Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 2 April 2015

DETERRENCE: How US Special Forces uses Google Maps DPRK: China rejects North Korea request to join Asian Infrastructure Bank GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: The new Asian bank and a new world order CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: A conflict-sensitive approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation in the urbanizing Asia- Pacific CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: My country or my planet? Exploring the influence of multiple place […]

Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 26 March 2015

DETERRENCE: Ballistic missile defense and strategic stability in East Asia DPRK: What do the recent Japan, China, South Korea talks mean? GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: China’s “Silent Spring” moment? CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Planning for cooler cities: a framework to prioritise green infrastructure to mitigate high temperatures in urban landscapes AUSTRAL AND SECURITY: A foreign policy realist and dissenter DETERRENCE: Ballistic missile […]

Nuclear terrorism risks in Northeast Asia: Japan’s reactor restart and spent fuel

NAPSNet Special Report by Peter Hayes 23 March 2015 I. SUMMARY In this report Peter Hayes examines the risk of nuclear terrorism in Northeast Asia with particular reference to Japan. He states that Japan is no more immune to nuclear terrorism than it was to a catastrophic reactor accident. In this context, the combination of […]

Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 19 March 2015

DETERRENCE: Triangular nuclear competitions DPRK: Where’s that North Korean ICBM everyone was talking about? GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: The Fukushima disaster wasn’t disastrous because of the radiation CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: Reflections on climate-conflict research: More confusion than knowledge DETERRENCE: Triangular nuclear competitions, Michael Krepon, Arms Control Wonk (9 […]

A comprehensive agreement for security in Northeast Asia

by Morton Halperin 16 March 2015 Introduction In this Policy Forum Morton H. Halperin writes ‘A new approach is clearly needed to prevent the DPRK from testing and deploying its operational nuclear weapons capability and to persuade it to de-nuclearize.’ Halperin lays out a plan for achieving a comprehensive security agreement in Northeast Asia, ‘one […]

Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 12 March 2015

DETERRENCE: Can a Sino-Japanese war be controlled? DPRK: China offers economic incentives in exchange for S. Korea rejecting THAAD: report GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Behind masks, guerilla-style groups scattering leaflets critical of Pres. Park CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Climate-related flood risks and urban responses in the Pearl River Delta AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: It pains me to say it, but Abbott […]

Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 5 March 2015

DETERRENCE: N. Korea conducts submarine missile ejection test: sources DPRK: North Korea warns U.S. about pre-emptive strike ‘if necessary’ GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Small step by Tokyo district could be giant leap for LGBT equality CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: My country or my planet? CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: Climate-chaos migrants set to face increasingly closed borders  DETERRENCE: N. Korea conducts submarine […]