
Forth Workshop on East Asia Energy Futures Project

November 4th to 7th, 2003
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Background   Papers   Participants   Agenda

4 November

Opening Remarks and Presentation of Meeting Goals and Schedule

Country Energy Sector Update

Presentations of Progress on LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning) Data Sets

8:30-9:30        Welcome tea and breakfast (Registration)

Opening Remarks and Presentation of Workshop Goals and Schedule

9:30-10:00       Opening Remarks by Canadian Workshop Hosts

10:00-10:10     Presentation of Workshop Goals and Schedule

Country Energy Sector Updates

10:10-14:30     Presentations by a representative from each country can include the following subjects:

1.      Summary of recent changes in the energy sector of each country.

2.      The latest (official or unofficial) energy outlook of each country (brief).

3.      Summary of national concerns regarding energy and environmental security, and presentation of national plans (in general) to address those concerns.

4.      Summary of national interest in or participation in regional initiatives for sharing energy resources.

5.      Special topics of concern to country presenting.



Russia (Russian Far East)

12:15-13:00  LUNCH

Republic of Korea


Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea



14:30-14:45 BREAK

Presentation of Existing LEAP Data Sets

14:45-16:30     Presentations by a representative from each country that has already developed a LEAP data set can include the following subjects:

1.      Summary of the status of the LEAP modeling efforts including: current status of the data collection, collection methodology, key data sources and key data gaps, problems encountered in gathering data, concerns of the country team regarding data availability and quality, and other topics.

2.      Business as Usual (BAU) energy paths presentations:

BAU path design and assumptions — What were the central sources used?  What are the overall assumptions about demographics and economics in the country in the future?  Do any of the assumptions have regional implications?

Reasonableness of BAU paths—are the assumptions made reasonable given recent trends in the country?

3.      “National” alternative paths (descriptions of initial/proposed approaches)

Energy Paths Discussion (Part 1):

16:30-17:30     Preliminary Discussion of Energy Paths Approaches and Options, and Integration of National Paths into Regional Framework for Evaluation of Regional Benefits and Costs of Resource Sharing

17:30              END OF FIRST DAY


5 February

Regional Energy Sharing Alternatives

Energy Paths Discussion (Part 2)

Begin LEAP Training

9:30-11:00       Overview presentation that focus on the relative benefits of regional grid connections, gas pipelines, investments in improved LNG import facilities, and end use efficiency increases in gas/electricity end-uses.

11:00-11:15    Break

11:15-12:45:    Discussion of Energy Paths Approaches and Options, and Integration of National Paths into Regional Framework for Evaluation of Regional Benefits and Costs of Resource Sharing; Discussion of Collaborative Approach to Continuing Project

12:45-13:30  LUNCH

AfternoonBegin Training in LEAP2003 Energy/Environment/Economic Planning and Policy Analysis Software: Lectures and Hands-on Training through Exercises

17:30              END OF SECOND DAY


6 February

Continue LEAP Training and Applications

Begin 9:30 AM

Morning and Afternoon:  Continue training with LEAP2003 Software.  Some participants will continue with Exercises, some will begin/continue work on their own data sets.  Individualized assistance will be provided for all participants.

Lunch and Breaks Scheduled as Appropriate

17:30              END OF THIRD DAY

7 February

Continue LEAP Training and Applications

Begin 9:30 AM

Morning: Possible Visit to Local Researchers and/or Special Software Demonstration or to Local Energy Facility

Continue LEAP Training and Applications

Lunch and Breaks Scheduled as Appropriate

Late Afternoon: Discussion of Next Steps in Regional Collaborative Research


17:30              END OF WORKSHOP