8 June 2016.

The Antennas of Pine Gap, (with Desmond Ball and Bill Robinson), Nautilus Institute Special Report, 22 February 2016. [High resolution PDF/Low resolution pdf]

Antennas of Pine Gaimages gallery, Joint Defence Faciiity Pine Gap, Australian Defence Facilities Briefing Book, Nautilus Institute

Table and photokey of antennas at Pine GapJoint Defence Facility Pine Gap, Australian Defence Facilities Briefing Book, Nautilus Institute


US signals intelligence (SIGINT) activities in Japan 1945 – 2015: A Visual Guide, (with Desmond Ball), Nautilus Institute, Special Report, 24 December 2015 [420 pp.] [pdf, 6 Mb]; outline:The Asia-Pacific Journal/Japan Focus, Volume 14, Issue 6, Number 6, March 2016.

Australia’s Addiction to Alliance War‘, Arena Magazine, 139 (December 2015), pp. 30-34.

Managing Operations at Pine Gap, (with Desmond Ball and Bill Robinson), Nautilus Institute, Special Report, 24 November 2015

有志連合の戦争に耽溺した豪州 日本が同じ轍を踏まないために」、 『特殊:どうして?公明党、どうなる?自衛隊』、ジャーナリズム・Journalism, (Asahi Shinbunsha), 2015.11, no. 306, pp. 78-87.

‘The Slovakian “Inspirasi” for Indonesian Nuclear Power – the “Success” of a Permanently Failing Organisation’, Asian Perspective, Volume 39, issue 4 (October-December 2015), pp. 667-694 [extended version]

Table: Indonesian nuclear power reactors, under governmental consideration, 2010 – 2015‘ (footnoted version).

The SIGINT Satellites of Pine Gap: Conception, Development and in Orbit, (with Desmond Ball and Bill Robinson), Nautilus Institute, Special Reports, 15 October 2015.

The Higher Management of Pine Gap, (with Desmond Ball and Bill Robinson), Nautilus Institute, Special Report, 18 August 2015.

The militarisation of Pine Gap: Organisations and Personnel, (with Desmond Ball and Bill Robinson), Nautilus Institute, Special Report, 14 August 2015.

Japan’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Ground Stations: A Visual Guide, (with Desmond Ball), Nautilus Institute Special Report, 6 August 2015 [238 pp.; low resolution version – 5. 3 Mb; high resolution version – 25 Mb]

Global Problems, Complexity, and Civil Society in East Asia‘, (with Peter Hayes), Nautilus Institute, Special Report, 15 July 2015; also published as Chapter 2 in Peter Hayes and Yi Kiho (eds.), Complexity, Security and Civil Society in East Asia, Open Book Publishers, 2015).

‘To war, like it or not: the ‘joint facilities’, interoperability, and the erasure of independent war powers’, in Alison Broinowski (ed.), How does Australia go to war? A Call for Accountability and Change, Melbourne: Australians for War Powers Reform, June 2015, pp. 58-63.

The corporatisation of Pine Gap, (Desmond Ball, Bill Robinson, and Philip Dorling), Nautilus Institute, NAPSNet Special Reports, 24 June 2015.

Expanded Communications Satellite Surveillance and Intelligence Activities Utilising Multi-beam Antenna Systems, (with Desmond Ball, Duncan Campbell, and Bill Robinson), Nautilus Institute, NAPSNet Special Reports, 28 May 2015

‘The $40-Billion submarine pathway to strategic disaster’, Arena Magazine 135 (April 2015); extended and footnoted version: ‘The $40 billion submarine pathway to Australian strategic confusion‘, Nautilus Institute, NAPSNet Policy Forum, 20 April 2015

‘Home Base’, Australian Financial Review, 23 January 2015, (pp.1R, 6R-7R) [PDFs: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3text version]

The Tools of Owatatsumi: Japan’s Ocean Surveillance and Coastal Defence Capabilities, (with Desmond Ball), Canberra, ANU Press.


Indonesian nuclear power proposals – site map, September 2014

Australia in America’s Iraq War 3.0‘, Nautilus Institute, NAPSNet Policy Forum, 20 November 2014; expanded and updated version in ‘Australia in America’s Third Iraq War‘, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 12, Issue 49, No. 3, December 22, 2014.

Towards a non-nuclear defence of Australia: ICAN Australia submission to the Defence White Paper 2015 Public Consultation,(with Sue Wareham, Dimity Hawkins, Tilman Ruff, Dave Sweeney, and Tim Wright), 25 October 2014

Alleged abuse of protesters against war in Iraq disturbing’, The Age, 7 October 2014


Indonesia, Australia and Edward Snowden: ambiguous and shifting asymmetries of power, Nautilus Institute, Special Report, 29 November 2013; expanded and updated version: ‘Indonesia, Australia and the Edward Snowden Legacy: Shifting asymmetries of power’, The Asia Pacific Journal, Vol. 12, Issue 10, No. 3, March 10, 2014; abridged version: ‘Power asymmetries and Australian hubris: Indonesia, Australia and Edward Snowden’, Arena Magazine, No, 127, December 2013- January 2014, pp. 19-22.

Modernised High Frequency Communications System – Riverina node‘, Australian Defence Facilities, Nautilus Institute, 24 November 2013.

After Fukushima: A Survey of Corruption in the Global Nuclear Power Industry‘, Asian Perspective, October-December 2013, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 475-500.

The US military presence in Australia: asymmetrical alliance cooperation and its alternatives“, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 45, No. 1, 11 November 2013.

Possibilities and effects of a nuclear missile attack on Pine Gap“, Australian Defence Facilities, Nautilus Institute, 30 October 2013

ASD Cocos Islands Signals Intelligence Station“, Australian Defence Facilities, Nautilus Institute, 5 October  2013.

The continuing silence on 4 Squadron SASR operations in East Africa“, Australians for War Powers Reform,  5 October 2013

The Great Killings in Indonesia through the Australian Mass Media‘ / ‘Pembunuhan Massal di Indonesia dalam Tinjauan Media Massa Australia’, in Bernd Schaefer and Baskara T. Wardaya (eds.), 1965: Indonesia and the World / 1965 Indonesia dan Dunia, Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia, 2013, (bilingual edition), pp. 129-144 and 372-391.

Log of US Navy ship visits to Darwin, 2000 – 2013, Australian Defence Facilities, Nautilus Institute, (updated 28 September 2013)

Absurd, obscene and reckless – American nuclear weapons in the defence of Australia“, Dissent (Australia), no. 42, Spring 2013.

The Papua-New Guinea Solution”: Competitive Cruelty and Strategic Folly“, NAPSNet Policy Forum, 6 August 2013,

Bamaga Signals Intelligence Station“, Australian Defence Facilities, Nautilus Institute, 1 August  2013.

Ending undeclared wars: repeal of authorizing legislation“, Campaign for an Iraq War Inquiry (31 May 2013)

No progress on extended nuclear deterrence in 2013 White Paper“, The Strategist (ASPI) (27 May 2013)

A question of accountability as HMAS Sydney joins USN Carrier Strike Group, Campaign for an Iraq War Inquiry (20 May 2013)

A dangerous tug of war”, The Age, 15 February 2013; extended version: “An Australian Role in Reducing the Prospects of China-Japan War over the Senkakus/Diaoyutai?” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 7, No. 1, February 18, 2013.

The sick man of Asia: costs of denial“, Policy Forum, Nautilus Institute, 10 January 2013


The “Joint Facilities” revisited – Desmond Ball, democratic debate on security, and the human interest, Special Report, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, 12 December 2012 (abridged earlier version appeared as American bases in Australia revisited, in Brendan Taylor, Nicholas Farrelly and Sheryn Lee (eds.) Insurgent Intellectual: Essays in honour of Professor Desmond Ball, (ISEAS, December 2012)

US joint facilities are a threat to the national interest“, The Conversation, 4 December 2012

Australia in the Pacific pivot: national interests and the expanding “joint facilities”‘, Policy Forum, Nautilus Institute, 27 November 2012

A New Approach to Security in Northeast Asia – Breaking the Gridlock Workshop, Summary Report (with Binoy Kampmark and Peter Hayes), Nautilus Institute, Special Report, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., October 9-10, 2012

Another hinge for the Pacific Pivot: Australia’s nuclear navy? Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report, 16 November 2012

Key Elements of Northeast Asia Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone (NEA-NWFZ) (with Peter Hayes),  Workshop on New Approach to Security in Northeast Asia: Breaking the Gridlock, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 9-10 October 2012.

Standing upright there: the New Zealand path to a nuclear-free world, Nautilus Institute, NAPSNet, Policy Forum, 3 October 2012

The Transformation of the JASDF’s Intelligence and Surveillance Capabilities for Air and Missile Defence, (with Desmond Ball), Security Challenges, Vol. 8 No. 3 (Spring 2012) (Online addendum: JADGE Surveillance Stations)

Shared problems, shared interests: reframing Australia-Indonesia security relations, in Jemma Purdey (editor), Knowing Indonesia: Intersections of Self, Discipline and Nation, (Monash University Press)

Rowing between two reefs: China, the United States and containment revenant, Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report, 9 August 2012

Memo to Stephen Smith: there are US bases in Australia and they are expanding, The Conversation, 7 August 2012

Rare human’s compassion for all beyond brotherhood – Obituary: David Horace Ford Scott, AO, Activist, 23-1-1925 – 24-2-2012, The Age, 1 May 2012

Nuclear corruption 2012 to date, Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report, 5 July 2012

Complex Uncertainties in the Australian Hinge of the Pacific Pivot, Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report, 31 May 2012

After Obama–The New Joint Facilities, Arena Magazine, May 2012

Summary Report, East Asia Nuclear Security Workshop, January 18, 2012, International House of Japan, Tokyo. Co-Hosted by the Nautilus Institute, Mansfield Foundation, AsiaPacific Leadership Network (with Binoy Kampmark and Peter Hayes)


Conventional force issues and a Korea-Japan NWFZ, (with Peter Hayes), Research Note, East Asia Nuclear Security Workshop, International House of Japan, Tokyo. Co-Hosted by the Nautilus Institute, Mansfield Foundation, AsiaPacific Leadership Network, November 2011.

Dual Aspects to the War in Afghanistan for Many Australians, Disarming Times (Pax Christi), Vol. 36, No. 3, Aug/Sept/Oct 2011.

TEPCO Country after Fukushima, Arena Magazine, June 2011 [footnoted version]

Indonesia’s dangerous silence, Inside Story, 28 April 2011

The Path from Fukushima: Short and Medium-term Impacts of the Reactor Damage Caused by the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Japan’s Electricity System (contributing author with David Von Hippel, Kae Takase and Peter Hayes), Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, April 11, 2011 [Executive summary]

“Just in Case”: Extended Nuclear Deterrence in the Defense of AustraliaPacific Focus, Vol. 26, No. 1 (April 2011)

Beyond the nuclear umbrella: re-thinking the theory and practice of nuclear extended deterrence in East Asia and the Pacific, (with Peter Hayes), Pacific Focus, Vol. 26, No. 1 (April 2011)

After the Deluge: Short and Medium-term Impacts of the Reactor Damage Caused by the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (co-author with David Von Hippel, Kae Takase and Peter Hayes), Special Report, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, March 17, 2011 [Executive Summary]


Out of the war: eight steps to a sustainable peace in Afghanistan, Austral Policy Forum 10-03A, 15 December 2010; abridged version in Dissent, (34) Summer 2010

North by North West Cape: Eyes on China, Austral Policy Forum 10-02A, 14 December 2010; abridged version as Joint operations, Arena Magazine, December 2010


Rethinking extended nuclear deterrence in the defence of Australia, Austral Special Report 09-07S, 10 December 2009; co-published in Asia-Pacific Journal/Japan Focus, 3269

Nuclear Power, Risk Management and Democratic Accountability in Indonesia: Volcanic, regulatory and financial risk in the Muria peninsula nuclear power proposal, (with Arabella Imhoff and David Von Hippel),  Austral Policy Forum 09-22A, 7 December 2009; Asia-Pacific Journal/Japan Focus, 3270

Comment: Gates, the DJP and the semi-sovereign state, The Nelson Report, 23 October 2009

「日本の未来に問われる民主主義」[Doubts on future of Japanese democracy] (interview), 核兵器・核実験モニター [Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Test Monitor] 第326号, 2009年4月15日.

Australia’s treaty links to nuclear weapons and nuclear disarmament, Austral Policy Forum 09-8A, 26 March 2009; reprinted in V.V.L. Gayathri (ed.), Nuclear Warfare: Emerging Legal Regime, Amicus Books/Icfai University Press, 2010, pp. 162-178..

About face: Japan’s remilitarisation, Austral Special Report 09-02S, 19 March 2009 [original publication by CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, Tokyo, November 2006; released for general circulation, courtesy CLSA.]

Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Inquiry into Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, 16 February 2009.

The Muria peninsula nuclear power proposal: state of play, (with Arabella Imhoff), Austral Policy Forum 09-1A, 19 January 2009; Japanese translation as: インドネシアにおける原発建設計画;現状と今後の展望、ノーニュークス・アジアフォーラム通信 (2009年2月20日発行)No.96.


Climate change and security – analysis and policy: annotated comprehensive literature guide, Reframing Australia-Indonesia Security, Nautilus Institute RMIT [updated regularly]

Indonesian nuclear power proposals – comprehensive resources, Reframing Australia-Indonesia Security, Nautilus Institute RMIT [updated regularly]

Afghanistan: The slim possibility of peace and the probability of a longer, wider, more dangerous war, Arena Magazine, October 2008; extended version: Austral Policy Forum 08-12A, 27 October 2008; revised version: The Coming Catastrophe: the American War in Afghanistan and Pakistan, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 1260, November 2008; reprinted in Z-Net, 21 November 2008, and The Maritime Self-Defence Force Mission in the Indian Ocean: Afghanistan, NATO and Japan’s Political Impasse, Japan Focus, 1201, 2 September 2008; Policy Forum Online, Nautilus Institute, 4 September 2008; Z-Net, 9 September 2008.

Volcanic and seismic hazards, Resources on the Muria peninsula nuclear power plant proposal, Nautilus Institute, July 2008 [updated as necessary].

Japanese remilitarisation today, in Sally Totman and Scott Burchill (eds.) Global Crises and Risks, (Oxford University Press, 2008).

「平成軍事化,米国覇権,そして朝鮮半島」(ノア・マコーマック訳)『北朝鮮が核を放棄する日 : 朝鮮半島の平和と東北アジアの安全保障に向けて』, 徐勝監修 ; 康宗憲編. 徐勝. 康宗憲, 京都:晃洋書房, 2008年.  [“Heisei militarisation, US hegemony, and the Korean peninsula”, (tr. Noah McCormack), in Sun So and and Kan Jonhon (eds.), The Day North Korea Gives Up Nuclear Weapons: Towards Peace on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security, Kyōto : Kōyō Shobō, 2008.]

Global Problem Solving Project website, Nautilus Institute, May 2008.

What are Global Problems? (with Peter Hayes), Global Problem Solving Project, Nautilus Institute, May 2008.

East Timor: the crisis beyond the coup attempt, Austral Policy Forum, 11 February 2008, 08-01A;openDemocracy, 12 February 2008.


Memo to Kevin Rudd: Why are we in Afghanistan?Arena Magazine, 92, December 2007 – January 2008.

Nuclear fatwa: Islamic jurisprudence and the Muria nuclear power station proposal, Austral Policy Forum, 13 December 2007, 07-25A.

Tanter on Rudd and Australian Security Policy, Informed Comment, 26 November 2007.

Muria nuclear power plant fatwa documents – English translations, Reframing Australia-Indonesia security project, Nautilus Institute, November 2007.

The Re-emergence of an Australian nuclear weapons option? Austral Policy Forum 07-20A, 29 October 2007; The Re-emergence of an Australian Nuclear Weapons Option? Implications for Indonesia and the Asia Pacific, Japan Focus, 964 (2007).

Documenting our forgotten war: Australia in Afghanistan, Arena Magazine 90, August – September 2007.

The End of Alliance “Business as Usual”? Ozawa’s Rejection of Japan’s Indian Ocean Deployment, Japan Focus, 899, August 12, 2007. Republished as: Japan’s opposition flexes its muscles, Asia Times, 15 August 2007. Indonesian version, translated by Dipo D. Siahaan: Akhir Persekutuan Jepang-Amerika? Penolakan Ozawa atas Kebijakan Pengiriman Pasukan Jepang ke Samudra Hindia, Jepangindonesia’s Weblog, 27 August 2007.

English translation of Umebayashi Hiromichi, 横須賀母港の米海軍イージス艦による弾道ミサイル防衛 [Missile Defence Response to the July 5, 2006 North Korean Missile Test by US Naval Vessels Home-Ported at Yokosuka], NAPSNet Special Report 07-054A, 24 July 2007.

English translation of Umebayashi Hiromichi, “US Missile Defense In Northeast Asia and the Rule of Law in Japan: Evidence from the July 5, 2006 North Korean Missile Test”, NAPSNet Policy Forum Online, 24 July 2007. Republished, with an Introduction by Richard Tanter as “The Covert Expansion of the US-Japan Security Treaty: Missile Defence Response to the July 5, 2006 North Korean Missile Test by US Naval Vessels Home-Ported at Yokosuka”, Umebayashi Hiromichi, Translated and introduced by Richard Tanter, Japan Focus 886, 1 August 2007.

“The Abuses of Realism and Australian Security Interests: the 2007 Defence Update“, Austral Policy Forum 07-14A 12 July 2007; and Arena Journal, New Series No. 28, 2007. Republished as: “Australia’s Expansive Asian Security Footprint: the 2007 Defence Update, the United States, and the abuses of realism“, Japan Focus 884, 28 July 2007.

Australia in Afghanistan, Australian Forces Abroad Briefing Book, Nautilus Institute, June 2007 [updated frequently].

“The new security architecture: Binding Japan and Australia, containing China”, Austral Policy Forum 07-07A, 15 March 2007.


About face: Japan’s remilitarisation, CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, Tokyo, November 2006.

Ten questions about East Timor for which we need answers“, Austral Policy Forum 06-18A, 8 June 2006; Policy and Society, Vol. 25, No. 4. (2006)

Briefing note: US Expansion and Upgrading of Joint Australia-US Training Facilities, Austral Peace and Security Net, Nautilus Institute, 19 June 2006.

Does Japan Have a National Strategy?“, ZNet, 31 May 2006.

English translation of Umebayashi Hiromichi, “Japan as a Base for the Defense of the US homeland: US Navy Missile Defense Operations in the Sea of Japan”, NAPSNet Policy Forum 06-43A May 30th, 2006 [PDF].

English translation of Hiromichi Umebayashi, 米海軍イージス艦のミサイル防衛任務 – 奥尻島西方190kmに作戦区域, [US Navy Set Missile Defence Operations Area in the Sea of Japan 190 Kilometres West of Okushiri: Japan as a Base for the Defense of the US Homeland], NAPSNet Special Report 06-42A May 30th, 2006.

Anxious Nation: Japanese Perspectives on National Strategy“, Part 1 of Richard Tanter and Honda Masaru, “Does Japan Have a National Strategy?”, Japan Focus 610, 4 May 2006

Masters of Terror: Indonesia’s Military and Violence in East Timor in 1999, [co-edited with Desmond Ball and Gerry Van Klinken], (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, second edition, 2006).

“Introduction”, (with Hamish McDonald), Masters of Terror: Indonesia’s Military and Violence in East Timor in 1999, [co-edited with Desmond Ball and Gerry Van Klinken], (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, second edition, 2006).

Practical Justice in Doe v. Lumintang: The Successful Use of Civil Remedies Against ‘an Enemy of All Mankind’“, Masters of Terror: Indonesia’s Military and Violence in East Timor in 1999, [co-edited with Desmond Ball and Gerry Van Klinken], (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, second edition, 2006).

Briefing note: East Timor Military Turmoil, Austral Peace and Security Net, Nautilus Institute, 13 April 2006.

Japan’s Indian Ocean Naval Deployment: Blue water militarization in a ‘normal country’,  Japan Focus 549, 21 March 2006; also in Dipankar Dey (ed.), Japan: Regaining its Glory, ICFAI University Press, 2008.

Grid-locked‘, (with Peter Hayes, David von Hippel, Jungmin Kang, Tatsujiro Suzuki, Richard Tanter and Scott Bruce), Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February 2006, 52-58 (vol. 62, no. 01).

Briefing note: New Zealand’s Role in International Electronic Surveillance, Austral Peace and Security Net, Nautilus Institute, 13 February 2006.

One comparison, Reconciliation between China and Japan: A Search for Solutions,  January 25, 2006.


‘South Korea’s nuclear surprise’, (with Jungmin Kang, Peter Hayes, Li Bin, and Tatsujiro Suzuki), Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February 2005, pp. 40-49 (vol. 61, no. 01).

With Eyes Wide Shut: Japan, Heisei Militarization and the Bush Doctrine‘ in Melvin Gurtov and Peter Van Ness (eds.), Confronting the Bush Doctrine: Critical Views from the Asia-Pacific, (New York: Routledge, 2005).

Japanese militarisation and the Bush doctrine‘, Japan Focus, 221, 2005.

Voice and Silence in the First Nuclear War: Wilfred Burchett and Hiroshima, with an Afterword (2005)“, Japan Focus, 362, August 2005.

Light Water Reactors at the Six Party Talks: The Barrier that Makes the Water Flow“, (with Peter Hayes, David von Hippel, Jungmin Kang, Tadahiro Katsuta, Tatsujiro Suzuki, Scott Bruce), Policy Forum Online 05-78A, Nautilus Institute, 2005.


Japan, Heisei Militarization and the Bush Doctrine‘, Policy Forum Online, Nautilus Institute, (PFO 04-42A: October 28, 2004).

In the Miura Listening Room: Radio Surveillance under Japan’s ‘Friendly Authoritarianism’, (with Desmond Ball), JPRI Working Paper No. 103 (September 2004).

‘The Deputy Sheriff shoots himself in the foot’, New Matilda, 15 December, 2004.

North Korea – Beyond Realpolitik“, Spinach7, No. 3, Autumn-Winter 2004.

Gas dispute deepens neighbourly tensions“, Spinach7, No. 5, Summer 2004/05.


「希望の小さな星:戦争の影にある環境ヒーロー」, [Kibo no chisana hoshi: sensou no kage ni aru kankyou hiiro (‘The humble star of hope: environmental heroes in the shadow of war‘)], 環境雑学マガジン、[Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin], 138 (January 14, 2003), [Japanese and English].

“Against a Security Council War in Iraq“, Z-Net, January 30, 2003.


Masters of Terror: Indonesia’s Military and Violence in East Timor in 1999, [co-edited with Desmond Ball et al], (Canberra, Australian National University, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, 2002).

Practical Justice in Doe v. Lumintang: The Successful Use of Civil Remedies Against ‘an Enemy of All Mankind’, Masters of Terror: Indonesia’s Military and Violence in East Timor in 1999, [co-edited with Desmond Ball et al], (Canberra, Australian National University, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, 2002).


「サハリンプロジェクト:夢か悪夢か?第1部」, [‘Sakhalin gas: dream or nightmare?, Part 1’], 環境雑学マガジン、[Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin], 124, (March 30, 2002 [Japanese and English].


「書評:ロビン・ウイリアムズ『2007年──そのうちはじまるほんとうの話』」, [Robin Uiriamzu “2007 nen – sono uchihajimaru honto no hanashi”, (Review of Robyn Williams, 2007 – a true story, waiting to happen)], 環境雑学マガジン、[Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin], (Japanese and English) (April 4, 2002).


「水利権の支配:イスラエル対パレスチナ戦争の見過ごされた一面」, [‘Mizu kenri no shihai: Isuraeru tai Paresuchina senso no misugoreta ichimen’ (The control of water rights: a hidden aspect of the Israel-Palestine war’)], 環境雑学マガジン、[Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin], 126 (May 11, 2002) [Japanese and English].

“Witness Denied: Australian media responses to the Indonesian killings of 1965-66”, Inside Indonesia, July – September, 2002.

“Law, globalization and the control of Southeast Asian military terror”, Inside Indonesia, October – December 2002.

In memory of Herb Feith‘ November 2001.


Bitter Flowers, Sweet Flowers: East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community [edited with Mark Selden and Stephen Shalom]. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield; Sydney: Pluto Press, 2001).

Introduction: East Timor, Indonesia, and the World Community“, (with Mark Selden and Stephen R. Shalom), in Bitter Flowers, Sweet Flowers: East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community [edited by Richard Tanter, Mark Selden and Stephen Shalom]. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield; Sydney: Pluto Press, 2001).

East Timor and the Crisis of the Indonesian Intelligence State“, in Bitter Flowers, Sweet Flowers: East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community [edited by Richard Tanter, Mark Selden and Stephen Shalom]. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield; Sydney: Pluto Press, 2001).

East Timor Facing Independence” (with Mark Selden and Stephen Shalom), in Bitter Flowers, Sweet Flowers: East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community [edited by Richard Tanter, Mark Selden and Stephen Shalom]. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield; Sydney: Pluto Press, 2001).

“East Timor: Chronology”, with Gerry van Klinken, Stephen Shalom, and Geoffrey C. Gunn, in Bitter Flowers, Sweet Flowers: East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community [edited by Richard Tanter, Mark Selden and Stephen Shalom]. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield; Sydney: Pluto Press, 2001).

「ワシントンでは何かが急激に変わろうとしている」, [‘Washinton de wa nanika kyushin ni kawarou to shite iru’, (Something radical is happening in Washington)], 環境雑学マガジン、[Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin], (July 21, 2001).

「イスラムとケシとパイプライン──きたるべき戦争の背景──第1部, 第2部」, [‘Isuramu to kesshi to paipurain: afuganu no sensou no haikei: dai 1 to dai 2‘, 環境雑学マガジン、[Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin, (October 6 and 13, 2001) [Reprinted in Shûkan Kinyôbi, December 2001]. English version:  Islam, poppies and pipelines: background to the coming war – Parts 1 and Part 2‘.

Pipeline politics: oil, gas and the US interest in Afghanistan‘, Z-Net, November 2001.

In memory of Herb Feith‘ November 2001.


「サシミの刑」──南マグロは生き残れるかpart2」, [“Sashimi no kei: minami maguro wa ikinokoreruka? (part 2)’ (Death by Sashimi: Can the Southern Bluefin Tuna Survive? Parts 2 and 3: The national interest, the human interest, and the human responsibility to nature.”)], 環境雑学マガジン、[Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin], (January 22, 2000).

「サシミの刑」──南マグロは生き残れるかpart3」, [“Sashimi no kei: minami maguro wa ikinokoreruka? (part 3)’ (Death by Sashimi: Can the Southern Bluefin Tuna Survive? Parts 2 and 3: The national interest, the human interest, and the human responsibility to nature.”)], 環境雑学マガジン、[Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin], (January 29, 2000).

「パーワー.トーク:戦争、環境、リスク社会論」, [“Power talk: sensô, kankyô, risuku shakairon [Power Talk: War, the Environment, and the Theory of Risk Society]”, in 共感する環境学、松尾眞編、ミヌルバ書房、2000年、[Matsuo Makoto (ed.), Kyôkan Suru Kankyôgaku, (Kyoto: Mineruba Shobô, 2000)]. [English version: Power Talk: War, the Environment, and the Theory of Risk Society].

East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community: Resistance, Repression and Responsibility. Special Issue of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 31, No. 1 and 2, [senior editor, with Mark Selden and Stephen Shalom, 2000].

“East Timor and the Crisis of the Indonesian Intelligence State”, in Tanter, Selden and Shalom (eds.), East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community, Special Issue of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 31, No. 1 and 2, 2000, [revised version in Tanter, 2001].

East Timor Facing Independence” (with Mark Selden and Stephen Shalom), in Tanter, Selden and Shalom (eds.), East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community, Special Issue of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 31, No. 1 and 2, 2000, [revised version in Tanter, 2001].

English translation of Shiraishi Takashi, “Whither Indonesia?’ in Tanter, Selden and Shalom (eds.), East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community, Special Issue of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 31, No. 1 and 2, 2000.

East Timor: Chronology“, with Gerry van Klinken, Stephen Shalom, and Geoffrey C. Gunn, in Tanter, Selden and Shalom (eds.), East Timor, Indonesia and the World Community, Special Issue of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 31, No. 1 and 2, 2000, [revised version in Tanter, 2001].

After Fear, Before Justice: Indonesia and Australia in the long haul, as if ethics mattered“, Inside Indonesia, 61 (January-February 2000); edited version in “All our tomorrows”, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 Mar 2000: Spectrum (1), 6

Death by Sashimi: the survival of the Southern Bluefin Tuna‘, Arena Journal, No. 14, (1999/2000), pp. 31-38. [Earlier version published in Environment South Australia, Vol. 8, Nos. 1 and 2, 2000.]

Review of Joseph A. Camilleri, Kamal Malhotra, and Majid Tehranian, Reimagining the Future: towards democratic governance – A report of the Global Governance Reform Project in Global Change, Peace and Security, Vol.12, No.3 (October 2000), pp. 319-320.


Testimony to the United Nations Special [Decolonization] Committee Hearing on East Timor, June 22nd 1999.

‘Tomorrow in Timor Lorosae”, Inside Indonesia, 58, (June 1999), pp. 12-13 [extended version: Hope and Fear in East Timor, February 8, 1999]

‘Invitation to an Arms Race: the Japanese TMD Decision’, Kyoto Journal, 40: 39-42, 1999.

‘Lady Freedom Among Us: Lessons in the Retrieval of Democracy”, Introduction to Messages of Freedom: Interviews with Aung San Suu Kyi, Jose Ramos-Horta, and the Dalai Lama, Kyoto Seika University, (March 1999). (English and Japanese).

Japanese Militarization and the Coming East Asian Explosion“, Arena Magazine, (42)  August-September 1999.

The East Timor Disaster: A Failure of Asian Security“, Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network, Special Reports, East Timor Analysis, No. 1, (September 7, 1999).

The Indonesian Intelligence State Revisited“, Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network, Special Reports, East Timor Analysis, No. 12 (September 14, 1999).

「サシミの刑」, [“Sashimi no kei: minami maguro wa ikinokoreruka? (1) Nihon – Oosutoraria ronsô (Death by Sashimi: Can the Southern Bluefin Tuna Survive? Part 1: The Australia-Japan Southern Bluefin Tuna Dispute)]”, 環境雑学マガジン [Kankyô Zatsugaku Magazin], 28 (December 25, 1999).


“Suharto, War Criminal”, Inside Indonesia, 55, (July-September 1998).

Testimony to United Nations Special [Decolonization] Committee Hearing on East Timor, June 30th 1998

Indonesian politics after Suharto“, Arena Journal, (new series) 11, 1998.

Japan Incorporated: Drowning, Waving, or Considering its Options? Conflicting interpretations of the Japanese Financial Crisis”, Arena Journal, (new series) 10: 15-26, 1998.

“The East Timor Peace Process”, Inside Indonesia, 53 (March 1998).


“Appropriation and dialogue in the global cultural economy: against Marlo Morgan’s ‘Mutant Messenger Down Under’, 立命館言語文化研究 [Ritsumeikan gengo bunka kenkyu (Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture)] 9, 2 (20 December 1992): 321-331.

Review of Bruce Grant, Indonesia (new edition), (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1996), Arena Magazine, 1997.


Politik Kelas Menengah Indonesia, (Jakarta: LP3ES, 1993; Indonesian edition of Tanter and Young (ed.), The Politics of Middle Class Indonesia, 1990), with an introduction by Ariel Heryanto).


Perceiving “National Security”, (co-writer with Anthony Milner, Desmond Ball, James Fox et al; author of“The Languages of National Security” section) Australian Asian Perceptions Project, Working Paper Number 5, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, April 199; Revised and incorporated as chapter in Anthony Milner & Mary Quilty (eds.), Australia in Asia: Comparing Cultures (Oxford University Press, 1997).


Review: Changing Japanese Suburbia, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 23. No. (1993), pp259-260.
Review: The Political Economy of Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 24, No. 1, (Mar., 1993) pp. 163-165


“Inching Towards Reality. The Cold War is Over. Japan Won – An Interview with Chalmers Johnson”, Kyoto Journal, 21: 34-38 (1992).

Intelligence Agencies and Third World Militarization: A Case Study of Indonesia, 1966-1989, with Special Reference to South Korea, 1961-1989, PhD dissertation, Monash University.

Review: Education in Japan: A Case of Immobilist Politics, Journal of Contemporary Asia,, Vol 22, No. 2 (1992), pp. 273-274.


“Oil, IGGI and US hegemony: the global pre-conditions for Indonesian rentier-militarization”, in Arief Budiman (ed.), State and Society in Contemporary Indonesia, (Clayton: Victoria: Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University, 1991), pp.51-93.

“The totalitarian ambition: the Indonesian intelligence and security apparatus”, in Arief Budiman (ed.), State and Society in Contemporary Indonesia, (Clayton: Victoria: Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University, 1991), pp.215-288.

1991c “内面の壁、社会の壁 [Naimen no kabe: shakai no kabe (“Inner walls, social walls”)], 木野評論 [Kinô Hyôron], 22.


The Politics of Middle Class Indonesia, edited by Richard Tanter and Kenneth R. Young. (Clayton, Victoria: Monash Papers on Southeast Asia No.19, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University, 1990). [Indonesian edition: Politik Kelas Mengenah Indonesia, (Jakarta: LP3ES, 1995, with an introduction by Ariel Heryanto).]

“Introduction: the Politics of Middle Class Indonesia”, (with K.R.Young) in, in The Politics of Middle Class Indonesia, edited by Richard Tanter and Kenneth R. Young. (Clayton, Victoria: Monash Papers on Southeast Asia No.19, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University). p. 7-21 [Indonesian edition: 1995]


Preconditions for de-linking Australia from the nuclear system“, in R. Walker and W. Sutherland, (eds.), Peace and Security in the Pacific, (Tokyo: United Nations University; London: Zed Press, 1989), pp.141-174.

After Kopkamtib – Indonesia’s intelligence empire“, Inside Indonesia, April 1989.


Nuclear-free zones as a demilitarization strategy“, in Yoshikazu Sakamoto (ed.), Asia: Militarization and Regional Conflict, (Tokyo: United Nations University; London: Zed Press, 1988), pp.184-207.

“Indonesia: the Rise of Capital – a critique“, ASAA Review [subsequently Asian Studies Review], pp.106-109 (1988).

“Bringing it all back home: a study of new technology homework in Australia”, (with J. Wajcman and B. Probert), in Kea G. Tijdens, Mary Jennings, Ina Wagner, and Margaret Weggelaar (eds.), ‪Women, work, and computerization‬: ‪forming new alliances: proceedings of the IFIP TC 9/WG 9.1 International Conference on Women, Work, and Computerization, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-29 April, 1988‬, pp. 37-43. (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1998).


The antinomies of Korean development“, (with Clive Hamilton), Journal of International Affairs, 41, 1: 63-90 (1998).

Who’s afraid of Rupert Murdoch? Disarming Times, v.12, no.3, June 1987: 4-5


Voice and silence in the first nuclear war: Wilfred Burchett and Hiroshima” in Ben Kiernan (ed.) Burchett: Reporting the Other Side of the World, (London: Quartet, 1986), pp.13-40.

“Promise abandoned: the dumping of the uranium issue”, Peace Studies, February, 1986, pp.28-33

Review of Amnesty International, Indonesia: Muslim Prisoners of Conscience, Inside Indonesia, (8), October 1986

Thinking about security in a democracy: beyond the Dibb Report, SANA Update, no.42, Sept 1986: 2


Red and Green after the ALP conference: The influence of the German Green Party on Australian political thinking, Peace Studies, no.7, Oct 1984: 29-30, 26

“Militarization: Trends in Asia”, Alternatives: A Journal of World Policy,  Vol. X, No. 1, (Summer 1984) pp. 161-191.


“Breaking the nuclear faith: an introduction to the US Catholic Bishops’ statement on war and peace”, Alternatives, Vol. IX, No. 3, (Summer 1983) pp. 461-472.

On Korea” (with Kim Dae-jung and Richard Falk), World Policy Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, (Fall, 1983) pp. 217-235


「世界の軍事化構造とレーガン戦略:国際分業と軍事化」[“World militarism and the Reagan strategy – the international division of labour and militarization: an interview with Richard Falk, Mary Kaldor, Robin Luckham and Richard Tanter”], 世界 [Sekai], 439: 118-134 (1982).

“The militarization of ASEAN: global context and regional dynamics”, Alternatives: A Journal of World Policy, Vol. VII No. 4, (December 1981) pp. 507-532.


Review of Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, The Political Economy of Human Rights, Australian Outlook, Volume 35, 1981 – Issue 2, pp. 217-218.


「軍事化するASEAN」『朝日選書200 暴力と平和』坂本義和・編/朝日新聞社、1982年[“Global militarization and Southeast Asia: the ASEAN case”, in Yoshikazu Sakamoto (ed.) Violence and Peace, (Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1980) (pp. 57-86)

Australian military aid to Indonesia“, ACFOA Development Dossier 1, 1980.

The Barracks University, Partisan, 21 March 1980: 12-14


“Australian military assistance to Indonesia”, Timor Information Service, (October 1978).


The military situation in East Timor“, Pacific Research, VIII, 2: 1-6 (1977); reprinted in Dissent, 35/36: 3-9 (1977).

Last Modified: 06 Dec 2011