The Nautilus Weekly provides an overview of current releases from NAPSnet, summary of the bimonthly AESnet, highlights of developments in the global collaborative, recent publications on global problem solving and Freedom of Information Act, and updates on Nautilus activities and public relations. As a Nautilus Weekly subscriber, readers will also receive Nautilus Policy Forum Online and Special Reports, which bring timely insight and qualitative analysis on Northeast Asia issues to policymakers, journalists, and the general public. The Nautilus Weekly is disseminated to all subscribers of Nautilus Information Services, though readers may sign up to receive just the Nautilus Weekly. Update, Friday, July 16, 2004
NAPSnet Top Story: Rice, China’s NAPSNet Top Story: U.S.: No Normal Relations With N. Korea Citing concerns over human rights, a top State Department official said the US will not establish normal relations with the DPRK even if it fully meets U.S. demands for nuclear disarmament. Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly made that point during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing that focused on international efforts to convince the DPRK to dismantle its nuclear weapons programs. If the DPRK takes substantial steps toward disarmament, the US would be willing to extend trade and aid benefits to the DPRK but not full normalization of relations, Kelly said. That step could be taken only after the DPRK improves its human rights performance and ends objectionable activity in other areas, he said. “U.S.: No Normal Relations With N. Korea“
AESNet Top Story: Options For Rehabilitation Of Energy System & Energy Security & Energy Planning In DPR Of Korea The Nautilus Institute released this paper prepared for the Asian Energy Security workshop in Beijing, China in May 2004. The report states, “the most important task for the sustainable development of the economy is to realize the rehabilitation of existing energy systems and to ensure its long-term safety in the DPRK.” The overall objective of the energy sector – an increase in production of domestic resources with improved demand side management and environmental sustainability – is subject to a lack of funding and technology. Policy priorities focus on the establishment of “an efficient, stable and sustainable system.” Read the Read the full essay.
Global Dislocations, Network Solutions This global problem-solving essay was written by Francis Pisani, a Bay Area based technology correspondent for international newspapers El País (Spain), Le Monde (France) and Reforma (Mexico), and John Arquilla, author of Netwar and Associate Professor of Defense Analysis, US Naval Postgraduate School. In this paper Pisani and Arquilla discuss how to preserve an inter-connected world without sacrificing the heterogeneity of culture and practice. Read the full Read the full essay..
China’s Role In The Course Of North Korea Transition This special report by Liu Ming, professor at the Shanghai Academy of Social Science, was presented at the 2004 Workshop: “Towards a Peaceful Resolution with North Korea: Crafting a New International Engagement Framework” in Washington D.C. The workshop, which ran from February 12-13, 2004, was hosted by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and the Korea Economic Institute (KEI), in cooperation with the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). In this paper Professor Liu examines the changing relationship between the PRC and the DPRK noting, “the nuclear crisis offers a chance for China to increase its influence on North Korea and adjusts its traditional relations with and approach to the North.” Read the full Read the full essay.. |