Daily Report Archives

Daily Report Archives

Established in December 1993, the Nautilus Institute’s *N*ortheast *A*sia *P*eace and *S*ecurity *N*etwork (NAPSNet) Daily Report served thousands of readers  in more than forty countries, including policy makers, diplomats, aid organizations, scholars, donors, activists, students, and journalists.

The NAPSNet Daily Report aimed to serve a community of practitioners engaged in solving the complex security and sustainability issues in the region, especially those posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program and the threat of nuclear war in the region.  It was distributed by email rom 1993-1997, and went on-line in December 1997, which is when the archive on this site begins. The format at that time can be seen here.

However, for multiple reasons—the rise of instantaneous news services, the evolution of the North Korea and nuclear issues, the increasing demand for specialized and synthetic analysis of these and related issues, and the decline in donor support for NAPSNet—the Institute stopped producing the Daily Report news summary service as of December 17, 2010.


NAPSNet Daily Report 10 July, 2001


I. United States

1. US-DPRK Talks
2. US Troops in Asia
3. US-Japan Status of Forces Agreement
4. US-PRC Relations
5. Cross-Straits Proposals
II. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK-ROK Relations
2. Japanese 2001 Defense White Paper
3. PRC on Defense Technology Development
4. PRC-US Relations
5. PRC-Russian Relations

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NAPSNet Daily Report 09 July, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK Missile Program
2. Food Aid for DPRK
3. Cross-Straits Relations
4. Japanese Textbook Controversy
5. US Forces in Japan
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK Missile Program
2. Powell’s ROK Visit
3. DPRK View of Hwang’s US Visit
4. DPRK Participation in Vietnam War
5. Inter-Korean Tech Venture

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NAPSNET Week in Review 6 July, 2001

Korea 1. DPRK Missile Program The Washington Times reported that the DPRK conducted an engine test of its long-range missile last week. US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher declined to comment directly on the report, but said that the US expects the DPRK to abide by its moratorium on flight tests. “DPRK Missile Program” (NAPSNet […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 06 July, 2001


I. United States

1. Implementation of Agreed Framework
2. Colin Powell’s Asian Visit
3. Bush-Jiang Talks
4. US Intelligence on PRC
5. Japanese History Textbook
II. Republic of Korea 1. Inter-Korean Talks
2. DPRK-PRC Relations
3. Hwang Jang-yop’s US Visit

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NAPSNet Daily Report 05 July, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK Missile Program
2. DPRK-Cuba Relations
3. EU-Taiwan Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK Missile Test
2. DPRK Officials to Visit Japan
3. PRC Officials to Visit DPRK
4. DPRK Students in US
5. DPRK-Myanmar Relations
III. Russian Federation 1. RF Nuclear Submarine
2. RF-USA Naval Contacts
3. PRC Immigration to RF
4. US Reconnaissance Plane in PRC
5. US-Japanese Summit
6. South Kurils Issue
7. RF-Indian Missile Cooperation

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NAPSNet Daily Report 03 July, 2001


I. United States

1. US Policy toward DPRK
2. DPRK Missile Developments
3. Japanese History Textbook
4. US Spy Plane
5. PRC-Indian Relations
II. People’s Republic of China 1. PRC Views of Japan
2. Militarization of Outer Space
3. US Defense Strategy
4. ABM Treaty
5. PRC-US Relations
6. Cross-Straits Relations

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NAPSNet Daily Report 02 July, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK Refugees
2. DPRK-PRC Relations
3. Cross-Straits Talks
4. PRC Policy toward Taiwan
5. PRC-Indian Relations
6. Japanese Remilitarization
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK Defectors
2. ROK on Inter-Korean Talks
3. US Missile Test

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NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 30 June, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. US Nuclear Forces US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that the detailed 2002 budget proposal that will be presented to Congress will include a request to dismantle all fifty of the US nuclear MX “Peacekeeper” missiles as part of the US unilateral disarmament plan. US Air Force officials report that it […]

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NAPSNET Week in Review 30 June, 2001

Korea 1. IAEA Inspections of DPRK The DPRK’s official KCNA news agency reported that the DPRK will not allow UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) monitors to inspect its nuclear program until the US speeds up construction of two nuclear reactors promised under the 1994 Agreed Framework. The IAEA has said verification may take two […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 29 June, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK Refugees in PRC
2. ROK Defense Spending
3. US Troops in Okinawa
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK Defectors in PRC
2. ROK on Inter-Korean Talks

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