The 1986 report gives a comprehensive overview of the armistice reached between North and South Korea. It talks about the general guidelines of the armistice, such as who is involved, what is generally agreed upon, and the personnel and military forces involved in maintaining the status quo. The report goes further by talking about the tools of this enforcement, such as signs, and public elements that warn of it. A number of maps are also provided to give context to the DMZ and where implementations and troops deployments would be needed. It is possible that the report is responsible for many of the signs and barriers near the DMZ.
With the armistice between the Koreas, it was necessary to develop signage and regulations for maintaining the armistice and DMZ. The report gives suggestions on how to do this, as well as reinforcing the goals of the armistice.
“The Armistice Agreement is one of the most important and basic documents in effect in Korea. Each commander will insure that all personnel are aware of the provisions of the Armistice Agreement and the details of tis regulation which are necessary to prevent violations of the Agreement.” [p. 5]
This report was released to the Nautilus Institute under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).