- Editor, AdaptNet.
- Researcher, Climate Change Adaptation Program, Global Cities Institute, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.
Saleem Janjua came into contact with the issues of environmental protection/climate change during his bachelors’ engineering degree when he specialised in Environmental Engineering. In 1996, just after completing his B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering, Saleem was employed by the Leiner Pak Gelatin Limited as a Shift Engineer. From 1997-1998, he worked for the Crescent Greenwood Limited, an American based multinational organisation, as “Environment Health and Safety Officer”. Saleem joined the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Punjab, Pakistan as Assistant Director in 1998 after passing a competition examination of Public Service Commission.
In January 2002, Saleem was awarded an Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) by the AusAID for higher education in Australia. Hence, within the next 2 years he completed his Master of Environmental Engineering degree from the University of Melbourne as an ADS Scholar. Upon his return to Pakistan in 2004, Saleem worked for the EPA and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for more than 2 years.
In November 2006, Saleem joined the Nautilus Institute-Melbourne / Global Cities Institute, RMIT University as Editor-AdaptNet. AdaptNet is a weekly report produced by RMIT University Global Cities Institute’s Climate Change Adaptation Working Group. It is produced in partnership with the Australian Centre for Science, Innovation and Society at Melbourne University, Australia.
In 2007, Saleem was awarded an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) for PhD in RMIT. He is currently enrolled in School of Global Studies, Social Science and Planning, RMIT University as PhD candidate. The title of his proposed PhD is ‘Opportunities for Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries – A Case Study of Local Governments’.
Saleem has written a number of refereed journal and conference papers. Due to his experience in the field of environmental management / policy, Saleem’s research interest is in the problems of environmental management from a social science perspective, with the objective of understanding societal responses to environmental problems and adequacy of institutional arrangements for formulating, implementing and evaluating plans and policies. His current research interest has three inter-related foci: integration of climate change adaptation and development objectives in developing economies of Asia; policies for sustainable development; and environmental protection issues.
Contact details
Saleem Janjua
Research & Innovation Portfolio Office
Building 91, Level 2, Nautilus / Global Cities Institute
RMIT University, Melbourne
Email: muhammadsaleem.janjua@rmit.edu.au