

11 May

Workshop   Registration (for Those Arriving on 11 May or Before)

6:30 – 7:30 PM            Conference Registration



12 May

Opening Remarks and Presentation of Meeting Goals and Schedule Country Energy Sector and LEAP/Alternative Pathways Updates

8:15-8:45        Registration for Later Arrivals/Local Participants, Tea/Coffee

Welcoming Remarks and Presentation of Workshop Goals and Schedule

8:45-9:00         Welcoming Remarks: Professor Zhang/Prof. Wang, and/or other EETC representative, Tsinghua University

9:00-9:20         Welcoming Remarks and Goals of Workshop: David Von Hippel, Nautilus Institute

9:20-9:30         Presentation of Workshop Schedule and Logistics: David Von Hippel, Scott Bruce

9:30 Session I: Country Updates

9:35-10:30       Prof ZHANG Aling and Dr. Alun GU:

“Updates on the Chinese Energy Sector and the China LEAP model, and Implications of a Regional Alternative Path for China”

10:30 – 10:45  BREAK

10:45-11:40     Ms. Kae TAKASE and Prof Tatsujiro SUZUKI:

“Updates on the Japanese Energy Sector and the Japan LEAP model, and Implications of a Regional Alternative Path for Japan”

11:45-12:40     Dr. Victor KALASHNIKOV and Dr. Alexander OGNEV and Mr. Ruslan GOULIDOV:  “Updates on the RFE Energy Sector and the RFE LEAP model, and Implications of a Regional Alternative Path for the Russian Far East”

12:40-14:00    LUNCH

14:00 – 14:55   Dr. KANG Jungmin, Prof. Shin Eui-soon, and Dr. Hoseok KIM:

“Updates on the ROK Energy Sector and the ROK LEAP model, and Implications of a Regional Alternative Path for the Republic of Korea”

15:00 – 15:55   Mr. Shagdar BATRYENCHIN and Ms. Chogdon OUYNCHIMEG, “Updates on the Mongolian Energy Sector and the Mongolia LEAP model, and Implications of a Regional Alternative Path for Mongolia”

16:00-16:15    BREAK

16:15 – 16:55  DPRK delegation

“Update on Energy Sector Activities and Plans in the DPRK”

17:00 – 17:35 Presentation to be announced

17:35 – 17:50   Discussion of Agenda for Next Day, and Logistics Announcements

17:50               End of First Day of Workshop




13 May

Regional Pathways Presentation and Discussion

AES Fall 2004 and Beyond Objectives

Special Topics Presentations

Begin 8:45 (Tea and Coffee Available)

Session 2: Regional Pathways Presentation and Discussion

Chair To Be Determined

8:45 – 10:30    Presentation and discussion draft Regional Alternative Pathways and process of aggregating National LEAP inputs and results to the Regional level.  [Please refer to attachment]

10:30 – 10:45  BREAK

10:45 – 12:30  Planning for AES Fall 2004 and beyond, and general initial discussion of “Next Steps” in the AES Project

12:30 – 13:30  LUNCH

Session 3:  Presentation of Special Topics

Chair To Be Determined

13:30 – 14:00  Special Topic 1 [Professor SHIN Eui-soon, “National and Regional Stockpiling and Storage of Fossil Fuels for Emergency Use: Economics, Status in the ROK, and Potential Models for Regional Application”]

14:00 – 14:30 Special Topic 2: [Atmospheric Environment Institute, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences,   “Low carbon development and emission scenario in Shanghai, China -Using LEAP as an integrated energy and environment model”]

14:30 – 14:40  BREAK

14:40 – 15:40   Special Topic 3: [Representatives of APERC on “APERC Research Programs Using the LEAP Model”]

15:40 – 15:50   Discussion of Agenda for Next Day, and Logistics Announcements

15:50   End of Day 2 Working Session

16:30   Meet for Special Event




14 May

Country Data Set Analysis and LEAP training

Regional Data Set Analysis

Closing Discussion and Remarks

8:30    Tea/Coffee

8:45 – 12:30    Working Session with Country Datasets and Alternative Pathways

NOTE: The intent is that this Working Session be used by participants as an opportunity to present specific aspects of their datasets and National or Regional Alternative Paths that they particularly want group feedback on and/or wish to ask questions about.  Also, Regional Alternatives will be discussed and Regional Pathways will be flushed out and finalized. This time also could be used to work on datasets with the help of other participants and trainers, or to receive additional training in LEAP.  In some cases participants will work in small groups, and in some cases the whole group may review a LEAP dataset on the overhead screen.  Participants should come to this session prepared to present their dataset, ask questions, and request assistance on whatever modeling questions they have.

12:30 – 13:30  LUNCH

13:30 – 16:30 Continue Working with Country Datasets, and Review Regional Aggregation of Results

NOTE: It is expected that this session will generally continue the format and topics of the morning session. 

16:30 – 17:30  Wrap-up and Closing Remarks, and Tentative Plans for Ongoing Project Activities

17:30   End of Workshop