Feasibility studies
Three studies that are broadly described as feasibility studies for the construction of a nuclear power plant have been carried out since 1980. The first, by Nucleare Italiana Reattori Avanzati (NIRA) and Batan, was presented in multiple volumes between 1976 and 1980. The second, by NEWJEC (originally New Japan Engineering Consultants) a subsidiary of Kansai Electric Power, was carried out between November 1991 and December 1993. The third, a Comprehensive Assessment of Different Energy Sources for Electricity Generation in Indonesia (CADES), was carried out as a follow-up to the NEWJEC studies by the IAEA and Batan in 2000.
Few details of any of these reports have been made public. All are listed in part or whole in the catalogues of the libraries of Batan or Bapeten, but are not available to the public. An extremely brief summary of the NIRA study, amounting a to little more than a single paragraph and a table (see below) was published by Sudarsono in 1984. Sukbi and his colleagues published two short papers usefully summarising of the NEWJEC study (1995, and n.d.).
In 1993 the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) provided export credits worth 700 million yen for the NEWJEC Feasibility Study.
See also:
Government sources and consultants
Feasibility Study of the First Nuclear Power Plant in Indonesia, NIRA-BATAN, ENEL-PLN, 1976-1981.
Optimized Nuclear Plant Vol I – Feasibility Study For The First Nuclear Power Plant In Indonesia, BATAN-NIRA, 1976.
Nuclear Plant Technical Evaluation/ Feasibility Study for the First Nuclear Power Plant In Indonesia, Final Reports (Ten tomes [sic]), BATAN-NIRA, 1980.
Financial Feasibility of Nuclear Plant Technical Evaluation/ Feasibility Study for the First Nuclear Power Plant In Indonesia, BATAN-NIRA, 1980.
Nuclear Site Surveys – First Volcanological Report – Extension of Feasibility Study for the first Nuclear Power Plant In Indonesia, BATAN-NIRA, 1980.
DARF Final Cocanological Report – Extension of Feasibility Study For The First Nuclear Power Plant in Indonesia, BATAN NIRA 1981
Feasibility Study Report-Executive Summary, Batan, December 1993.
National Energy Market Analysis Task No.1 : Evolution of Energy Market, Feasibility Study of the First Nuclear Power Plants at Muria Peninsula, NEWJEC, November 1992/January 1993.
National Energy Market Analysis Task No.2 : Evaluation of Energy Resources, Feasibility Study of the First Nuclear Power Plants at Muria Peninsula, NEWJEC, November 1992/January 1993.
National Energy Market Analysis Task No.3 : Forecast of Energy Demand, Feasibility Study of the First Nuclear Power Plants at Muria Peninsula, NEWJEC, November 1992/January 1993.
National Energy Market Analysis Task No.4 : Analysis of Energy Demand Management Options, Feasibility Study of the First Nuclear Power Plants at Muria Peninsula, NEWJEC, November 1992/January 1993.
Project Development, Report of Feasibility Study of the First Nuclear Power Plants at Muria Peninsula Region, December 1993.
Waste Management and Decommissioning, Report of Feasibility Study of the First Nuclear Power Plants at Muria Peninsula Region, September 1993.
Feasibility Study Report-Executive Summary, Batan, December 1993.
Comprehensive Assessment of Different Energy Sources for Electricity Generation in Indonesia (CADES), Batan/IAEA, 2000.
Report prepared by a team of Experts from Indonesia with the guidance of IAEA under the technical cooperation project INS/0/016.
The future of nuclear power in Indonesia, Budi Sudarsono, Energy, Volume 9, Issues 9-10, September-October 1984, pp. 807-813.
Finally the feasibility study on the first nuclear power plant was carried out in 1978-79. Table 4 shows the main results of the feasibility study. The feasibility report was presented to the government in April 1980, and the Energy Resources Technical Committee made its recommendation to the Energy Board at the end of 1980. However the board in 1980 decided to postpone the construction of the nuclear power plant.
Prospect and potential of nuclear power plants in Indonesia, [PDF, 738 Kb], I.R.Subki, Adiwardojo, M.S.Kasim, A. Iskandar, Mulyanto, (BATAN), IAEA, n.d.
[Ed: Summary report of the NewJEC Feasibility Study completed December 1993.] In this chapter, a more general report concerning the results of the Feasibility Studies including National Energy Market Analysis Electric Expansion Plan and the role of NPP, Economics and Financial Study, as well as Site Studies on Earthquake, Volocanology, and Environmental Impacts shall be presented.
[See also Volcanic and seismic hazards]
Indonesian requirements for future nuclear·power plants, I. Subki, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 29, Supplement 1, 1995, pp. 107-114.
In September 1989 the Indonesian Government through the National Energy Co-ordination Board (BAKOREN) decided to perform anew the NPP feasibility study including a comprehensive investigation of the Muria site in northern part of Central Java. The study itself should be carried outby the National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN), under the directives of the Energy Committee (PTE) of the Department of Mines and Energy, and with the cooperation of other institutions such as State Electricity Enterprise (PLN). On August 23, 1991, an agreement was signed in Jakarta between the Indonesian Ministry of Finance and BATAN on behalf of Indonesia, and the consultancy company NEWJEC Inc. This agreement contract NEWJEC for a four and a half year period to perform a site selection and evaluation, as well as a comprehensive nuclear power plant feasibility study.
The scope of the feasibility study includes two main components :
• The non-site studies, covering energy demand and supply, energy economy and financing, technology and safety aspects, the fuel cycle and waste management, and general management aspects, among other things•
• Site and environmental studies, covering field investigations and assessment of candidate sites, site qualification/evaluation, and environmental, socio-economic and socio-cultural impacts.
The whole feasibility study is carried out under a comprehensive quality assurance programme developed by NEWJEC, which complies with IAEA recommendations, and approved by BATAN.
On December 30, 1993, two years after the starting date (22 November 1991), NEWJEC submitted the feasibility study report (FSR) this is also called Non-site Study Report. At the end of the four and half year contract, a final report will be provided, including a site and
environmental report, and a preliminary safety analysis report. These documents will provide the information necessary for site permit application, for the design engineering basis and other project and industrial infrastructure preparation.
Profil / Karakteristik Tapak, (Hasil Studi Newjec 1991-1996), Studi Tapak dan Lingkungan [Site Profile/Characteristics, (Results of the NewJEC Study 1991-1996), Environment and Site Study], Pusat Pengembangan Energi Nuklir (PPEN), Batan.
Expected role of nuclear science and technology to support the sustainable supply of energy in Indonesia, Soedyartomo Soentono and Ferhat Aziz, Progress in Nuclear Energy 50 (2008) 75-81.
A Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Sources for Electricity Generation in Indonesia (CADES) had been carried out by a National
Team assisted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) taking place in 2001-2002 (IAEA, 2002; IAEA, 2003). The assessment utilized real data after the crisis and employed validated softwares for projecting the electricity demand, supply, as well as optimum balancing the demand and supply taking also into consideration the environmental impact, projection of population and economic growths, and life style conservatively. This assessment revised the feasibility studies carried out before the crisis and was submitted to the President by August 2003.
Additional research: Arabella Imhoff
Updated: 14 October 2008