Operation Comity

Operation Comity


Following the attempted assassination of President Jose Ramos-Horta in February 2008, Australia deployed additional Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel to Timor-Leste (East Timor) under the auspices of the International Stabilisation Force (ISF). The President was severely wounded and one of the President’s guards was shot during the violence, and two rebel soldiers, including rebel leader Alfredo Reinado, were killed.

The AFP’s contribution to this deployment was called Operation Comity.

Government sources

Rapid Response Deployment – Operation Comity, Annual Report 2007-08, Australian Federal Police, p56

In response to a request from the Government of Timor-Leste, the AFP deployed a total of 70 personnel in February 2008 to support the International Stabilisation Force and the civilian police component of UNMIT following the attacks on the President Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Gusmao. The deployment comprised 65 members of the lDG Operations Response Group to assist in the maintenance of law and order and five forensic specialists to support the investigation into the attacks.”

Operation Comity – forces combine against assassination attempts, Australian Federal Police Platypus magazine No.99, July 2008

 “The AFP component of Australia’s response was named Operation Comity. Within 36 hours of the attacks 70 AFP personnel had landed in Timor-Leste. The contingent comprised 65 members of the International Deployment Group’s (IDG) Operational Response Group (ORG) and five forensic specialists. The forensic personnel were to provide assistance in the investigation of the attempted assassinations.”

See also: