Nuclear Strategy Project (1992 – 2003)

nsplogo-frontThe Nuclear Strategy Project is a public education project that examines the status and development of nuclear policy and doctrine in the United States and other nuclear-armed and nuclear-aspiring countries.

Through publication of hard-to-get information about nuclear weapons and nuclear strategy, the project aspires to increase government accountability and empower those who argue for true reform of nuclear strategy and much deeper cuts in nuclear weapons.

Project director Hans M. Kristensen, who analyzes and publishes declassified documents obtained through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, co-authors the World Nuclear Forces appendix to the SIPRI Yearbook and the Nuclear Notebook column in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

The items listed in the bar below provide links to groups of documents about specific aspects of nuclear weapons and nuclear policy.

(September 2002)
“Preemptive posturing
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

(May 27, 2002)
12 Million Could Die at Once in an India-Pakistan Nuclear War
The New York Times

Nuclear Strategy

US Strategic Command Force Studies

New (July 2001): Get Matrix of Deterrence and supporting FOIA documents on CD As the unified command in charge of U.S. nuclear forces, U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) periodically conducted force structure studies during the 1990s to assess the impact that arms control, new weapons, and world changes on the nation’s security and the viability of […]

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1967 CINCPAC China Assessment

The principle change in the threat from China was in its growing nuclear weapons and guided missile capabilities, CINCPAC said. Two more nuclear tests and several missile test firings were conducted during the year, “bringing Communist China very near to, if not achievement of, initial operational capability in both weapons. A ballistic missile submarine program […]

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1966 CINCPAC China Assessment

China conducted three more nuclear explosions in 1966, including its first two attempts to develop thermonuclear weapons. The third (the second explosion of the three) involved a nuclear warhead delivered by a Dong Feng-2 missile, China’s first nuclear-capable surface-to-surface missile. The full-scale nuclear test launch of the DF-2 missile continued development of the medium-range ballistic […]

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1964 CINCPAC China Assessment

The most important development in 1964 was the Chinese explosion of a nuclear device on October 16. China also halted the decline of its air forces and increased the number of MIG-19 Farmer aircraft. Of the estimated fifteen surface-to-air missile sites in China, thirteen were confirmed as SA-2 sites by the end of 1964. The […]

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1965 CINCPAC China Assessment

China conducted its second nuclear test explosion in May. In contrast with the first test in 1964, which was not weaponized, the new test involved an actual bomb that was dropped from an H-6 bomber giving China its first — albeit very limited — nuclear strike capability. Missile development progressed at “an evenly-paced rate,” and […]

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1963 CINCPAC China Assessment

Countering the Chinese military influence in 1963, CINCPAC described to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, meant that PACOM was “occupied holding in check the biggest part of the Red Chinese dragon, the head of which was in Manchuria and the body in the area of the Taiwan Strait and Southeast China so that the tail […]

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1961 CINCPAC China Assessment

During 1961, China began adding missiles to their forces for the first time. A launch complex, consisting of probably surface-to-surface missiles launch test sites and a surface-to-air missiles site, was reported at Tien Tsung Ta Wan. Moreover, three surface-to-air missile sites were reported at Peiping. Other force developments included the loss of eight ground force […]

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1962 CINCPAC China Assessment

During 1962, Chinese ground forces lost one line division, even though the army had a slight gain in personnel. The air force suffered a significant loss of jet aircraft, most probably because of lack of essential spare parts, a dwindling production rate, and a virtual absense of deliveries of aircraft or spare parts from Soviet […]

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1960 CINCPAC China Assessment

The most important change in China’s posture was the addition on seven Soviet Whiskey-class submarines to the fleet, increasing it from 13 to 20. Other changes included some improvement in the Air Force which replace some older MIG-15s by newer MIG-17s, as well as radar and advanced warning capabilities. Overall, however, purely military changes were […]

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1968 CINCPAC China Assessment

CINCPAC’s assessment for 1968 was almost identical to the previous year, indicating that Chinese force developments were modest. China only conducted one nuclear explosion, although this involved the first use of an H-6 bomber for a nuclear test. Only “a few” missile test firings took place, but the number of SA-2 surface-to-air missile sites increased […]

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