NAPSNET Week in Review 26 January, 2001

Korea 1. Kim Jong-il Visit to PRC DPRK leader Kim Jong-il returned to his country on January 20 after a secretive five-day visit to the PRC. PRC Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said, “Mr. Kim stressed that the big changes that have taken place…since China began its reform and opening-up have proved that the policies […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 22 January, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. Tactical Nuclear Weapons A senior US State Department official said that Secretary of State Madeleine Albright raised with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov the issue of the reported movement of nuclear weapons into Kaliningrad, but said, “She didn’t get a detailed response.” The US had earlier reported “some movement of tactical nuclear […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 19 January, 2001

Korea 1. Kim Jong-il Visit to PRC An official at Shanghai’s foreign ministry confirmed that DPRK leader Kim Jong-Il visited Shanghai this week in his second secret trip to the PRC within 12 months. A Shanghai hotel confirmed that Kim had checked in, but the PRC Foreign Ministry, the DPRK Embassy in Beijing, and the […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 12 January, 2001

Security 1. Russian Tactical Nuke Deployment The Russian RIA-Novosti news agency quoted a senior Russian General Staff official as saying that reports that Russia was redeploying short-range nuclear weapons was false and a provocation. The alleged movement of the nuclear weapons to Kaliningrad was first reported in the US-based Washington Times and later confirmed by […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 12 January, 2001

Korean Peninsula 1. US-DPRK Relations US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said on January 5 that she was sorry to end four years in office without making a deal with the DPRK, but said there was still a chance for the US to come to terms with DPRK. “US-DPRK Relations” (Daily Report, January 8, US) […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 11 January, 2001

United States 1. US Nuclear Policy US President George W. Bush remains committed to upholding the moratorium on underground nuclear weapons testing, he says that the country should reduce the time it will take to resume such tests should they be needed. Bush has not ruled out conducting nuclear testing to make sure the stockpile, […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 11 January, 2001

United States 1. US Nuclear Policy US President George W. Bush remains committed to upholding the moratorium on underground nuclear weapons testing, he says that the country should reduce the time it will take to resume such tests should they be needed. Bush has not ruled out conducting nuclear testing to make sure the stockpile, […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 7 January, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. Russian Missile Deployment The Russian Military News Agency reported that the third regiment of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces’ RS-12M2 Topol-M silo-based missiles became operational. SMF Commander Vladimir Yakovlev said that three Topol-M regiments were successfully deployed by the end of 2000. “Third Topol-M Regiment Becomes Operational” David Hoffman, writing for the […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 5 January, 2001

Korean Peninsula 1. Clinton’s Visit to DPRK US President Bill Clinton announced that he will not visit the DPRK before the end of his term. In a written statement, Clinton said that while he believes that DPRK leader Kim Jong-il is committed to reaching such an accord, “I have determined that there is not enough […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 22 December, 2000

Korean Peninsula 1. US-DPRK Diplomacy US officials are reviewing the results of the latest talks with the DPRK to decide whether or not President Clinton will make a trip to the DPRK to seal any potential deals to terminate the DPRK’s missile program. Jake Siewert, spokesman for US President Bill Clinton, said Tuesday that Clinton […]