
AdaptNet (ISSN: 1836-2478) is RMIT University Global Cities Research Institute’s Climate Change Adaptation Program network focused on urban climate change adaptation. It is produced in partnership with Nautilus Institute. This decentralized network creates a set of common knowledge and reference points for participants in the network; it offers information, analysis, and methodology to undertake urban climate change adaptive policy research and analysis. AdaptNet highlights best practice and demonstration projects.  It focuses on cities in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, but acknowledges the global network of cities.


AdaptNet Editor: Saleem Janjua, Email: adaptnet@rmit.edu.au

English Edition

AdaptNet for 1 April 2008

  1. ANU Brief: Climate Change and Public Policy
  2. Implications of Climate Change for Urban Transport System
  3. Quantifying the Vulnerability to Climate Hazards – India
  4. Climate Change Adaptation in Water Sector – Strategic Input
  5. Impact of Climate Change on International Security
  6. Education Walking to Threat, Hope and Possibility – Conference
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AdaptNet for 18 March 2008

  1. CSIRO Assesses Impacts of Reduced Water Availability in Australian Murray Darling Basin
  2. ADAPT – A Screening and Design Tool
  3. Post-2012 Climate Regime: Implications for Developing Asia
  4. Review of Climate Change Adaptation – Forest Ecosystems
  5. Options for Dealing with Drought Risks – Vietnam
  6. Coastal Cities Summit: Values and Vulnerabilities – USA
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AdaptNet for 11 March 2008

  1. Garnaut Climate Change Review Releases Interim Report
  2. A Prospectus for Urban Resilience Research
  3. Energy Picture: Where Are We Now? Where Are We Headed?
  4. Economic Assessment of Adaptation Strategies – Italy
  5. How Communities Can Prepare for Climate Change Impacts?
  6. Digital Earth Summit on Geoinformatics – Germany
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AdaptNet for 4 March 2008

  1. Stern Review Methodology – An Assessment
  2. Asian Cities Face Rising Flood Threat
  3. Regional Impacts of Climate Change – United States
  4. Role of the Media in Disasters – Asia Pacific
  5. Science of Climate Change – Disagreements
  6. Climate Change and Restoration – Call for Submissions
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AdaptNet for 26 February 2008

  1. Climate Threat and Urban Response – Australian Cities
  2. How Much Renewable Energy Can We Have in the Future?
  3. Climate of Fear about Our Future Climate
  4. Counting the Cost of Climate Change – EEA Report
  5. New Development in China’s Climate Change Policy
  6. Bridging the Gap Conference – Slovenia, Portorož
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AdaptNet for 19 February 2008

  1. Effect of Climate Change on Rural Australia
  2. Climate Change Impacts on Cities – Literature Review
  3. Dangerous Level of GHGs and Climate Change Knowledge
  4. Human Development Challenge of 21st Century – Climate Change
  5. Adaptive Governance in Water Sector – South Asia
  6. Better Air Quality Workshop 2008 – Bangkok
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AdaptNet for 12 February 2008

  1. AP6: A Distraction to the Kyoto Process or a Viable Alternative?
  2. Climate Change Impacts on Urban Water Utilities
  3. Measuring Vulnerability to Natural Hazards – Fundamentals
  4. Climate Change and Malaysian National Response
  5. Livestock Choice – Climate Change Adaptation in Africa
  6. Sustainability Conference 2009 – Mauritius
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AdaptNet for 5 February 2008

  1. Assessing the Changes to Fire Weather – Southeast Australia
  2. Climate Change and Water Supply in Urban Areas – California
  3. National Security and the Threat of Climate Change
  4. Principles for Planned Adaptation to Climate Change
  5. Climate Change Impact on Profitability of SSTs
  6. Climate Change Adaptation and Development – Short Course
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AdaptNet for 29 January 2008

  1. Assessing the Economic Impacts of Australian Emissions Targets
  2. Adaptive Measures at Sub-national Levels of Government – US
  3. Linkages between Climate Change and Security – Africa
  4. Carbon Crunch – Meeting the Cost
  5. Integrating Development in Climate Change
  6. World Wind Energy Conference (WWEC) – 2008
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AdaptNet for 22 January 2008

  1. IPCC Underestimates the Risks of Greater Warming
  2. The Right to Development in a Climate Constraint World
  3. How Prepared is Pakistan for Natural Disasters?
  4. Welfare-Optimizing Climate-Economy Models: Inconsistencies
  5. GEF: Funding for Adaptation or Adapting to Funds
  6. Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management – Conference
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