- Document No.: AD393010
- Box No.: 9
- Number: N/A
- Publishing Status: Published
- Author/Editor: N/A
- Classification: Unclassified /formerly Confidential
- File: Operational-Report-for-Quarterly-Period-Ending-30-April-1968.pdf
- Categories: Command History, South Korea (ROK)
- Tags: 1968, communications, Dahan minguo, division artillery, logistics, nuclear weapons, Operational Report, planning, Quarterly Period, Republic of Korea (ROK), South Korea, united states, us army, 大韩民国, 核武器, 美国, 美國, 韓國, 韩国, 대한민국, 미국, 핵무기
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Vulnerability of North Korean Forces Volume I- Evaluation of Vulnerability of North Korean Divsions to Tactical Nuclear Weapons
- Document No.: 1279
- Box No.: 37
- Number: DNA001-77-C-0173
- Publishing Status: Published
- Author/Editor: W.R. Schilling, W.W. Edwards, R.J. Faust, W.H. Jacobson, F.A. Miercort
- Classification: N/A
- File: Vulnerablity-of-North-Korean-Forces-Volume-I-Evaluation-of-Vulnerability-of-North-Korean-Divisions-to-Tactical-Nuclear-Weapons.pdf
- Categories: North Korea (DPRK), Nuclear Weapons Policy
- Tags: 1978, Dahan minguo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), dianci maichong, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), he shengcun nengli, hefushe, North Korea, North Korean Division, Northeast Asia, nuclear radiation, nuclear survivability, nuclear weapons effects, Republic of Korea (ROK), South Korea, tactical nuclear (forces, tactical nuclear warfare, united states, vulnerability, weapons), zhanshu hequqi, 大韩民国, 战术核武器, 朝鲜, 核 生 存 能 力, 核辐射, 电磁脉冲, 美国, 美國, 韓國, 韩国, 대한민국, 미국, 조선
The Student Movement in South Korea
- Document No.: 1292
- Box No.: 37
- Number: N/A
- Publishing Status: Published
- Author/Editor: Vincent Brandt
- Classification: Unclassified /Classified
- File: The-Student-Movement-in-South-Korea-1987.pdf
- Categories: Civil Society, South Korea (ROK)
- Tags: 1960, Christian church, Church, Civil Society and Governance, Dahan minguo, democracy, democratic movement, Kim Dae Jung, Presidency, Republic of Korea (ROK), Seoul, South Korea, student, student movement, Syng-man Rhee (Yi Seung-man), Syngman Rhee, 公民社会与治理, 公民社會與治理, 大韩民国, 总统, 李承晩, 金大中, 韓國, 韩国, 首儿/汉城, 首兒/漢城, 김대중, 대한민국, 서울, 시민 사회와 거버넌스, 이승만
Regional Rivalries and Nuclear Responses: The South Korean Case (Vol. II)
- Document No.: 873
- Box No.: 27
- Number: DNA 001-77-C-0052
- Publishing Status: Published
- Author/Editor: Bryan Jack; Marcella Agmon, Steven L. Head, David McGarvey, Beverly Rowen, Henry S. Rowen
- Classification: Unclassified
- File: Regional-Rivalries-and-Nuclear-Responses-Volume-II-The-South-Korean-Case-A-Nuclear-Weapons-Program-Embedded.pdf
- Categories: Alliance Structure, Defense Policy, Nuclear Weapons Policy, South Korea (ROK)
- Tags: 1977, 1978, China, conflict situation characteristics, consequences of population threats, controlled us of force, controlled use of force, Dahan minguo, Deterrence, James Carter, japan, North Korea, Northeast Asia, nuclear weapon proliferation, nuclear weapons, People's Republic of China (PRC), proliferation, regional stability, Republic of Korea, ROK, South Korea, united states, zhonghua renmin gongheguo, 中华人民共和 国, 中国, 中國, 卡特总统, 大韩民国, 威慑, 日本, 朝鮮, 朝鲜, 核武器, 美国, 美國, 韓國, 韩国, 대한민국, 미국, 억지, 일본, 조선, 중국, 핵무기
The Reduction of Tension in Korea Vol. II
- Document No.: 743
- Box No.: 25
- Number: N/A
- Publishing Status: Published
- Author/Editor: Peter W. Colm, Rosemary Hayes, Karl F. Spielmann, Nathan N. White
- Classification: Unclassified
- File: The-Reduction-of-Tension-of-Korea-Vol.-2.pdf
- Categories: International Relations/Diplomacy, North Korea (DPRK), South Korea (ROK)
- Tags: 1972, Arms Control, China, Dahan minguo, demilitarized zone (DMZ), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Detente, Deterrence, fei junshiqu, japan, junbei guanzhi, Kim Il-Sung, Moscow, North Korea, Northeast Asia, Peking, People's Republic of China (PRC), President Park Chung-hee, Pyongyang, Republic of Korea (ROK), Russia, Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo, Unification, united states, zhonghua renmin gongheguo, 东京, 中华人民共和 国, 中国, 中國, 俄国, 俄國, 军备管制, 北京, 大韩民国, 威慑, 威懾, 平壤, 日本, 朝鮮, 朝鲜, 朴正会, 朴正熙, 美国, 美國, 莫斯科, 金日成, 非军事区, 韓國, 韩国, 首儿/汉城, 首兒/漢城, 김일성, 대한민국, 도쿄, 러시아, 모스크바, 미국, 박정희, 북경, 서울, 억지, 일본, 조선, 중국, 평양
Vulnerability of North Korean Forces Volume II – Korean Scenario and Target Arrays
- Document No.: N/A
- Box No.: 11
- Number: DNA-001-77-C-0173
- Publishing Status: Published
- Author/Editor: W. R. Schilling, F. D. Gattis, R. J. Faust
- Classification: N/A
- File: Vulnerablity-of-North-Korean-Forces-Volume-II-Korean-Scenario-and-Target-Arrays.pdf
- Categories: North Korea (DPRK), Nuclear Weapons Policy
- Tags: China, Dahan minguo, Demarcation Line, demilitarized zone (DMZ), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Detente, fei junshiqu, Jimmy Carter, Kim Il-Sung, Korean Armistice 1953, North Korea, People's Republic of China (PRC), President James Carter, Republic of Korea (ROK), reunification, South Korea, Soviet Union, target array, united states, zhonghua renmin gongheguo, 中华人民共和 国, 中国, 中國, 卡特总统, 大韩民国, 朝鲜, 美国, 美國, 金日成, 非军事区, 韓國, 韩国, 김일성, 대한민국, 미국, 조선, 중국
The Reduction of Tension in Korea Vol. I
- Document No.: N/A
- Box No.: 10
- Number: ACDA/IR-222
- Publishing Status: Published
- Author/Editor: Peter W. Colm, Rosemary Hayes, Karl F. Spielmann, Nathan N. White
- Classification: Unclassified
- File: The-Reduction-of-Tension-in-Korea-Vol.-1.pdf
- Categories: International Relations/Diplomacy, North Korea (DPRK), South Korea (ROK)
- Tags: 1972, Arms Control, China, Dahan minguo, demilitarized zone (DMZ), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Detente, Deterrence, fei junshiqu, japan, junbei guanzhi, Kim Il-Sung, Moscow, North Korea, Northeast Asia, Peking, People's Republic of China (PRC), President Park Chung-hee, Pyongyang, Republic of Korea (ROK), Russia, Seoul, South Korea, Soviet Union, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), Tokyo, Unification, united states, zhonghua renmin gongheguo, 东京, 中华人民共和 国, 中国, 中國, 俄国, 俄國, 军备管制, 北京, 大韩民国, 威慑, 威懾, 平壤, 日本, 朝鮮, 朝鲜, 朴正会, 朴正熙, 美国, 美國, 莫斯科, 金日成, 非军事区, 韓國, 韩国, 首儿/汉城, 首兒/漢城, 김일성, 대한민국, 도쿄, 러시아, 모스크바, 미국, 박정희, 북경, 서울, 억지, 일본, 조선, 중국, 평양
Weapons Support Detachment – Korea Nuclear Operations Standard Operation Procedures
- Document No.: WSD-K NUC OPS SOP
- Box No.: 11
- Number: N/A
- Publishing Status: Published
- Author/Editor: Albert H. Voegeli
- Classification: N/A
- File: Wapons-Support-Detachment-Korea-Nuclear.pdf
- Categories: Defense Policy, Nuclear Weapons Policy, South Korea (ROK)
- Tags: 1987, Dahan minguo, he wuqi, hewuqi anquan, hewuqi shigu, nuclear weapon accident, nuclear weapon safety, nuclear weapons, Republic of Korea (ROK), Republic of Korea Army, SOP, Standard Operating Procedure, 大韩民国, 核 武 器, 核 武 器 事 故, 核 武 器 安 全, 核武器, 韓國, 韩国, 대한민국, 핵무기