Daily Report Archives

Daily Report Archives

Established in December 1993, the Nautilus Institute’s *N*ortheast *A*sia *P*eace and *S*ecurity *N*etwork (NAPSNet) Daily Report served thousands of readers  in more than forty countries, including policy makers, diplomats, aid organizations, scholars, donors, activists, students, and journalists.

The NAPSNet Daily Report aimed to serve a community of practitioners engaged in solving the complex security and sustainability issues in the region, especially those posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program and the threat of nuclear war in the region.  It was distributed by email rom 1993-1997, and went on-line in December 1997, which is when the archive on this site begins. The format at that time can be seen here.

However, for multiple reasons—the rise of instantaneous news services, the evolution of the North Korea and nuclear issues, the increasing demand for specialized and synthetic analysis of these and related issues, and the decline in donor support for NAPSNet—the Institute stopped producing the Daily Report news summary service as of December 17, 2010.


Nautilus Peace and Security August 13, 2004

Hayes Cited In Korea Times On Six Party Talks In an article entitled “NK Nuke Talks Stalling Ahead of US Election” by Reuben Staines in the Korea Times, Peter was mentioned and cited: “Peter Hayes, executive director of public policy think tank the Nautilus Institute, said the recent U.S. reports on North Korea appeared to […]

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Policy Forum 04-30A: Moody’s Parallel Universe on North Korea’s Nukes

This policy forum essay is by Ian Bremmer, the President of the Eurasia Group and Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute. Bremmer argues that, ?far from being aligned in a strategy to put pressure on Kim’s rogue regime, unilateral initiatives by the U.S.’s two allies at the negotiating table are undermining the prospects for a diplomatic solution to the North Korean nuclear issue.?

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NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, August 12, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, August 12, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, August 12, 2004 United States 1. US – DPRK Relations 2. US on DPRK Nuclear Issue 3. US – DPRK Informal Talks 4. Libya on DPRK Nuclear Issue 5. Japanese – DPRK Abductee Talks 6. Japanese Humanitarian Aid to the DPRK 7. Japanese – […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, August 11, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, August 11, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, August 11, 2004 ROK 30. DPRK Students 31. Koguryo Historical Revisionism Preceding NAPSNet Report I. United States 1. US – DPRK Relations The Associated Press (“U.S., N. KOREAN OFFICIALS ATTEND MEETING”, 2004-08-11) reported that senior US and DPRK officials attended a conference that discussed […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, August 10, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, August 10, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, August 10, 2004 United States 1. US, DPRK, ROK on Nuclear Issue 2. US on DPRK Nuclear Issue 3. DPRK Flooding 4. DPRK Food Aid 5. Inter Korean Relations 6. DPRK Defectors 7. Japanese – DPRK Relations 8. Russian – DPRK Relations 9. ROK […]

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Unlikely Partners in the Quest for Juche: Humanitarian Aid Agencies in North Korea by Edward P. Reed

This special report by Edward P. Reed, the Associate Director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was presented at the 2004 Workshop: “Towards a Peaceful Resolution with North Korea: Crafting a New International Engagement Framework in Washington D.C. The workshop, which ran from February 12-13, 2004, was hosted by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and the Korea Economic Institute (KEI), in cooperation with the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Reed argues that, “aid agencies must negotiate interventions that are development-oriented, while at same time employing an operational style that builds the institutional and personal trust on which acceptable levels of accountability are based.”

This article may be found at:

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NAPSNet Daily Report Monday, August 9, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Monday, August 9, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Monday, August 9, 2004 United States 1. US on DPRK Nuclear Issue 2. ROK on US – DPRK Relations 3. DPRK – US Relations 4. US on DPRK Nuclear Issue 5. DPRK on US – Japanese Interdiction Exercises 6. Japanese – DPRK Relations 7. Japanese […]

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Policy Forum 04-29A: U.S. Troop Withdrawals and Self-Reliant Defense

This essay by Taik-young Hamm, Professor of Political Science at Kyungnam University and Advisor to the Civil Network for a Peaceful Korea, discusses the US troop withdrawal from the Korean Peninsula and its implications for the ROK. Prof. Hamm writes, ?the current asymmetric ROK-U.S. alliance structure is excessive, as is the South Korean mentality of dependence on the United States for security. South Korean citizens and government alike need to overcome this latter neurosis, while the government additionally must foster self-reliant defense posture and doctrine, diplomacy skills, and an effective indigenous ?crisis management? system rather than undertake simple arms buildups with an enlarged defense budget.?

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NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, August 5, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, August 5, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, August 5, 2004 United States 1. DPRK Missile Program 2. Five Nations Meet on DPRK Nuclear Program 3. PRC and ROK on DPRK Nuclear Standoff 4. DPRK Defectors 5. Women Workers in the DPRK 6. Japanese – DPRK Relations 7. Australian – DPRK Relations […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, August 4, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, August 4, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, August 4, 2004 United States 1. US on DPRK Nuclear Issue 2. US – ROK on DPRK Nuclear Issue 3. ROK – Japan on DPRK Nuclear Issue 4. ASEAN on DPRK Nuclear Issue 5. DPRK Drug Trafficking 6. DPRK Missile Systems 7. MIA / […]

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