The Cold War was slowly coming to an end in the late 1980s and early 1990s, decreasing the threat of military attack on the west coast of the United States by the Soviets. With less emphasis on the wartime duties of the U.S. military, fleets were able to concentrate on other duties. Along with wartime operations, the U.S. Navy fleets provided emergency search and rescue services, supervised merchant shipping and organized port visits.
This report explains Third Fleet’s mission and the duties assigned to the fleet in the year 1986. It describes staff organization and operations, presents a biography on the commander and provides a summary of significant events and major projects with focus on the Kahoolawe Project Division.
“THIRD Fleet’s mission is one of deterrence. But in the event of general war, THIRD Fleet’s mission would be to conduct prompt and sustained combat operations at sea in order to carry out the CINCPACFLT strategy in the theater.”
This report was released to the Nautilus Institute under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).