The Spring 1985 UNC/CFC/USFK/EUSA Telephone Directory package’s listings in this new directory are broken into geographic areas by telephone prefix. As installations are upgraded and provided with state-of-the-art telecommunications equipment, all numbers on that installation may be changed. As part of the switch-over to the new systems, an insert to the telephone directory will be provided. The directory is designed so that the old installation pages may be removed and new ones inserted in their place. These insertions will probably be issued on a bi-monthly basis for the next three years to keep your directory current.
The directory states:
“The conventional telephone provides more reliable and more voluminous intelligence information than the combined efforts of all the foreign espionage agents working in the Republic of Korea.
Surprising? Not really, if you consider the high vulnerability of telephone systems to unauthorized interception.” [page 7]
This report was released to the Nautilus Institute under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).