Scott Bruce


scottbruce.jpgScott Thomas Bruce serves as Project Manager for the Partnership for Nuclear Security at CRDF Global. He is also an Associate at the Nautilus Institute and the East-West Center. Scott specializes in nuclear non-proliferation and East Asian security issues.

Before joining CRDF Global, he was a POSCO Fellow at the East-West Center in Hawai’i where he analyzed the impact of cell-phones and information technology in North Korea. Prior to that he was the Director of US Operations for the Nautilus Institute in San Francisco where he managed projects on non-proliferation and energy security.

Scott studied history at theUniversity of California and Queen’s University Belfast and has master’s degrees ininternational business and Asia-Pacific Studies from the University of SanFrancisco. Scott has been interviewed in numerous media including the SanFrancisco Chronicle, Public Radio International, ABC RadioNews, the Washington Times, Agence France-Presse, the InternationalHerald Tribune, Reuters, and many more.



Articles and Conference Reports Include:

Kim Jong Il’s Death Suggests Continuity Plus Opportunity to Engage (with Peter Hayes), The Nautilus Institute, December 19, 2011

“The Republic of Korea’s Contribution to Counter-proliferation Efforts” delivered at the How Global is Global Korea? Workshop organized by the Asia Foundation and Council on Foreign Relations. November 30, 2011.

“Unprecedented Nuclear Strikes: Translating North Korea’s Nuclear Threats into Constrained Operational Reality” (with Peter Hayes), in Gregory Moore ed., North Korean Nuclear Operationality: Implications for Northeast Asian Regional Security and the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Regime, Stanford University Press (forthcoming)

Park Chung-Hee, the CIA, and the Bomb (contributing author with Peter Hayes and Moon Chung-in), Global Asia

Unprecedented Nuclear Strikes of the Invincible Army: A Realistic Assessment of North Korea’s Operational Nuclear Capability” (with Peter Hayes) Nautilus Institute Special Report, September 22, 2011.

Energy and Mineral Resources in North Korean Security and Sustainability The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol. 23, No. 2, June 2011.

The DPRK Energy Sector: Current Status and Future Engagement Options” (with Peter Hayes and David von Hippel) The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol. 23, No. 2, June 2011, 159–173

Engaging the DPRK Part 2: Transforming the DPRK through Energy Sector Development” (with Peter Hayes and David von Hippel), 38 North, March 4th, 2011.

Small LWR Development and Denuclearization” (with Peter Hayes and David von Hippel), 38 North, February 17th, 2011.

North Korean Nuclear Nationalism and the Threat of Nuclear War in Korea” (with Peter Hayes), Pacific Focus, Spring 2011 (Vol. 26, No. 1)

Displays of Power: Memorializing Contested Space, Peace Review, Fall 2010 (Vol 22, No 3).

Nuclear Competition and Korean Nationalism” (with Peter Hayes) at Beyond Armistice: Korea-Australia Cooperation for Peace and Security, at the Australian Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, June 15-16, 2010.

“NGO Viewpoint — Progress and Prospects” at A Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Can Boost a “World Without Nuclear Weapons”, at the United Nations in New York, May 6, 2010.

Winning, Not Playing the Nuclear Game with North Korea” (with Peter Hayes), The Nautilus Institute, June 2nd, 2009

The Race to De-Nuclearize North Korea“, Foreign Policy in Focus, October 21, 2008

Nothing Succeeds like Succession,” The Asia Times Online, Sep 27, 2008

Ain’t no Sunshine When He’s Gone? The Future of Engagement after the ROK Presidential Election” (with Tim Savage), The Nautilus Institute, July 26th, 2007

Science as Diplomacy (with Peter Hayes),” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Volume 63, Number 4, July / August 2007

“Displays of Power: Museums and Collective Memory in East Asia” at the SHAPS Graduate Conference at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Mar 14 – 16, 2007

“Displays of Power: Museums and Collective Memory in East Asia” at the Graduate Conference at the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Toronto, Mar 09, 2007

Multi-Track Approach to Engaging North Korea” at Public Diplomacy, Counterpublics and the Asia Pacific, Presented jointly by the USF Center for the Pacific Rim and its Kiriyama Chair for Pacific Rim Studies and the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University, April 18-20, 2007

Grid-locked” (with Peter Hayes, David von Hippel, Jungmin Kang, Tatsujiro Suzuki, and Richard Tanter), Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Volume 62, Number 1, January / February 2006

Light Water Reactors at the Six Party Talks: The Barrier that Makes the Water Flow” (with Peter Hayes, David von Hippel, Jungmin Kang, Tadahiro Katsuta, Tatsujiro Suzuki, and Richard Tanter), The Nautilus Institute, September 21th, 2005

Drifting into the Six Party Talks?” (with Peter Hayes) The Nautilus Institute, July 19th, 2005