China’s Energy Outlook August, 2000
By: Jonathan Sinton, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories
Cooperation in the Energy Futures of China and the United States
Executive Summary, 2000
National Research Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Engineering Academy
The Oil Question
China’s Thirst For Oil from the Financial Times; September 26, 2000
China May Create An Oil Exchange from the Financial Times; September 26, 2000
The Coming of Natural Gas
Natural Gas Gains Momentum from the China Business Review, July / August 1998
In Shanghai, coal is out, natural gas is in from China Online; August 24, 2000
Three Gorges Dam
Critical Overview by the International Rivers Network; December, 1999
Ecological Considerations
Is China Taking Actions To Limit its Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
By: ZhongXiang Zhang, University of Groningen; September, 1998
A Harbinger of the Problems Confronting China’s Economy and Environment:
the great Chinese shrimp disaster of 1993
from the Journal of Contemporary China, July, 2000
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