Daily Report Archives

Daily Report Archives

Established in December 1993, the Nautilus Institute’s *N*ortheast *A*sia *P*eace and *S*ecurity *N*etwork (NAPSNet) Daily Report served thousands of readers  in more than forty countries, including policy makers, diplomats, aid organizations, scholars, donors, activists, students, and journalists.

The NAPSNet Daily Report aimed to serve a community of practitioners engaged in solving the complex security and sustainability issues in the region, especially those posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program and the threat of nuclear war in the region.  It was distributed by email rom 1993-1997, and went on-line in December 1997, which is when the archive on this site begins. The format at that time can be seen here.

However, for multiple reasons—the rise of instantaneous news services, the evolution of the North Korea and nuclear issues, the increasing demand for specialized and synthetic analysis of these and related issues, and the decline in donor support for NAPSNet—the Institute stopped producing the Daily Report news summary service as of December 17, 2010.


NAPSNet Daily Report 24 May, 2001


I. United States

1. Second Inter-Korean Summit
2. Anniversary of First Summit
3. Alleged PRC Technology Transfer
4. US Spy Plane in PRC
5. PRC-Philippines South China Sea Disputes

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NAPSNet Daily Report 23 May, 2001


I. United States

1. PRC-ROK Talks
2. Future of Korean Peninsula
3. Japanese Textbook Issue
4. Taiwan Air Defense
5. Chen Shui-bian’s US Stopover
6. Asia-Europe Meeting

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NAPSNet Daily Report 22 May, 2001


I. United States

1. Kim Jong-Il’s Rumored PRC Visit
2. Mt. Kumgang Tourism Project
3. ROK Views of US Policy
4. Comfort Women Issue
5. PRC-US Relations
6. PRC Security Policy
7. Russian View of Missile Defense
8. US Military on Okinawa
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK on Agreed Framework
2. DPRK View of US Policy
3. DPRK Economic Growth
III. People’s Republic of China 1. PRC on PRC-US Relations
2. PRC Scholar on US’s PRC Policy
3. PRC View on Defense Shields
4. Russian View on Defense Shields
5. PRC on Japanese History Textbook Issue
IV. Announcements 1. Talk on Korean Peninsula Conflicts
2. Conference on Korean Studies
3. Article on US-DPRK Relations

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NPP Weekly FLASH Update, May 21, 2001

CONTENTS Volume 3, #20 May 21, 2001 Missile Defense US Consultations on Missile Defense Reaction to Consultations: Russia Reaction to Consultations: Europe Reaction to Consultations: PRC Reaction to Consultations: South Asia Commentary on Missile Defense Nuclear Weapons DPRK Agreed Framework PRC Nuclear Test Russian Early Warning Satellites PRC Nuclear Program British Nuclear Tests Security Militarization […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 21 May, 2001


I. United States

1. Taiwan Patriot Missile Test
2. US Policy toward Taiwan
3. Regional Implications of US-PRC Relations
4. PRC Response to Indian View of NMD
5. Thailand-Myanmar Border Dispute
II. Republic of Korea 1. Aid to DPRK
2. Inter-Korean Talks
3. DPRK Leader’s Son May have Visited US
4. DPRK on Missile Issue
5. DPRK Adopts PRC’s Policy
6. Kim Jong-Il Inspects Army
7. Aid to DPRK
III. Japan 1. Kim Jong-Nam’s Entry into Japan
2. Japanese View of NMD
3. Japanese-Russian Territorial Issue
4. Japanese History Textbook
IV. Russian Federation 1. RF-PRC Border Situation
2. RF Far East and PRC Crime Expansion
3. PRC-US Hacker War
4. RF-Japan Territorial Issues
5. Kuril Transfer Economic Implications
6. Japanese History Textbook Controversy
7. RF-DPRK Relations
8. DPRK-EU Relations

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NAPSNET Week in Review 18 May, 2001

Korea 1. US Policy towards DPRK US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher urged the DPRK to continue its moratorium on missile tests and said, “We will conduct our review in a thorough manner and we’ll anticipate completing it in a timely fashion.” US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage stated that it is the DPRK’s […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 18 May, 2001


I. United States

1. Commentary on US-DPRK Relations
2. US Strategy in Asia
3. US Military View of PRC
4. Lee Kuan Yew’s View of PRC
5. Cross-Strait Relations
6. PRC-India Talks
7. Japan’s Role in Asia
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK on Talks with US
2. ROK-US Relations
3. DPRK on Keumgang Tourism
4. DPRK on Missile Issue

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NAPSNet Daily Report 17 May, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK Warning on Agreed Framework
2. DPRK Condition Report
3. US Strategic Planning in Asia
4. US-PRC Missile Talks
5. US-PRC Relations
6. PRC Military Exercises
7. PRC Foreign Policy
8. US Relations with Taiwan
II. Republic of Korea 1. ASEAN Forum
2. Russia on Inter-Korean Relations
3. DPRK Officer to Visit US
4. DPRK on ROK Military Exercise
5. DPRK Famine
6. US Policy towards DPRK
7. DPRK-Russia Arms Deal

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NAPSNet Daily Report 15 May, 2001


I. United States

1. ROK Presses US-DPRK Relations
2. New Zealand Aid to DPRK
3. US Military Focus in Asia
4. US-PRC Missile Defense Talks
5. US Spy-plane Incident
6. Cross-Strait Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. US on DPRK
2. DPRK-PRC Talks Expected
3. Inter-Korean Talks
III. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK Agriculture Development
2. DPRK-US Talks
4. ROK Media on US Human Rights Policy
5. US Strengthening Space Military Force
6. US-Russian Talks over NMD
7. PRC View on NMD
8. World Opinion on Missile Defense
9. PRC View on Air Collision
10. Japanese Constitution Revision

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NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 14 May, 2001

Missile Defense 1. US Missile Defense Program The Acronym Institute released a document with the full text of US President Bush’s speech outlining US intentions on missile defense and arms control. Accompanying are relevant excerpts of statements by officials in the Bush administration, US Congressmen, and heads of foreign governments and international institutions. The statements […]

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