Daily Report Archives

Daily Report Archives

Established in December 1993, the Nautilus Institute’s *N*ortheast *A*sia *P*eace and *S*ecurity *N*etwork (NAPSNet) Daily Report served thousands of readers  in more than forty countries, including policy makers, diplomats, aid organizations, scholars, donors, activists, students, and journalists.

The NAPSNet Daily Report aimed to serve a community of practitioners engaged in solving the complex security and sustainability issues in the region, especially those posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program and the threat of nuclear war in the region.  It was distributed by email rom 1993-1997, and went on-line in December 1997, which is when the archive on this site begins. The format at that time can be seen here.

However, for multiple reasons—the rise of instantaneous news services, the evolution of the North Korea and nuclear issues, the increasing demand for specialized and synthetic analysis of these and related issues, and the decline in donor support for NAPSNet—the Institute stopped producing the Daily Report news summary service as of December 17, 2010.


Policy Forum 04-54A: Soft Landing: Opportunity Or Illusion?

Andrei Lankov, senior lecturer at the Australian National University, writes: in the long run the system appears doomed. Sooner or later the gradual disintegration of the police and security apparatus, increasing access to unauthorized information along with manifold social changes will bring it down, probably, in a chain of dramatic, even cataclysmic events.

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NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, December 09, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, December 09, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, December 09, 2004 I. United States 1. US on DPRK Nuclear Program 2. US – DPRK Relations 3. DPRK on Nuclear Talks 4. US on Sino-DPRK Relations 5. DPRK on Sino-DPRK Relations 6. Task Force on US DPRK Policy 7. DPRK Purge 8. DPRK […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, December 08, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, December 08, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, December 08, 2004 I. United States 1. US on DPRK Nuclear Talks 2. US Policy Toward the DPRK 3. DPRK Reform 4. DPRK Economic Reform 5. US Researchers on DPRK Nuclear Issue 6. Roh on DPRK Collapse 7. Japan on DPRK Abductees 8. ROK […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, December 07, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, December 07, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, December 07, 2004 I. United States 1. PRC on DPRK Nuclear Talks 2. US on DPRK Nuclear Talks 3. IAEA on DPRK Nuclear Program 4. ROK on DPRK Nuclear Program 5. DPRK on ROK Nuclear Experiment 6. Japan on DPRK – Japanese Relations 7. […]

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Ending the North Korean Nuclear Crisis by the Task Force on U.S. Korea Policy

The Task Force on U.S. Korea Policy, co-sponsored by the Center for International Policy and the Center for East Asian Studies of the University of Chicago, writes: Given greater trust the United States would find it easier than in earlier years to negotiate an agreement with North Korea that would end its development of long-range missiles capable of delivering nuclear, chemical or biological weapons to U.S. territory. Similarly, Japan and South Korea would find it easier to negotiate agreements with Pyongyang that would head off the escalating competitive development of short-range and medium-range missiles.

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NAPSNet Daily Report Monday, December 06, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Monday, December 06, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Monday, December 06, 2004 I. United States 1. Russia on DPRK Nuclear Talks 2. DPRK – US Meeting 3. DPRK on Nuclear Talks 4. DPRK on Relations with the US 5. IAEA on DPRK Nuclear Program 6. DPRK on Nuclear Issue 7. ROK on DPRK […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, December 02, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, December 02, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Thursday, December 02, 2004 I. United States 1. US on DPRK Nuclear Talks 2. Japan on DPRK Nuclear Talks 3. US on PRC Role in DPRK Nuclear Talks 4. US on DPRK Nuclear Issue 5. ROK on DPRK Nuclear Issue 6. US Policy on DPRK […]

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Policy Forum 04-52A: What to Expect on the Korean Peninsula from a Second Bush Administration

Dr. Larry M. Wortzel, vice president for foreign policy and defense studies at The Heritage Foundation, writes: President Bush has made it clear on several occasions that he wants a peaceful, negotiated settlement on the Korean Peninsula and has no intention of initiating the use of force against North Korea.

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NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, December 01, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, December 01, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Wednesday, December 01, 2004 I. United States 1. Inter – Korean Relations 2. ROK on DPRK Nuclear Issue 3. PRC on US-DPRK Relations 4. Australia on Sino – DPRK Relations 5. DPRK Portrait Issue 6. DPRK on ROK Nuclear Experiment 7. DPRK on KEDO LWR […]

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NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, November 30, 2004

NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, November 30, 2004 NAPSNet Daily Report Tuesday, November 30, 2004 I. United States 1. DPRK on Nuclear Talks 2. US Policy Toward the DPRK 3. PRC, Japan, ROK on DPRK Nuclear Issue 4. Japan on DPRK Sanctions 5. ROK Policy Toward the DPRK 6. DPRK on US – DPRK Relations 7. […]

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