Cyber threats and the challenge of de-alerting US and Russian nuclear forces

Andrew Futter writes ‘A quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War, both the United States and Russia retain a significant number of nuclear weapons … capable of inflicting almost unimaginable damage, death and devastation.’

Futter argues that ‘the logic of de-alerting these nuclear forces and enhancing the safety and security of nuclear systems is becoming increasingly persuasive and urgent….. [T]his appears to be becoming particularly pronounced as we move into a era increasingly dominated by the threat of “cyber attacks”.’

Nautilus Peace and Security Network: 12 June 2015

DETERRENCE: US finds peeling back the Iran sanctions onion no easy task DPRK: Adherence to and compliance with arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament agreements and commitments GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Seoul gay pride organizers vow to defy police ban CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030 AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: Iraq: an avoidable catastrophe? DETERRENCE: US finds peeling back […]

Opportunities beyond the Australian Energy White Paper

by Samantha Mella and Geoff James 8 June 2015 I. Introduction Samantha Mella and Geoff James write “The (Australian Energy) White Paper’s framework of competition, productivity and investment provides a good platform for discussion, but a number of important issues are not addressed. These include the development of Australia’s abundant renewable energy resources, the consideration […]

Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 4 June 2015

DETERRENCE: Prompt global strike: China and the spear DPRK: N. Korea mum on fresh U.S. dialogue offer: sources GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: With rural Japan shrinking and aging, a small town seeks to stem the trend CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Challenges of urban resilience in India AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: Spooks admit it in private: Snowden has made them rethink their methods […]

Nuclear Threat and Korean Reunification

by Peter Hayes 1 June 2015 I. Introduction In this Policy Forum Peter Hayes writes that “reunification will become harder and increase in social, economic, and security cost the longer and deeper the DPRK develops nuclear weapons. The faster nuclear weapons are removed from the scene, the sooner reunification can commence at a cheaper cost, with […]

Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 28 May 2015

DETERRENCE: How Israel hid its secret nuclear weapons program DPRK: FKI plans new liaison branch in Pyongyang GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Controversy follows as activists cross North-South Korean border CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Australia and Climate Change Negotiations: at the Table, or on the Menu? CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: Climate change and security: here’s the analysis, when’s the action? DETERRENCE: How Israel […]

Expanded Communications Satellite Surveillance and Intelligence Activities Utilising Multi-beam Antenna Systems

by Desmond Ball, Duncan Campbell, Bill Robinson and Richard Tanter 28 May 2015 The full report is available here. I. Introduction The recent expansion of FORNSAT/COMSAT (foreign satellite/communications satellite) interception by the UKUSA or Five Eyes (FVEY) partners has involved the installation over the past eight years of multiple advanced quasi-parabolic multi-beam antennas, known as Torus, […]

Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 21 May 2015

DETERRENCE: Pentagon report: China deploys MIRV missile DPRK: South announces new aid for North GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: South Korea: Sentenced to life: Conscientious objectors in South Korea CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Human cost of natural disasters: a global perspective AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: B-1 bombers brouhaha: minor dispute, big rift DETERRENCE: Pentagon report: China deploys MIRV missile, Hans Kristensen, FAS Blog […]

Does Australia Energy Export Future Lie with the Asian Supergrid?

By Samantha Mella 19 May 2015 I. Introduction Samantha Mella writes that, despite climate concerns, the current Australian government is fixated on supporting and expanding the Australian coal industry. Mella argues that ‘Australia may benefit from reconsidering what it means to be an energy superpower in 2015. In the era of an altered climate and carbon […]

Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 14 May 2015

DETERRENCE: Seoul, U.S. split on North Korea nuclear threat DPRK: DPRK SLBM test GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: China’s counter-pivot response CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: Protecting Indonesia’s forests is a key issue for Paris climate talks DETERRENCE: Seoul, U.S. split on North Korea nuclear threat, Alastair Gale, Wall Street Journal (13 April 2015) ROK vice defense minister dismissed US Admiral […]