NPP Weekly FLASH Update, December 22, 2000

CONTENTS December 22, 2000 Nuclear Weapons DPRK Nuclear Program US-Russian Early Warning Center Russian Nuclear Submarines Japan-US Nuclear Cooperation   Nonproliferation First Committee on Disarmament US Policy toward South Asia Russian-Indian Nuclear Cooperation   Missile Defense Bush Administration’s NMD Policy Russian Reaction to US NMD History of NMD Debate Security US Strategic Assessment Foreign Policy […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 18 December, 2000

Nuclear Weapons 1. Worldwide Nuclear Forces Arms Control Today published current estimates of the US and Russian inventory of nuclear warheads, comparing these numbers to estimates made in September, 1990, before START I went into effect. According to these numbers, the US has reduced its warhead inventory from 10,563 to 7,519, and Russia from 10,271 […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 15 December, 2000

Korean Peninsula 1. Inter-Korean Talks DPRK and ROK military representatives held their second military affair talks and exchanged views and reached some consensus on issues concerning railway repairs and roads construction in the demilitarized zone. The ROK Defense Ministry said the ROK and the DPRK will hold the third round of working-level military talks on […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 12 December, 2000

Nuclear Weapons 1. NATO Nuclear Policy NATO’s Defense Planning Committee and Nuclear Planning Group met in ministerial session and released a 12-point final communique. They found NATO’s nuclear forces to be a credible and effective element of the Alliance’s strategy of preventing war, and reaffirmed the continued importance of compliance with international nuclear disarmament and […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 8 December, 2000

Korean Peninsula 1. Korean Unification US Ambassador to the ROK Steven W. Bosworth said Wednesday that despite improvements in relations between the Koreas this year, reunification is not a realistic short-term goal. He said that instead, the two Koreas should continue to work on reconciliation. “Prospects for Korean Reunification” (Daily Report, December 6, US) 2. […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 4 December, 2000

Nuclear Weapons 1. Russian Nuclear Weapons Security The Freelance Bureau published an article in which they interviewed a Russian army guardsman in the 12th directorate, the group responsible for the security of Russian nuclear weapons. The interview repeated earlier reports that indicate that there are significant problems with the security of Russian nuclear weapons and […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 1 December, 2000

Korean Peninsula 1. Peace & Unification Talks A senior ROK official said on November 26 that the ROK is expected to propose shortly that the DPRK join the ROK, the US, and the PRC to resume the four-party peace talks, in which the parties will discuss ways to replace the Korean Armistice Agreement with a […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 21 November, 2000

Nuclear Weapons 1. Deterrence Theory Avery Goldstein delivered a talk at FPRI based on his recent book, “Deterrence and Security in the 21st Century: China, Britain, France and the Enduring Legacy of the Nuclear Revolution.” In his talk, Goldstein argues that the meaning and requirements of nuclear deterrence were based on the unusual and atypical […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 17 November 2000

Korean Peninsula 1. Four-Party Peace Talks ROK officials said that when DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun met a visiting PRC delegation, he revealed that the DPRK is considering resuming the four-way Korean peace talks that have been stalled for more than a year. “Four-Party Peace Talks” (Daily Report, November 13, ROK) 2. IAEA Inspections of […]

NPP Weekly FLASH Update, November 13, 2000

CONTENTS November 13, 2000 Nuclear Weapons Russian Sub-Critical Tests IAEA Inspections of DPRK Iraqi Nuclear Program   Proliferation South Asia   Arms Control START III Talks Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty UN First Committee   Security Policy US Nuclear Posture Review US Security Policy Russian Nuclear Strategy   Military Issues Russian Military Reform   Nuclear Weapons […]