Nautilus Peace and Security – 15 January

DETERRENCE: Strategic Negligence and the Sony Sideshow DPRK: “Briefing: The North Korean Threat: Nuclear, missiles and cyber” GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: South Korea launches world’s second-largest carbon trading market DETERRENCE: Strategic Negligence and the Sony Sideshow, Peter Hayes, NAPSNet Policy Forum, December 22, 2014 The Obama Administration handling of The Interview sideshow distracted it from stopping and reversing North Korea’s […]

Nautilus Peace and Security – 8 January

DETERRENCE: China develops anti-drone laser DPRK: Kim Jong-un’s New Year Address GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Group launches #HackThemBack, a campaign to bring information to North Korea DETERRENCE: China develops anti-drone laser, Xinhua, November 2, 2014. Drones now pose a threat in many countries. China tested a laser defense system able to destroy a low altitude drone (below 500 m […]

Nautilus Peace and Security – 18 December

DETERRENCE: Deterrence, Kim Jong Un’s Nuclear Doctrine and Strategy: What Everyone Needs to Know DPRK: North Korea’s cyber warfare and challenges for the U.S.-ROK alliance GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Gay rights opponents block hearing in Seoul CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Climate Change and the City: Building Capacity for Urban Adaptation CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: Good COP, bad COP: Winners and losers […]

Nautilus Peace and Security – 11 December

DETERRENCE: Nuclear Weapons and Coercive Escalation in Regional Conflicts, Lessons from North Korea and Pakistan GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Strict new Japan secrets law to take effect amid protests CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: The Sustainable Development Goals – Will They Deliver Climate Compatible Development for Vulnerable Countries? AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: Pentagon in denial about civilian casualties of U.S. airstrikes […]

Nautilus Peace and Security – 27 November

DETERRENCE: Air Force missile sites to get Wi-Fi DPRK: N. Korean envoy sent to Russia to ease diplomatic isolation GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Watchdog estimates N.K. development costs at $500b CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Creating New Norms on Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Displacement: International Developments 2010 – 2013 AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: Abbott clueless on how to handle US and China […]

Nautilus Peace and Security – 20 November

DETERRENCE: It’s Time to Talk About Nukes Again DPRK: N.K. Special Envoy meets with Putin GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: China uses APEC Summit as Platform to boost Leadership Role in Region ENERGY SECURITY: Cleaner, more efficient Cookstoves should be on front burner of Women’s needs in Developing Countries CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Climate Change in the Places We Live: What the […]

Nautilus Peace and Security – 6 November

DETERRENCE: A Plutonium-Rich Asia DPRK: STTB: Russian Invasion Edition GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Korea, New Issues Threaten Regional Security: Seoul FM ENERGY SECURITY: The Problem with Energy Efficiency CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Retreat from Retreat – The Backward Evolution of Sea-Level Rise Policy in Australia, and the Implications for Local Government CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: A Disagreement over Climate-Conflict Link Heats Up DETERRENCE: A […]

Nautilus Peace and Security – 30 October

DETERRENCE: Can ASEAN Sell Its Nuclear Free Zone to the Nuclear Club? DPRK: A Conversation with Jang Il Hun (DPRK Ambassador) GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Japanese Village Grappling with Wartime Sins Comes Under Attack CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Better Growth Better Climate: The New Climate Economy Report AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: “Here We Go Again” DETERRENCE: Can ASEAN Sell Its Nuclear Free Zone […]