Case Management and Intelligence System (CMIS)
Case Management and Intelligence System (CMIS), Australian Federal Police Annual Report, 2003-04, p98
“To support [International Deployment Group] IDG operations, an AFPNet node was established in the Solomon Islands, providing RAMSI personnel with full use of all core AFP business applications including PROM IS, email and video ‘R” conferencing. RAMSINet and other infrastructure and IT services were installed to support RAMSI operations, with in-country support provided by IT members detached to the IDG. Rapid deployment units were designed and assembled to provide AFPNET services through satellite communications to support IDG and CT operations and training exercises in Australia and overseas…Work continued on implementing a separate national security IT network to support the AFP’s increased role in counter-terrorism, following the completion in April 2003 of a pilot network connecting nominated sites in Australia. Development of a Case Management and Intelligence System (CMIS) for the South Pacific and South-East Asia regions, as part of the LECP, continued and was deployed in Indonesia, the Philippines, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, and Cambodia.”
Case Management and Intelligence System (CMIS), Enabling Services, Australian Federal Police Annual Report, 2005-06, p128
“CMIS was conceived by [AFP’s Business and Information Support] BIS as part of the AFP’s capacity-building offerings in the Pacific. It has grown considerably beyond these initial expectations, and is now used by the LECP for initiatives in Indonesia, the Philippines, China and Malaysia. Interest has also been expressed by the UK and the US capacity-building programs. AFP owns the intellectual property for CMIS although the application is built commercially by a third-party vendor. As the reach of the project has now exceeded its original intention, a review has begun to establish new governance arrangements for CMIS and to support planning, future development, deployment and related issues.”
See also:
International Deployment Group
Law Enforcement Co-operation Program (LECP)