Multinational Strategt

  • Date of Report: N/A
  • Nautilus Publication Date: September 17, 2012
  • Document No.: 874
  • Box No.: 27
  • Number: N/A
  • Publishing Status: N/A
  • Author/Editor: Directorate for Plans and Policy
  • Classification: N/A
  • File: 874-Directorate-for-Plans-and-Policy.pdf
  • Categories: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

The need for a multinational strategy was first expressed in the Defense Guidance budget of President Reagan’s administration. The Defense Guidance stated that global strategy required the U.S. and its allies to contain and reverse the expansion of Soviet control and military presence throughout the world. It was believed that securing certain objectives with each allied country would support general national security objectives.

This report examines the objectives of the USPACOM Multinational Strategy in working with multiple nations during the peacetime mission to develop and maintain adequate war-fighting capabilities.

“The U.S., and more particularly our Allies’, dependence on oil imports presents a potentially serious security and economic risk because of the major impact of an extended or large-scale interruption. We must develop plans and provisions for reducing the risk of, and vulnerabilities to, major oil supply disruptions.”

This report was released to the Nautilus Institute under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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