Daily Report Archives

Daily Report Archives

Established in December 1993, the Nautilus Institute’s *N*ortheast *A*sia *P*eace and *S*ecurity *N*etwork (NAPSNet) Daily Report served thousands of readers  in more than forty countries, including policy makers, diplomats, aid organizations, scholars, donors, activists, students, and journalists.

The NAPSNet Daily Report aimed to serve a community of practitioners engaged in solving the complex security and sustainability issues in the region, especially those posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program and the threat of nuclear war in the region.  It was distributed by email rom 1993-1997, and went on-line in December 1997, which is when the archive on this site begins. The format at that time can be seen here.

However, for multiple reasons—the rise of instantaneous news services, the evolution of the North Korea and nuclear issues, the increasing demand for specialized and synthetic analysis of these and related issues, and the decline in donor support for NAPSNet—the Institute stopped producing the Daily Report news summary service as of December 17, 2010.


Nautilus Institute PFO 00-05: Koreans Take Steps to Solve Their Own Problems

Nautilus Institute PFO 00-05: Koreans Take Steps to Solve Their Own Problems Nautilus Institute PFO 00-05: Koreans Take Steps to Solve Their Own Problems PFO 00-05H: July 26, 2000 Responses to “U.S. Responsibility to Support the Korean Accord” By Hwal Woong Lee: By Paul Chamberlin & Ralph A. Cossa CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Discussion 1. […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 26 July, 2000


I. United States

1. ROK-DPRK Talks
2. DPRK-Japan Talks
3. DPRK-US Talks
4. DPRK Participation in ARF
5. Kim Jong-il’s Russia Visit
6. US Troops in ROK
7. Reunions of Separated Families
8. ROK Military Purchases
II. Republic of Korea 1. World Bank Aid to DPRK
2. Inter-Korean Talks
3. Reunion of Separated Families
III. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK Diplomacy
2. Putin’s Visit to DPRK: PRC View
3. PRC Policy toward Asia
4. PRC Defense Industry

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NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 25 July, 2000

Nuclear Weapons 1. US Nuclear Policy Eric Schmitt writes that the principal arguments about US nuclear policy are for or against missile defenses and about strategies to fight the spread of nuclear weapons, but no one really knows where the nation’s nuclear doctrine is headed. He presents anecdotal evidence for the need to completely review […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 25 July, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Missile Program
2. US-DPRK Talks
3. DPRK Participation at ARF
4. US-Japan Alliance
II. Republic of Korea 1. Inter-Korean Talks
2. ASEAN Regional Forum
3. ROK-DPRK Exchanges

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NAPSNet Daily Report 24 July, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Missile Program
2. DPRK Participation in ARF
3. ROK-DPRK Talks
4. US Missile Defense
II. Republic of Korea 1. Nigerian Mediation of Inter-Korean Ties
2. Inter-Korean Talks

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NAPSNET Week in Review 21 July, 2000

Korea 1. DPRK Missile Development Russian President Vladimir V. Putin, following two rounds of talks with DPRK leader Kim Jong-il, announced on July 19 that the DPRK had offered to abandon its missile program if other nations provide it with rocket boosters for space exploration. Russia and the DPRK also signed a friendship treaty. A […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report 21 July, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Missile Program
2. ROK-DPRK Talks
3. G8 View of DPRK
4. US Military in Okinawa
5. US Missile Defense at G8
6. US Missile Defense at ARF
7. PRC Military Power
8. Taiwan Military
II. Japan 1. Japanese Aid to DPRK
2. Inter-Korean Summit Meeting
3. Japanese-ROK Relations
4. Japan’s Stance toward US NMD
5. Japanese-US Base Issue

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NAPSNet Daily Report 20 July, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Missile Program
2. Russia-DPRK View of US Missile Defense
3. US-DPRK Missile Talks
4. Japan-DPRK Relations
5. Cross-Straits Relations
6. PRC-Russian Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK Journalists’ Visit to DPRK
2. Inter-Korean Talks
3. DPRK Participation in APEC
4. DPRK-Russia Relations
5. POWs in DPRK

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NAPSNet Daily Report 19 July, 2000


I. United States

1. Russia-DPRK Talks
2. DPRK Missile Program
3. ROK-DPRK Talks
4. Korean War Massacre
5. Cross-Straits Relations
6. Russian Military Sales to PRC
7. Russian View of Missile Defense
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-Russia Relations
2. DPRK-US Talks
3. Reunion of Separated Families
4. Korean War Massacre
III. People’s Republic of China 1. ROK-DPRK Relations
2. DPRK-PRC Relations
3. Russian Position on the Korean Issue
4. PRC-Russian Relations
5. PRC-Russian Joint Statement on ABM Treaty
6. US Defense Secretary’s Visit to PRC
7. Japan-US Relations
8. The Taiwan Issue

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NAPSNet Daily Report 18 July, 2000


I. United States

1. US-DPRK Talks
2. DPRK Missiles
3. DPRK-Japan Talks
4. Alleged PRC Missile Proliferation
5. PRC-Russian Talks
6. PRC-Russian Reaction to US Missile Defense
II. Republic of Korea 1. UNESCO Head to Visit DPRK
2. DPRK-ROK Assembly Talks
3. ROK Policy towards DPRK
4. Reunion of Separated Families
5. DPRK-US Talks

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