Daily Report Archives

Daily Report Archives

Established in December 1993, the Nautilus Institute’s *N*ortheast *A*sia *P*eace and *S*ecurity *N*etwork (NAPSNet) Daily Report served thousands of readers  in more than forty countries, including policy makers, diplomats, aid organizations, scholars, donors, activists, students, and journalists.

The NAPSNet Daily Report aimed to serve a community of practitioners engaged in solving the complex security and sustainability issues in the region, especially those posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program and the threat of nuclear war in the region.  It was distributed by email rom 1993-1997, and went on-line in December 1997, which is when the archive on this site begins. The format at that time can be seen here.

However, for multiple reasons—the rise of instantaneous news services, the evolution of the North Korea and nuclear issues, the increasing demand for specialized and synthetic analysis of these and related issues, and the decline in donor support for NAPSNet—the Institute stopped producing the Daily Report news summary service as of December 17, 2010.


NAPSNet Daily Report 12 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

I. United States

1. DPRK Food Production Crisis

Reuters (“UN “SERIOUSLY ALARMED” ABOUT N.KOREA CROP,” Rome, 9/12/97) reported that the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Program (WFP) said Friday in a joint statement that drought and a tidal wave have eliminated the faint hope that the DPRK might be able to increase food production this year. The agencies said that the latest natural disasters, which followed two years of devastating floods, would almost certainly reduce the 1998 harvest, and FAO economist Ajay Markanday told a news conference that early estimates suggested next year’s food output would be even lower than in the flood years. “Guarded optimism expressed earlier for some recovery in food production this year is now replaced by very serious alarm at food security prospects for the coming months and year ahead,” the statement said. “As the general health of the population has now already been highly weakened by the shortage of adequate food … the anticipated shortfall this year is likely to have far-reaching implications that go beyond the devastation of 1995 and 1996,” it said. FAO and WFP representatives plan to visit the DPRK next month to conduct a full assessment of this year’s harvest.

2. PRC Nuclear Exports

The Associated Press (“CHINA ISSUES NEW NUKE EXPORT RULES,” Beijing, 9/11/97) and Reuters (“CHINA INSISTS NUCLEAR EXPORTS PEACEFUL,” Beijing, 9/11/97) reported that the PRC’s official Xinhua news agency said Thursday that the PRC has issued new rules to restrict exports of nuclear weapons and technology, pledging not to transfer the dangerous materials to countries opposing international safeguards. The regulations, if deemed strict enough, would counter US criticism of suspected PRC nuclear exports to Pakistan and Iran and improve the atmosphere for President Jiang Zemin’s Washington summit next month with President Bill Clinton, and would also meet a key US condition for ending a ban on US companies building nuclear power plants in the PRC. Premier Li Peng approved the regulations Thursday on behalf of the State Council, Xinhua said. “The government prohibits providing help to nuclear facilities not subject to the supervision of international atomic agencies and will not provide exports, personnel, technical exchange or cooperation to those facilities,” Xinhua reported the rules to read. The rules were issued “to strengthen controls on nuclear exports and to safeguard the security of the nation and public interests and to promote international cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy,” Xinhua said. US Embassy officials could not immediately be reached for comment. Diplomats and academics in recent weeks had expressed belief that the PRC was unlikely to have regulations ready by the late October summit, and the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency told the US Congress last month it was uncertain whether the PRC was abiding by a pledge not to provide technology to su

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NAPSNet Daily Report 11 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

I. United States

1. Four-Party Peace Talks

The US State Department (“STATE RELEASE ON 2ND KOREA 4-PARTY PREPARATORY MEETING,” USIA Transcript, 9/11/97) issued the following statement through the Office of the Spokesman: “KOREA – FOUR-PARTY PREPARATORY MEETING. A second Four-Party preparatory meeting with the participation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the United States, and the People’s Republic of China will be held in New York City on September 18 and 19, 1997. The preparatory meeting is to decide arrangements for the Four-Party plenary session. The meetings will be held at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. We wish to express our appreciation to Columbia University for its generosity in making these facilities available.”

US State Department Spokesman James Foley (“STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,” USIA Transcript, 9/11/97) discussed the announcement that US, PRC, DPRK and ROK representatives will meet at Columbia University in New York City September 18 and 19 for the second preparatory meeting to discuss arrangements for four-party talks on a peace agreement for the Korean peninsula. Foley stated that the US also will be holding prior bilateral meetings with each of the other participants in the four-party talks, but would not comment on “the particulars of those meetings.” Foley also continued to refuse comment on any aspect of the recent defections of DPRK Ambassador to Egypt Chang Song-kil and his brother and fellow diplomat Chang Song-ho. “In our view there is no linkage between the Chang case and the four-party peace process, or, indeed, any other issue,” Foley said. Asked to comment on reports that DPRK officials claim their renewed willingness to attend the talks resulted from a new US-DPRK agreement on other issues, Foley replied, “I’m aware that our policy has consistently been to acknowledge no linkage. I have nothing further to add.” Foley also would not comment on any aspect of the meetings between US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman and DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye-gwan in Beijing earlier in the week. Foley repeated the US position that it would treat seriously any new appeal for DPRK food aid from the UN World Food Program. Finally, Foley stated that no new date has been set for a next round of US-DPRK talks to discuss missile proliferation, following cancellation of talks set for the week of September 15 due to the defections.

Reuters (“U.S., N.KOREA AGREE TO NEW PEACE TALKS,” Beijing, 9/11/97) reported that US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman and DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye-gwan, meeting in Beijing, agreed Thursday on resumption of preliminary four-party Korean talks in New York later this month. Although embassy officials on both sides had little comment, the DPRK’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) and a senior US diplomat in the ROK confirmed the agreement. KCNA said the US had removed

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NAPSNet Daily Report 10 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

I. United States

1. Four-Party Peace Talks

The AP-Dow Jones News Service (“U.S. ENVOY STILL CAN’T SAY IF N. KOREA TO JOIN PEACE TALKS,” Beijing, 9/10/97) reported that US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman, following his meeting Wednesday with DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye Gwan, could not confirm that the DPRK would attend the second four-party peace talks preliminary meeting set to take place in New York next week, but did say that progress was made in the discussions and that the two envoys would meet again Thursday morning. Asked whether the DPRK would attend next week’s talks, Kartman said, “I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer.” “We’re still engaged and we’ll be able to make an announcement as soon as we know something,” he said in a telephone interview. Kartman added that Wednesday’s meeting “was lengthy but I think we made progress,” and then declined further questions.

US Deputy State Department Spokesman James Foley (“STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,” USIA Transcript, 9/10/97), commenting on the meeting between US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman and DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye Gwan Wednesday in Beijing, stated, “The meeting was useful and productive. It was conducted in a professional manner. They will meet again tomorrow to continue their discussions.” Foley later added, “We are pleased that there is going to be a second meeting tomorrow.” On whether the DPRK will still attend the second four-party peace talks preliminary meeting set to take place in New York next week, Foley said, “we have no concrete news yet on that issue, but I will repeat again what I’ve been saying every day from this podium, which is that we’ve received no indication from the North Koreans that they are not going to be attending the talks.” Foley refused requests to elaborate on these statements. In replies to numerous questions, Foley provided few other details of the discussions, and had no comment on how many more meetings Kartman and Kim might have in Beijing, whether the DPRK had raised the issue of food aid at the Beijing meeting, whether the subject of rescheduling the postponed missile talks had come up, or whether the two sides discussed the defection of DPRK Ambassador Chang Song-kil.

2. DPRK Soldier Killed in DMZ

The Washington Post (Mary Jordan, “N. KOREAN KILLED AFTER CROSSING BORDER,” Tokyo, 9/10/97, A18) reported that ROK government officials said the killing of a DPRK soldier in the DMZ Tuesday took place after an unknown number of DPRK soldiers crossed the border. The soldier killed was armed with a rifle and had come within yards of a ROK guard post, the officials said. The shooting was the first fatality from DPRK-ROK conflict since the ROK manhunt for the DPRK crewmen and commandos that fled the DPRK submarine that ran aground on the ROK coast last September.

US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Kenneth Bacon (“DEFENSE DEPARTMENT REG

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NAPSNet Daily Report 09 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

III. Russian Federation

I. United States

1. US-DPRK Talks in Beijing

Reuters (“U.S. OFFICIALS IN BEIJING FOR N.KOREA TALKS,” Beijing, 9/9/97) reported that US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman on Tuesday arrived in Beijing to hold one day of talks with DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye-gwan on Wednesday, according to a US embassy spokesman. The talks will focus on DPRK attendance of the four-party Korean peace talks, the official said. The meeting will be the first of senior US and DPRK officials since the DPRK ambassador to Egypt, Chang Sung-kil, and his diplomat brother sought asylum in the US last month. The defections have raised doubts as to whether the DPRK will attend a second peace talks preparatory meeting set for the week of September 15 in New York, and the DPRK last week requested a meeting with US senior officials to discuss the defections and four-party talks, diplomats said. Kartman arrived from Seoul, where he had held consultations with ROK authorities.

The AP-Dow Jones News Service (“US, CHINA OFFICIALS MEET IN ATTEMPT TO KEEP N KOREA IN TALKS,” Beijing, 9/9/97) reported that US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman on Tuesday met with PRC officials to discuss his plans for Wednesday’s meeting in Beijing with DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye Gwan to dissuade Pyongyang from dropping out of the four-party peace talks. US Embassy officials provided no specifics on the discussions.

The Associated Press (“OFFICIAL SAYS KOREA TALKS STILL ON,” Beijing, 9/9/97) reported that US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman said Tuesday that the US still expects Korean peace talks to go ahead next week despite the defections of two DPRK diplomats. “I expect they’ll take place,” Kartman said in an interview. Kartman said the purpose his meeting Wednesday with DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye Gwan was to “stay in touch, make sure we’re communicating.” The PRC Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Shen Guofang, said the PRC hoped all sides would work to ensure the talks begin on time, but added that rapid results should not be expected. “It’s not realistic to expect all the issues or most of the issues to be resolved in an instant,” Shen said. “We hope that all sides will maintain a calm, cool state of affairs so that they can continue to discuss issues of common concern.”

US Deputy State Department Spokesman James Foley (“STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,” USIA Transcript, 9/9/97) stated Monday that the US still expects the second round of the four-party peace talks preliminary meetings to take place on schedule in New York the week of September 15. “Now, there have been questions raised in the wake of some recent events. I can only say that we have not had any concrete news from the North Korean side about any change of plans. We are continuing to hope that indeed they will arrive and participate in the talks in New York next week, as has been scheduled,” Foley said. Foley confirmed that Deputy Assistant Secre

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NAPSNet Daily Report 08 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

I. United States

1. US-DPRK Engagement

US State Department Spokesman James Foley (“STATE DEPARTMENT NOON BRIEFING,” USIA Transcript, 9/5/97) confirmed that US and DPRK officials met Thursday in New York, “at the level of the North Korea office director, Mark Minton.” Foley said further such meetings were possible but nothing specifically was scheduled. Asked if the DPRK representatives said whether they still intended to attend the upcoming four-party talks preliminary meeting, Foley replied, “They didn’t say that they were; they didn’t say that they were not. There’s been no change in their position. I have nothing new to report on that. Our offered assumption remains that they will come.” Foley had no further comment on Thursday’s meeting, or on the prospect for resumption of US-DPRK missile proliferation talks.

The AP-Dow Jones News Service (“U.S., N.KOREA OFFICIALS TO MEET IN CHINA ON PEACE PROCESS,” Washington, 9/8/97) reported that the US State Department said Monday that senior US and DPRK officials will meet Wednesday in the PRC to discuss the Korean peninsula peace process. The US will be represented by Acting Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman, and the DPRK by Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye-gwan. Kartman has been in Asia for meetings with ROK and PRC officials. Meetings among lower-level US and DPRK officials in New York prepared for the US-DPRK meeting in Beijing. The second round of preliminary meetings for the four-party peace talks, including US, PRC, DPRK and ROK representatives, is scheduled to begin September 15.

2. DPRK Leadership Meeting

The Associated Press (“N. KOREANS TOLD BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD,” Seoul, 9/8/97) reported that the DPRK’s official Korean Central News Agency said that on Monday DPRK Vice Premier Hong Song Nam, speaking to Communist party and government officials gathered in Pyongyang on the eve of the forth-ninth anniversary of the nation’s founding, urged people to be optimistic about the future under the leadership of Kim Jong-il. “All the people and the officers and men of the People’s Army should have revolutionary optimism and firm faith, that led by the great comrade Kim Jong Il, the socialist homeland will be thriving and have a bright future,” Hong Song told the meeting.

3. New DPRK Defectors

The Associated Press (“THREE NKOREANS DEFECT TO SKOREA,” Seoul, 9/8/97) reported that the ROK Agency for National Security Planning (NSP) said Monday that a DPRK mother and her two grown sons had defected to the ROK. Jang In-suk, 56, defected to Seoul with sons Jung Ryong, 27, and Jung Nam, 24, to join Jang’s eldest son, Jung Hyun, 32, had defected in 1990. The NSP would not identify the third country though which the three defected. Some 170 DPRK citizens have defected to the ROK so far this year.

4. ROK Presidential Race


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NAPSNet Daily Report 05 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

I. United States

1. Korean Landmines

United Press International (“N.KOREA HITS U.S. LAND MINE POLICY,” Seoul, 9/5/97) reported that the DPRK’s official Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) said in a commentary Friday that US support for the use of anti-personnel land mines on the Korean peninsula casts doubt on whether the US can take a “realistic stand” in Korean peace talks. The US has called for a Korean exception to the landmine ban being advocated at a conference under way in Oslo, Norway. The report said, “This makes the world people doubt whether the U.S. would take a realistic stand to establish a new peace-keeping mechanism in the Korean Peninsula at such a negotiation as the four-way talks.” The second preliminary round of the four-party talks is due to convene in New York September 15. The KCNA report criticized the suggestion that if the US removed mines from the Korean peninsula, it would have to deploy 20,000 more troops, saying, “This fact shows that the U.S. is not interested in peace and peaceful reunification of Korea.” [Ed. note: See also “US Defends Korean Landmines” in the US section of the September 3 Daily Report.]

2. Japanese Food Aid to DPRK

The AP-Dow Jones News Service (“JAPAN TO GIVE N. KOREA $20M IN FOOD AID THROUGH U.N.-KYODO,” Tokyo, 9/5/97) reported that Japan’s Kyodo News on Friday cited Japanese Foreign Ministry sources as saying that Japan plans to give the DPRK US$20 million worth of food aid through the United Nations, in response to an appeal by the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs and the World Food Program. The report said the government will give the money to the UN, which will in turn buy 70,000 tons of rice from Japan. However, a Foreign Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that Japanese officials were still debating whether to respond to the appeal and no such decision had yet been made. Japan provided 500,000 tons of rice to the DPRK in 1995 and extended US$6 million worth of aid in 1996, but has been hesitant to give following news reports that DPRK agents abducted a Japanese teen-age girl from Niigata in 1977. The US has provided US$52 million and the ROK US$26 million for food assistance this year.

3. DPRK Defectors May Reveal DPRK Spies

The New York Times (Nicholas D. Kristof, “NORTH KOREAN DEFECTOR’S ‘SPY LIST’ PROVES A HOT TOPIC IN SEOUL,” Seoul, 9/5/97, A3) reported that the high-level DPRK officials who have defected this year are widely thought to have taken with them some tips about the large number of DPRK agents, informants, and sympathizers presumably burrowed into ROK government and politics. In particular, many speculate as to the contents of “Hwang’s List,” the account of DPRK agents reportedly supplied by Hwang Jang-yop, the DPRK ideological leader who arrived in the ROK in April, becoming the highest-level DPRK official ever to defect. At a news conference, Hwang said he had not directly supervise

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NAPSNet Daily Report 04 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

I. United States

1. Chang Defection

US Deputy State Department Spokesman James Foley (“STATE DEPARTMENT NOON BRIEFING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1997,” USIA Transcript, 9/3/97), was asked if the DPRK was telling the US diplomatically, as it was saying publicly, that US haven to diplomatic defectors Chang Sung-kil and Chang Sung-ho was a hurdle to continuing the preliminary four-party Korean peace talks. Foley replied, “Without getting into specifics, what you’ve seen publicly has been reflected. But we’ve seen no indication, to this point, of a change of plans in regard to the four-party talks, which we still hope will take place the week of September 15.” Foley added that he had nothing new to say on the issue of granting asylum to the defectors.

2. DPRK Famine Effects on DPRK Military

The Associated Press (Susanne M. Schafer, “N. KOREAN SOLDIERS HARVEST CROPS,” Seoul, 9/4/97) reported that a senior US military officer, who is based in the ROK and focuses on the defense of US and allied forces there, told reporters on condition of anonymity that the DPRK military has cut training time in half so troops can help harvest the drought-stricken nation’s summer crops. The officer said that for their efforts soldiers receive more food than the civilian population but not “a varied diet as we know it.” However, the officer added that the work does not appear to have affected the DPRK military’s readiness, and there appeared to be no lessening of discipline among the troops, nor a fracturing of the DPRK’s political and military leadership. Meanwhile, Rep. Benjamin Gilman (R-N.Y.), chairman of the US House Committee on International Relations, has requested a study of how US and other foreign food assistance to the DPRK is being used. Mark Kirk, chief counsel for the committee, said that the PRC, which provides the majority of the DPRK’s food aid, is “unconcerned” about monitoring it, and that expatriate North Koreans in Japan believe most of this aid goes to government and military officials.

3. US View of DPRK Tidal Wave, Food Aid

US Deputy State Department Spokesman James Foley (“STATE DEPARTMENT NOON BRIEFING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1997,” USIA Transcript, 9/3/97), asked about reports that a tidal wave on August 21 destroyed a large portion of this year’s DPRK corn crop and displaced some 28,000 people, replied, “Well, clearly the people of North Korea have been much plagued by calamity over the years and certainly in recent years.” Foley stated that the US “would be willing to look at any additional requests that the World Food Program might bring our way,” adding, “We made, I think, an important policy decision not to link political considerations with the plight of the North Korean people and what we feel is a responsibility that is shared by the American people to help people in need. That hasn’t changed.”

4. Private US Aid to DPRK

The New York Times (“NORTH KOREA TO ACC

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NAPSNet Daily Report 03 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Russian Federation

I. United States

1. DPRK UN Ambassador’s Illness

The New York Times (Barbara Corssette, “KOREAN-AMERICANS ASSIST AILING ENVOY FROM NORTH,” United Nations, 9/3/97) reported that the DPRK representative to the United Nations, Kim Hyong-u, who has been hospitalized in New York since August 12 without medical insurance or financial help from the DPRK, has received pledges of aid from Korean-Americans of varying political views who apparently fear that he might be recalled by Pyongyang and sent home without treatment. Korean-American newspapers first reported last Friday that Kim, 62, whom they described as a diabetic, had developed lung problems and had been admitted to New York University Medical Center in Manhattan with the help of a Korean-American clergyman and Korean-speaking US doctors. The Korea Times, a Korean-language paper published in New York, reported that there were also rumors Kim was on the point of defection and being watched closely by the DPRK government. The Korean Central Daily, another New York Korean-language paper, reported that Kim faced medical bills that could range as high as US$40,000 to US$50,000. The DPRK reportedly has no hard currency to support its missions abroad, and its diplomats do not have health insurance.

The Associated Press (“REPORT: N.KOREA FEARS NEW DEFECTION,” United Nations, 9/3/97) reported that, according to the Korea Times and the Korean Central Daily News in New York, the DPRK government is worried that Kim Hyong-u, the DPRK UN ambassador, may try to defect to the US if he is recalled home to undergo lung surgery. The Korean-language Korea Times reported that the DPRK wants to bring Kim home for the surgery, where treatment would be less expensive, but is concerned that if it does so, Kim will defect so he can receive the better medical care available in the US. Lynn O’Dell, spokeswoman for the New York University Medical Center, confirmed that Kim was at the hospital and said he was undergoing tests, but declined to elaborate. A diplomat at the DPRK mission, who would not identify himself, told a reporter Wednesday, “It’s not your concern,” and declined further comment. Kim has been the DPRK’s UN ambassador since July 1996.

2. ROK Defector to DPRK Awarded

The Associated Press (“NKOREA GIVES AWARD TO DEFECTOR,” Seoul, 9/2/97) reported that the DPRK’s official Korean Central News Agency said Tuesday that the DPRK has awarded its highest honor, the “order of the national flag first class,” to Oh Ik-jae, the ROK religious leader who defected last month. Oh, 68, was former head of the indigenous religious group Chondokyo, and had also served as adviser to the ROK’s largest opposition political party and was a member of a presidential advisory group, but was not a well-known leader in the ROK. The ROK’s intelligence agency has said that Oh was a spy, but offered no proof.

3. US Defends Korean Landmines

The Associated Press (Susanne M. Schafer

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NAPSNet Daily Report 02 September, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

I. United States

1. Chang Defection — US Government Statements

US State Department spokesman Jamie Rubin (“SPECIAL STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING, AUGUST 26,” USIA Transcript, 8/26/97) held a special briefing on Tuesday, August 26, confirming that Chang Sung-kil, the DPRK Ambassador to Egypt, had defected and arrived in the US along with his wife and his brother, Chang Sung-ho, a diplomat with the DPRK trade mission in Paris, France. Rubin also confirmed that the US will provide asylum to all three individuals. Rubin refused to comment on whether the US had had contact with either Chang prior to their defections, and declined to give details about the circumstances of the defections or the exact locations of the defectors. Rubin asserted that the defections were unlikely to affect either the ongoing missile proliferation talks or the four-party peace talks. Rubin also said that the defections do not indicate that the DPRK power structure is crumbling. “We do not believe that this action is a manifestation of any crisis in the leadership of any kind,” Rubin said. He acknowledged, however, that “We obviously believe that the country is in deep trouble” due to severe food shortages, and noted “the risks of instability in the peninsula with regard to the North Korean troop deployment.” [Ed. note: The full transcript of this briefing is being distributed as a subsequent Special Report.]

US State Department spokesman Jamie Rubin (“STATE DEPT. NOON BRIEFING, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27,” USIA Transcript, 8/27/97) stated that the US is unlikely to meet DPRK demands to return Chang Sung-kil and Chang Sung-ho, the two high-ranking DPRK diplomats who defected to the US earlier in the week, noting that the US and the DPRK have no extradition agreement. Rubin corrected his earlier announcement that the two, along with Chang Sung-kil’s wife, had been granted asylum, explaining that the three are in the US under a “parole” or “protected status,” the first step under US law for granting formal asylum. Rubin confirmed that DPRK officials had backed out of the missile proliferation talks that had been set to begin August 27 in New York City, adding that, while the officials gave no reason for calling off the talks, their decision is “obviously connected” to the defection of Chang Sung-kil, who is said to be knowledgeable about DPRK missile sales to the Middle East. Rubin called the DPRK decision not to attend the missile talks “disappointing,” adding, “We believe that these talks are in the national interests of both sides.” Rubin reiterated that the defections at this time are not expected to interfere with the four-party peace talks preliminary meeting set for the week of September 15. [Ed. note: The relevant transcript excerpt from this briefing is being distributed as a subsequent Special Report.]

US White House Deputy Press Secretary Barry Toiv (“WHITE HOUSE DAILY BRIEFING, AUGUST 27,” USIA Transcript, 8/27/97) stated that US President Bill Clinton had been kept fully informe

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NAPSNet Daily Report 25 August, 1997

In today’s Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea

III. Russian Federation

I. United States

1. DPRK Ambassador Defects

The Associated Press (“N. KOREAN AMBASSADOR DEFECTS,” Cairo, Egypt, 8/25/97) reported that Chang Sung-gil, DPRK ambassador to Egypt, reportedly has defected to the US. An Egyptian government official said, on customary condition of anonymity, that Chang, 48, sought political asylum at the US Embassy in Cairo, and was flown out of Egypt Monday afternoon under a different name and carrying a US travel document. The official said Chang would appear at a news conference Tuesday in Washington. Egyptian foreign ministry official Said Ragab said the DPRK reported Chang missing Saturday and asked it to investigate, but that searches of hospitals and departure records at airports and seaports turned up no trace of the ambassador. “If he has left Egypt, he left under another name,” Ragab said. Earlier, DPRK Embassy officials denied the defection but gave conflicting reports on the ambassador’s whereabouts, while US Embassy officials in Cairo would not comment. Meanwhile, Egypt’s official Middle East News Agency said Chang will be tried in the DPRK on charges of “escaping” and abandoning his duties. Other media reports said the ambassador’s brother, Chang Sung-ho, the DPRK’s trade representative in Paris, has also disappeared. The defection would be the first by a top diplomat from the DPRK. Cairo is a major DPRK diplomatic outpost, and Chang could be a valuable source of information about Pyongyang’s alleged Scud missile sales to Iran, Syria and other Middle East countries.

Reuters (“NORTH KOREAN ENVOY TO EGYPT DEFECTS TO WEST,” Seoul, 8/25/97) reported that unnamed ROK officials said Monday that Chang Sung-gil, DPRK ambassador to Egypt, is seeking to defect to a Western country and has left Egypt under protection in a third country, which they declined to identify. The Chosun Ilbo daily, quoting a government source, said Chang sought asylum Friday in the US embassy in Cairo and that Washington told Seoul Sunday it had decided to grant the request. The ROK officials said Chang’s brother, Chang Sung-ho, another diplomat based in Paris, had also left for a third country with his family to seek asylum. “The two cases seem to be related,” ROK foreign ministry spokesman Lee Kyu-hyung was quoted as saying. A statement by the ROK’s ruling New Korea Party said the defections meant the North faced “a crisis of collapse.” “The government should hurriedly work out various measures to cope with a sudden collapse of the North Korean system,” it said. Chang, one of the DPRK’s most senior envoys, was due to return home next month at the end of a three-year assignment.

US State Department spokesman Jamie Rubin (“STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING, AUGUST 25,” USIA Transcript, 8/25/97), asked to comment on the reported defection of Chang Sung-gil, DPRK ambassador to Egypt, replied, “I have nothing for you on that.” Asked if the US had received a request from Chang for political asylum, Rubin replied, “I have nothing for you on that.” Asked to explain why he had no comment, Rubin said, “I’m disinclined to get into it.” Asked whether or not he was denying the report, Rubin said, “I’m not getting into it.”

2. ROK Food Aid to DPRK

The Associated Press (“S. KOREA TO SEND FOOD TO N. KOREA,” Seoul,

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