Defense Intelligence Reference Document March 1993

  • Date of Report: N/A
  • Nautilus Publication Date: September 17, 2012
  • Document No.: 1214
  • Box No.: 35
  • Number: DOD-2680-RP-93
  • Publishing Status: N/A
  • Author/Editor: N/A
  • Classification: N/A
  • File: Defense-Intelligence-Reference-Document-March-1993.pdf
  • Categories: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

The 1993 report focuses on the Philippines through a number of topics. Included is the history of Filipino politics, the development of the armed forces, the chain of command, the regional security issues, the military alliances and cooperation, educational attainment and demographics, and outlook of the nation. The report highlights the development of relations between the Philippines and the United States since the 1940s, and focuses a lot on the military development and capabilities of the Philippine armed forces.

The Philippines are an important part of the US Pacific security bulwark. Due to close historical ties, it serves as a trusted American partner. It is also an important regional player due to its interactions with the ASEAN nations and Japan. The report hopes to establish a more constructive relationship with the Philippines through better understanding.

“The military agreements served not only as a means of deterring foreign aggression, but also as a continuing commitment of the U.S. government to pursue the overall welfare of its former colony.” [p. 9]

This report was released to the Nautilus Institute under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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