Talks and presentations


Webinar on AUKUS and B-52s – Politics, Sovereignty and Security, Independent and Peaceful Network, 16 September 2024, with Gareth Evans, Vince Scappatura and Richard Tanter, and facilitator Kellie Tranter.

Des Ball and his long history with Pine Gap, Late Night Live, Radio National, 25 July 2024.

Military aspects: Independence! Breaking U.S. Stranglehold on Australia – A webinar on July 4th organised by the Australian Anti-AUKUS Coalition – Part 5 of 7.  [Introduction: Kellie Tranter]

Pine Gap, Gaza, and genocide – is Australia culpable?‘, in Pine Gap and Gaza: Blood on Our Lands, Blood on Our Hands, webinar, 27 March 2024, with Nasser Mashni, Barbara Flick, Kathryn Gilbey, Peter Cronau (slides).


Interview with Jan Bartlett, Tuesday Hometime, 3CR, 12 July 2023

‘Obstacles to Australian compliance with the nuclear ban treaty’, It’s time for Australia to join the nuclear weapons ban treaty, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, 4 July 2023, [PPT / video at 1:02:00 – 1:30:00 – last seven minutes of sound missing).

‘IPAN Forum on the dangers of the U.S. Force Posture Agreement and how to campaign for its termination’, 21 May 2023 [PPT] [Video]

Challenging the Australia-UK-US Alliance & the Imperative of Diplomacy With China‘, Massachusetts Peace Action, 13 April 2023 [video]


‘B-52s, submarines folly, AUSMIN delights, Pine Gap expansion – peace movement tasks’, Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition,14 December 2022; video (with Justin Tutty and Kieran Finnane], [PDF].

‘AUKUS and the threat of war with China – tasks for the peace movement’,  [video] / [text] Independent and Peaceful Australia Network – National Conference 2022, Canberra, 23 November 2022

‘What is MAPW’s role in disrupting and opposing AUKUS?’, Medical Association for the Prevention of War, National Conference,17 August 2022 [pdf] / [PPT]

Richard Tanter’s Canberra‘, Late Night Live, Radio National, 4 July 2022

No to AUKUS and nuclear submarines‘, Sounds of Solidarity [podcast, with David Glanz], 1 July 2022.

Revisiting the Scott-Tanter secret 1978 assessments on the state of the East Timor campaign in Australia and on the question of FRETILIN negotiations‘, International Workshop Solidarity with Timor-Leste struggle for Self-determination, Actors, Institutions, Contexts, 16 a 19 de maio de 2022, Fundação Oriente, em cujo Museu do Oriente, Lisboa [v.3, updated 1 July 2022]. [Presentation and materials]

Nuclear risks rising‘, with Tracey Holmes, Late Night Live,Radio National, 7 March 2022.

AUKUS will cost us the earth‘, Independent & Peaceful Australia Network, 24 February 2022 [also on YouTube]. [RT: 30.30-59.30], Dr Margie Beavis (Medical Association for Prevention of War [from 08.00 – 24.00], Dave Sweeney (Nuclear Free Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, 24.00 – 30.30). Q and A from 1.01.00.]


‘Strategic Stability: Impasse and Way Out’, Beijing Xiangshan Forum, 26 October 2021

AUKUS: Do nuclear submarines mean nuclear war?‘, Late Night Live, Radio National, 20 September 2021


‘Indefensible nuclear security and the urgency of abolition’, Nuclear Weapons Forum, in conjunction with the exhibition Black Mist Burnt Country, National Museum of Australia, 17 October 2018. [audio]


Towards an independent Australia foreign policy’, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN), National Conference, 9 September 2017


Bertrand Tungandame, ‘Is Australia striving to be an ideal target for a nuclear strike?’, NITV Radio, SBS, 23 August 2017 (audio download)

‘The Base: Pine Gap’s role in US warfighting’, Background Briefing, Radio National, ABC, 20 August 2017.

The man who saved the world: remembering Des Ball’, Late Night Live, Radio National, ABC, 17 October 2016.

Pine Gap’s 50th anniversary‘, Late Night Live, Radio National, ABC, 28 September 2016


Pine Gap today‘, IPAN, Alice Springs, 1 October 2016.


Ethical issues and debates: arms control and disarmament, AIIA VCE seminar series, 16 July 2014


Australia and Nuclear Weapons, Red Cross, Alice Springs, 10 October 2013

Re-balancing the American alliance: Northern Australian integration with US strategic planning, Keynote address to the symposium on Defending Australia: the US Military Presence in Northern Australia, The Northern Institute,  Charles Darwin University, Parliament House, Darwin, 23 August 2013.


General assessment of the DPRK nuclear situation, (with Peter Hayes and Joan Diamond), Nautilus Institute presentation at Workshop on A Comprehensive Approach to a NEA-NWFZ, Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University, 7 December 2012

Missing in action: Afghan civilian victims of traumatic brain injury, The First International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health – Melbourne, Australia. 11-14 November, 2012.

Key Elements of Northeast Asia Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone (NEA-NWFZ) (with Peter Hayes),  New Approach to Security in Northeast Asia: Breaking the Gridlock co-hosted by the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 9-10 October 2012.

Response to Malcolm Fraser on “Australia-US Relations in the ‘Asia Century’ – To avoid unnecessary and ill-advised conflict”, Asia Link, University of Melbourne, 25 September 2012

Global Politics of Indonesian Nuclear Power, Melbourne Asia Institute, University of Melbourne, 29 August 2012

US military and intelligence facilities in Australia – what, where and why? Medical Association for the Prevention of War, Melbourne, 9 August 2012

Thinking about nuclear power after Fukushima, International Workshop on “Public Education in Nuclear Disaster Response”, Tohoku Fukushi University and Australian National University, Sendai, Japan, 10-13 May 2012


The Great Killings in Indonesia through the Australian Mass Media

Japan and Australia: sustainable and unsustainable options for security partnership, Nautilus Institute, Public Symposium on Australia-Japan: Towards a Sustainable Security Community, International House, Tokyo, Japan, 11 November 2011

Nuclear Power in Japan: Fukushima and After, University of Melbourne, 19 October 2011

Australia and nuclear weapons, Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament, POLS 90030, University of Melbourne, 17 May 2011

Japan and the dissolution of US nuclear hegemony in Northeast Asia, POLS 90030, Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament, University of Melbourne, 3 May 2011

Leaving Afghanistan, VCE International Studies Lecture, Social Education Victoria, 13 May 2011

Post-Cold War deterrence: theory, policy, and practise, Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament, POLS 90030, University of Melbourne, 22 March 2011

Risk assessment, energy requirements, and democratic accountability in Indonesian nuclear power proposals, Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Nuklir Indonesia, Jakarta, 11 February 2011

Richard Tanter: Komunisme Dianggap Kekotoran Sejarah, Tempo, 31 Januari 2011 [Tempo English edition, February 2-8, 2011]

Witness Denied: the Australian Response to the Indonesian holocaust, 1965-66, International Conference on Indonesia and the World in 1965, Goethe Institute, Jakarta, 18-21 January 2011


Australia in Afghanistan 2001-2010: the way out of the quagmire, MinterEllison – Deakin University Geostrategic Politics Series, June 30, 2010

A prediction of things to come in Afghanistan, Interview with RMIT Professor Richard Tanter about new troops in Afghanistan, Susan Wilson [Filmed 25.09.2009]

The Afghanistan war:? the national interest and the human interest??, Social Education Victoria ?and ?the Australian Institute for International Affairs (Vic), ?29 April 2010 [PDF, 1 Mbyte]

The Afghanistan war 2001-2010: the national interest and the human interest, Social Education Victoria, Melbourne, March 19, 2010

Democratic accountability and risk assessment in Indonesian nuclear power proposals, GoNERI Project, School of Engineering, Tokyo University, 4 March 2010

Nuclear Power in the Seismic Zone: Risk Assessment in Indonesian Nuclear Power Proposals, (with Arabella Imhoff), Australian Institute for International Affairs, Melbourne, 4 February 2010


Climate change, security and the military – Australian approaches, Indonesian challenges, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, 20 November 2009

Management of environmental risk and deficits in global governance: two regional cases, Lecture presentation, Global Risk and Global Governance, RMIT University, 28 September 2009

Climate change, human security and the role of the military in the coming global politics of a carbon-constrained world, Conference on Climate Insecurities, Human Security and Social Resilience Conference, Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang University, Singapore, 27-28 August 2009

Tensions in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the question of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, VCE International Politics Student Lecture, Social Education Victoria, 21 August 2009

Australia, Malaysia and the coming politics of climate change, Malaysia-Australia Dialogue on Asian Futures, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 12-16 August 2009

From Defeat to Alliance: The Making of Post-War Japan, Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies, Canberra, April 2009

Japanese security today: Heisei militarisation – problem or solution? Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies, Canberra, April 2009.

Nuclear power in the seismic zone: assessing risk in Indonesian nuclear power proposals, (with Arabella Imhoff), Medical Association for the Prevention of War, Melbourne, March 2009


Why seek complexity? The case of Indonesia, Australia, security and climate change, Workshop on Mapping Causal Complexity in Climate Change Impacts and Responses – Australia and Indonesia, Nautilus Institute, 21-22 November 2008

Climate change, Security and Complexity, Richard Tanter, Seminar presentation, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, ANU, 19 September 2008. [PPT, 300 kb]

Wrong horse, wrong race: Japanese militarization and Japan’s real security needs, Presentation to Minter Ellison Dealin University Seminar on International Affairs, Melbourne, 17 July 2007

Pine Gap, Australia and contemporary US military strategy, Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific meeting, Melbourne, 13 June 2008

DFAT NGO Consultation – Disarmament, Canberra, 7 April 2008, Canberra

Heisei militarisation, Australia, and our real security needs, Japan Peace Forum, Melbourne, 29 March 2008


Suspects with Form: Security implications of Australian and Indonesia nuclear developments for state and civil society, Richard Tanter, International Expert Workshop on Uranium: Energy, Security, Environment, Flinders International Asia Pacific Institute, Adelaide, 7-8 June 2007.

Pine Gap and the coalition wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Christians Against ALL Terrorism, Alice Springs, 13 June 2007.

Wrong horse, wrong race: Japanese militarization and Japan’s real security needs, CLSA Tokyo Forum, February 2007.


Reconciliation between China and Japan: Short Paper, International Workshop on Reconciliation between China and Japan: A Search for Solutions, Australian National University, 17th and 18th August 2006.

One comparison, Reconciliation between China and Japan: A Search for Solutions, Reconciliation between China and Japan and the Cooperative Security Network, 25 January 2006


After hegemony: risk and promise in East Asia, Tokyo University, December 2005 [PDF with diagrams, 2.6 Mb]

New Wars, Old Wars, Lecture presentation, Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies, Australian Defence College, February 2005


Notes on security, national and otherwise, 2004


The Indonesian Intelligence State: Characteristics and prospects, Paper prepared for the Australian Asian Studies Conference, July 2 – 5, 2000.


Lessons from Oslo, Jerusalem and Belfast: Notes on the Paths to self-determination in East Timor. Paper prepared for the International Conference on East Timor: History and Conflict Resolution, Kansai University of Asia-Pacific Studies, Osaka University of Foreign Studies and the University of Aveiro (Portugal), December 5-6, 1998.


Notes on the history of Indonesian intelligence organizations, 1945-1965, Revised: October 8, 1993.

See also: Unpublished papers