Introduction to GPPAC
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is an international network of civil society organizations working for conflict prevention worldwide. It was formed in response to a call by (then) United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan for civil society to take more initiative and help build a new international consensus on the prevention of violent conflict and peacebuilding.
GPPAC aims to support a shift from reaction to prevention through the following goals:
1. To create a sustainable network of individuals and groups committed to prevention and peacebuilding at global, regional, and national levels. This network includes multi-stakeholder partnerships involving governments, Regional Organizations and the UN in this partnership to create or improve mechanisms for interaction between these actors and civil society.
2. To articulate and work towards the implementation of a policy change agenda, as articulated in the series of Regional Action Agendas and in the Global Action Agenda, that will strengthen the effectiveness of conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
3. To generate and mobilise diverse public constituencies around the world who are informed about the need for prevention and peacebuilding and the important role of civil society in achieving it and who actively support human security as an alternative to militarism.
Divided into 15 regions, GPPAC has worked over the past three years to develop Regional Action Agendas on conflict prevention, and a Global Action Agenda, presented at the GPPAC Global Conference at UN Headquarters from19 – 21 July 2005.