May 12th – 14th, 2004
Beijing, China
Background: Nautilus is pleased to announce the “Asian Energy Security Workshop 2004” to be held in Beijing from 12th to 14th of May, 2004. This workshop is being organized by the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability of Berkeley, California in collaboration with the Energy and Environmental Technology Center (EETC) at Tsinghua University.
The main focus of the workshop is collaborative research, involving groups from each of the countries of Northeast Asia (including, the DPRK, the ROK, the Russian Far East, China, Japan, and Mongolia) on different paths to addressing energy security issues in the region. The emphasis will be on both national and regional approaches to energy security concerns. Examples of the regional issues to be discussed and worked on by the collaborating groups at the workshop and in follow-on work include the relative benefits to each nation and to the region as a whole of international gas pipeline and power grid networks, of increased imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), and of development and adoption of measures for gas and electric energy efficiency improvement. Given that participants from several Northeast Asian nations, as well as from Canada and the United States, are expected, the Workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for an informal exchange of views.
The workshop will involve a day of focusing on the analysis of current national energy sector developments and their implications for energy security, including the continuation of collaborative project activities from previous workshops. The second day will consist examining the regionalized data and addressing some special topics. The last day will focus on “hands-on” working session as a group with the LEAP energy/environmental analysis software tool. This work will draw and build upon work in previous EAEF workshops held in Beijing (co-hosted by the Energy and Environmental Technology Center at Tsinghua University) and in Berkeley. This workshop will provide training in and experience in applying the latest version of the LEAP software, as well as an opportunity to discuss important regional energy issues.
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