Daily Report Archives

Daily Report Archives

Established in December 1993, the Nautilus Institute’s *N*ortheast *A*sia *P*eace and *S*ecurity *N*etwork (NAPSNet) Daily Report served thousands of readers  in more than forty countries, including policy makers, diplomats, aid organizations, scholars, donors, activists, students, and journalists.

The NAPSNet Daily Report aimed to serve a community of practitioners engaged in solving the complex security and sustainability issues in the region, especially those posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program and the threat of nuclear war in the region.  It was distributed by email rom 1993-1997, and went on-line in December 1997, which is when the archive on this site begins. The format at that time can be seen here.

However, for multiple reasons—the rise of instantaneous news services, the evolution of the North Korea and nuclear issues, the increasing demand for specialized and synthetic analysis of these and related issues, and the decline in donor support for NAPSNet—the Institute stopped producing the Daily Report news summary service as of December 17, 2010.


NAPSNet Daily Report 27 November, 2000


I. United States

1. Light-Water Reactor Project
2. Clinton’s Visit to DPRK
3. US Congressman’s DPRK Visit
4. Kofi Annan’s DPRK Visit
5. ROK-DPRK Talks
6. DPRK Military
7. US-PRC Missile Deal
8. PRC-Taiwan Talks
9. One-China Principle
10. Spratly Islands Code of Conduct
II. Republic of Korea 1. Light-Water Reactor Project
2. Four-Party Peace Talks
3. Inter-Korean Ministerial Talks
4. Reunion of Separated Families
5. Rapprochement in Inter-Korean Relations
6. US Congressman’s DPRK Visit
7. DPRK-UN Environmental Evaluation

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NAPSNet Daily Report 22 November, 2000


I. United States

1. US-PRC Missile Accord
2. Indian View of PRC Missile Sales
3. PRC Space Program
II. Republic of Korea 1. Inter-Korean Military Talks
2. US Delegation to DPRK
3. ROK Policy toward DPRK
4. ROK-Russian Military Cooperation
5. US-ROK SOFA Talks
III. Japan 1. Japanese-DPRK Normalization Talks
2. DPRK Food Situation
3. Japanese-US Issue of Host Nation Support
4. Japanese Domestic Politics

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NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 21 November, 2000

Nuclear Weapons 1. Deterrence Theory Avery Goldstein delivered a talk at FPRI based on his recent book, “Deterrence and Security in the 21st Century: China, Britain, France and the Enduring Legacy of the Nuclear Revolution.” In his talk, Goldstein argues that the meaning and requirements of nuclear deterrence were based on the unusual and atypical […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 21 November, 2000


I. United States

1. ROK Policy toward Criticism of DPRK
2. US View of DPRK-Japan Relations
3. Japan-US Relations
4. PRC Missile Policy
5. PRC Adherence to UN Human Rights Pact
6. Taiwanese Policy toward PRC
II. Republic of Korea 1. Inter-Korean Railway Project
2. DPRK Diplomacy
3. DPRK Development Plan
III. People’s Republic of China 1. PRC-US Relations
2. US Presidential Election and Taiwan
3. PRC View on US Asia-Pacific Strategy
4. Russia Proposal on Nuclear Disarmament
5. PRC Attitude to Nuclear Disarmament
6. PRC-Russian Relations
IV. Australia 1. Australian Foreign Minister’s DPRK Visit
2. DPRK Nuclear Program
3. US-Australian Defense Relations

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NAPSNet Daily Report 20 November, 2000


I. United States

1. IAEA Inspections in DPRK
2. Light-Water Reactor Project
3. Reunions of Separated Families
4. DPRK-Japan Relations
5. Korean Residents in Japan
6. Japanese No-Confidence Vote
7. Japanese Nuclear Power
8. PRC Planning for Taiwan
9. Cross-Straits Visits
10. “One-China” Principle
11. Taiwanese Political Situation
12. Russian Radar Sales to PRC
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK Foreign Relations
2. Inter-Korean Military Talks
3. EU Contributions to KEDO
4. DPRK-UNC Talks
5. Reunion of Separated Families

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NAPSNET Week in Review 17 November 2000

Korean Peninsula 1. Four-Party Peace Talks ROK officials said that when DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun met a visiting PRC delegation, he revealed that the DPRK is considering resuming the four-way Korean peace talks that have been stalled for more than a year. “Four-Party Peace Talks” (Daily Report, November 13, ROK) 2. IAEA Inspections of […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 17 November, 2000


I. United States

1. Australia Foreign Minister’s DPRK Visit
2. Inter-Korean Railway
3. ROK-DPRK Naval Incident
4. US-PRC Nonproliferation Talks
5. Cross-Straits Dialogue
II. Republic of Korea 1. PRC View of US Troops in ROK
III. Japan 1. Japanese-ROK Talks
2. Japanese Rice Aid to DPRK
3. Japanese-US Talks
4. Japanese-Russian Territorial Talks
5. Japanese-Russian Defense Exchange

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NAPSNet Daily Report 16 November, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Food Shortage
2. US-PRC Missile Talks
3. US-Australian Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK POWs in DPRK
2. ASEAN Meeting
3. DPRK-ROK Naval Incident

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NAPSNet Daily Report 15 November, 2000


I. United States

1. Australian Foreign Minister’s DPRK Visit
2. ROK-DPRK Naval Incident
3. ROK-Japan Policy Coordination
4. Cross-Straits Talks
5. Russia-PRC Missile Defense Talks
6. PRC Views of US
7. PRC-US Talks
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-UNC Talks
2. DPRK Criticizes US Ambassador

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NAPSNet Daily Report 14 November, 2000


I. United States

1. Clinton’s Visit to DPRK
2. Internal ROK Politics
3. PRC View of US-Russia Nuclear Relations
4. PRC-India Border Talks
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-EU Relations
2. Inter-Korean Defense Talks
3. Reunion of Separated Families
4. Inter-Korean Exchange
III. Russian Federation 1. RF-Asian Relations
2. DPRK-US Talks in Kuala Lumpur
3. DPRK Invites US Teachers of English
4. RF-PRC Relations
5. RF-Japan Relations
6. RF Missile Force Developments
7. RF Armed Forces
8. RF Public Opinion Polls on Military and Strategic Matters
9. RF Air Force Reconnaissance
10. RF Development of Kuril Islands
11. RF-Mongolia Relations
12. Indian Nuclear Submarines

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