Daily Report Archives

Daily Report Archives

Established in December 1993, the Nautilus Institute’s *N*ortheast *A*sia *P*eace and *S*ecurity *N*etwork (NAPSNet) Daily Report served thousands of readers  in more than forty countries, including policy makers, diplomats, aid organizations, scholars, donors, activists, students, and journalists.

The NAPSNet Daily Report aimed to serve a community of practitioners engaged in solving the complex security and sustainability issues in the region, especially those posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program and the threat of nuclear war in the region.  It was distributed by email rom 1993-1997, and went on-line in December 1997, which is when the archive on this site begins. The format at that time can be seen here.

However, for multiple reasons—the rise of instantaneous news services, the evolution of the North Korea and nuclear issues, the increasing demand for specialized and synthetic analysis of these and related issues, and the decline in donor support for NAPSNet—the Institute stopped producing the Daily Report news summary service as of December 17, 2010.


Policy Forum 02-24A: Response to Alexandre Mansourov’s essay “North Korea Goes Nuclear, Washington Readies for War, South Korea Holds Key” posted on NAPSNet of December 9, 2002.

Below is commentary by Timothy Savage on Alexandre Mansourov’s essay “North Korea Goes Nuclear, Washington Readies for War, South Korea Holds Key” posted on NAPSNet of December 9, 2002. The original piece can be found

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NAPSNet Daily Report 09 December, 2002


I. United States

1. PRC Defense Policy
2. ROK Response to Anti-US Protests
3. US-Russia on DPRK
4. ROK-US Security Alliance
5. Taiwan on PRC Human Rights
6. Iraq Arms Declaration
II. People’s Republic of China 1. PRC-US Relations on Taiwan Issue
2. PRC-Russia Relations
3. US-Japan Relations
4. Across Taiwan Straits Relations
5. PRC’s Attitude towards Korean Peninsula Peace
6. US-PRC Military Relations
7. US-ROK Relations
8. US-Russia Relations

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NAPSNet Daily Report 06 December, 2002


I. United States

1. PRC DPRK Smuggling Trial
2. ROK Anti-US Hunger Strike
3. PRC Economic Status
4. Cross-Straits Direct Links
5. Japan’s Role in Iraq
6. DPRK-ROK Red Cross Talks

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NAPSNet Daily Report 05 December, 2002


I. United States

1. DPRK Rejects Nuclear Inspections
2. US on DPRK Inspections Rejection
3. Cross-Straits Direct Links
4. DPRK Slabe Labor Camps?
5. US on ROK Domestic Politics
6. Japan-US Soldier Rape Case

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NAPSNet Daily Report 04 December, 2002


I. United States

1. DPRK on IAEA Inspections
2. PRC and Russia on Iraq Oil
3. Cross-Straits Direct Links
4. DPRK Humanitarian Crisis
5. PRC Internet Censorship
6. Japan-US Military Relations
7. US-Asia Relations
8. DPRK Industrial Zone
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK President’s Comment on SOFA
2. Rejection of Military Working Level Talks by DPRK
3. Anti-US Protest
4. PRC, Russia, Common Urge to DPRK
5. DPRK Defectors Issue

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NAPSNet Daily Report 03 December, 2002


I. United States

1. Inter-Korean Railway Vulnerability?
2. IAEA on DPRK Nuclear Development
4. PRC Internet Human Rights
5. Japan-DPRK Relations
6. International Red Cross in PRC
7. DPRK on Mount Kumgang Special Tourism Zone
II. Japan 1. Japan-US Military Cooperation
2. SDF-Police Cooperation
3. US Bases in Japan
III. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK-ROK Relations
2. PRC Commentary on DPRK-ROK Relations
3. US, ROK Relations with DPRK
4. PRC-US Relations
5. PRC-ROK Relations
6. Across Taiwan Straits Relations
7. PRC-Russia Ties
8. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Joint Communique
9. US-Russian Ties

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NAPSNet Daily Report 02 December, 2002


I. United States

1. UN Agency on DPRK Nuclear Program
2. US-DPRK Relations
3. PRC and Russia on DPRK
4. PRC Aids Crisis
5. PRC-Russia Summit
6. ROK US Protest
7. DPRK Asylum Seekers
8. PRC-Russia Energy Talks
9. Inter-Korean Border Crossing
II. Republic of Korea 1. IAEA Interference on DPRK
2. KEDO’s Pressure on DPRK
3. DPRK Issue on Nuclear Crisis
4. UNC Insisting Armistice Agreement
5. US Deputy Secretary of State Visiting ROK
III. Japan 1. KEDO-DPRK Relations
2. Japan-DPRK Relations
IV. CanKor E-Clipping 1. Issue #108

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NAPSNet Daily Report 28 November, 2002


I. United States

1. US on Agreed Framework
2. DPRK on HOF and Agreed Framework
3. PRC on Agreed Framework
4. PRC Domestic Politics
5. Japan Spy Satellites
6. Japan Missile Shield Issue
7. ROK Anti-US Protests
II. Japan 1. US Military Drill in Japan
2. US Bases in Okinawa
3. Overseas A-Bomb Survivors

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NAPSNET Week in Review 27 November, 2002

Korean Peninsula 1. US ROK Schoolgirls Apology US President George W. Bush has apologized to the ROK people for the death of two schoolgirls killed by US soldiers in a traffic accident. The June 13 deaths inflamed anti-US passions here and the acquittal of the soldiers last week of negligent homicide sparked widespread protests. “President […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 25 November, 2002


I. United States

1. Taiwan Domestic Politics
2. DPRK on Non-Aggression Pact
3. ROK US Soldier Trial
4. PRC on DPRK Nuclear Program
6. Russia-PRC Relations
7. Japan Anti-Terror War SDF Participation
8. Japan-DPRK Relations
9. DPRK US Army Defector
10. ROK Presidential Elections
11. DPRK Mount Kumgang Special Tourism Zone
12. Pakistan-DPRK Nuclear Connection?
13. Inter-Korean Railway Project
14. DPRK Bans US Dollars

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