Marine Radio Alphabet

Marine Radio Alphabet and Numbers A Alpha N November 1 one B Bravo O Oscar 2 two C Charlie P Papa 3 thuh-ree D Delta Q Quebec 4 four E Echo R Romeo 5 fi-yuv F Foxtrot S Sierra 6 six G Golf T Tango 7 seh-vun H Hotel U Uniform 8 eight I India […]


Follow Up in Classroom A trip on Pegasus is likely to stir some reaction, positive and negative alike, especially when the weather is bad!  There may be any number of questions and thoughts we would be happy to provide assistance with.  You can contact the Pegasus Project via their current website References Below is a […]

Acknowledgments and Project Partners

Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the financial support for The Virtual Voyage from: United States-Japan Foundation   Citibank Corporation   Additional thanks goes to the Pegasus Volunteer crew, without whom the sails could not happen. Curriculum written and produced by:  Mark Caplin, Steve Freedkin, Peter Hayes, Paul Kassatkin, Darcy Noricks, Astrid Scholz (editor), Jeannette Shereda and […]

Begin Your Virtual Voyage

Pegasus voyage on San Francisco Bay Pegasus, named after the winged horse of Greek mythology, was built in Maine after a design by John Alden & Co. in 1972.  She is 51 feet long overall, built of Philippine mahogany and sleeps 7 people comfortably.  She is equipped with hot and cold water, a galley (kitchen) […]

Wind on the Bay

  Wind Patterns on the Bay There is almost always wind on the Bay, typically moving at around 20 knots (23 mph) during the summer months, with white caps on the water more often than not.  Strong westerly winds enter the Bay through the Golden Gate as if through a funnel and are deflected from […]

What to Bring

Being prepared for the weather Going out in the Bay requires a more careful look at the weather and your choice of clothing.  Even on a warm and sunny day, the bay wind and waves always make it colder on the boat, and you need to be prepared for sudden changes in the weather.  Common […]


Hypothermia Hypothermia can be defined as heat loss greater than your body’s heat production.  The loss of body heat proceeds in stages, starting with shivering and loss of muscle control, to a shutting down of the vital organs at around 80° F body core temperature.  Hypothermia is caused by extended exposure to cold, water and […]

At the Dock

At the Dock The moment you step onto K dock where Pegasus is berthed at K 128, you are walking on water. Docks require a different sort of care than walking on ordinary roads. They are almost always slippery; there are ropes to trip over, and docks have a nasty habit of suddenly ending in […]

Leaving the Dock

Leaving the Dock   Maneuvering a large boat like Pegasus is tricky and requires the full concentration of the crew.  Hence you will be told to belay it. Pollution As we go down the channel, we use the engine.  Ideally, this would leave no sheen on the water from the oil and other scum that […]

VX Charter

About Virtual Expeditions   Virtual Expeditions is motivated by a desire to open up the walls of the classroom to the global community. VX supports online teaching and learning by: Selecting, organizing and annotating a set of the most relevant online resources. Transforming the process of surfing the web into engaging learning activities. Offering an […]