Resident United Nations, Non-Governmental and Bi-lateral Organizations Humanitarian Assistance Sector Programming Matrix
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), 2003.
Contact Details
Adventist Development Relief Association (ADRA), Switzerland |
Baby homes, Orphanages and paediatric Hospital/Ward in North and South Hwanghae, Kaesong, Nampo, Pyongyang, Kangwon and South Pyongan. | Church organizations Germany Private Donation Switzerland |
Mr. Marcel Wagner Country Director T: +8502-3817952 F: +8502-3817952 |
Campus fuer Christus3 |
Pyongyang South Hamgyong North Hwanghae North Pyongan |
Private donations, Switzerland |
Mr. Juerg Buehlmann Representative T: +8502-3817945 F: +8502-3817945 |
Cooperazione e Sviluppo (CESVI) |
Kangwon South Hwanghae |
EC DGDev, ECHO Italy, Private donations SIDA, German Government OCHA |
Mr. Antonio Costa Representative T: +8502-3817816 F: +8502-3817816 |
CONCERN Worldwide |
South Pyongan Pyongyang |
Ms. Rose Dew Country Director T: +8502-3817112 F: +8502-3817647 |
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe / German Agro Action (DWHH/GAA) |
North Pyongan South Hwanghae |
German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) EC DGDev, ECHO NGO Funding Mechanism , SIDA World Food Programme (in kind) |
Mr. Norbert Burger Project Coordinator T: +8502-3817250 F: +8502-3817249 |
European Commission Europe Aid – Food Security Unit (DG Dev) |
South Pyongan South Hwanghae |
Donor Implement some Projects |
Mr. Jean Francois Letang Representative T: +8502-3817246 F: +8502-3817661 |
European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO) |
Office in Pyongyang ( Former Yemen Embassy) |
Donor | Mr. Paul Filler Representative T: +8502-3817247 F: +8502-3817661 |
Handicap International (HI) |
Pyongyang, South Hamgyong |
OCHA Luxembourg Handicap International – Luxembourg Handicap International -Belgian |
Mr. Denis Charles Representative T:+8502-3817073 F:+8502-3817680 |
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) |
Pyongyang (Songrim) | ICRC | Mr. Eric Schneider Administrator T: +8502-3817443 F: +8502-3817443 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) |
Chagang, Kaesong, North Pyonga, South Pyongan, South Hamgyong Country wide |
ECHO, DFID Red Cross National Societies |
Mr. Per Gunnar Jenssen Head of Delegation T: +8502-3814350 F: +8502-3813490 |
Development Co-operation Office Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Kangwon Province | Italian Government | Dr. Massimo Urbani Resident Co-ordinator T: +8502-3817140 F: +8502-3817817 |
Premiere Urgence |
South Hamgyong, South Pyongan, and Pyongyang |
ECHO | Veronique Mondon Head of Mission T: +8502-3817247 (c/o ECHO) F: +8502-3817661 |
PMU Interlife4 |
South Pyongan, (Songchon County) |
Private donations, SIDA |
Mr. Sven-Erik Johansson Project leader T: +8502-3817750 F: +8502-3817750 |
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) |
North Hwanghae, South Hamgyong and Ryanggang. SDC also has national projects, which are not implemented in a defined Province. | Swiss Government | Mr. Ueli Mueller Resident Coordinator T: +8502-3817645 F: +8502-3817643 |
Triangle Generation Humanitaire |
South Pyongan (Mundok, Pyongwon, Taedong counties) |
Mr. Thomas Loreaux Head of Mission T: +8502-3817555 F: +8502-3817555 |
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) |
All provinces | Donors in include: Australia, Denmark, ECHO, Finland, Italy, Norway, Sweden Diakonie Emergency Aid (Germany) Various National Committees for UNICEF |
Mr. Richard Bridle Representative T: +8502-3817150 F: +8502-3817676 |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) |
All provinces | Caritas. Saudi Arabia Japan. Norway RO Korea UNDP United Kingdom |
Mr. Abu Selim Senior Deputy Resident Representative T +8502-3817-566 F: +8502-3817603 |
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) |
Chagang Kangwon Kaesong North Pyongan Nampo North Hwanghae South Hwanghae South Pyongan South Hamgyong Pyongyang |
Finland Italy Norway RO Korea Sweden |
Mr. Gamal M Ahumed FAO Representative (Based in Beijing) T: +86-10-6532-2835 F: +86-10-6532-5042 |
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) |
North Pyongan, South Hwanghae Pyongyang |
UNFPA | Siri Tellier UNFPA Representative (Based in Beijing) Tel: +86 10 6532 3731 Mr. Kauko Hakkinen |
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) |
Office in Pyongyang | Sweden Norway |
Mr. Brendan McDonald Head of Office T: +8502-3817490, 3817488 F: +8502-3817639 |
World Food Programme (WFP) |
All provinces (accessible counties only) | Main Donors for 2002 are USA, Republic of Korea, Australia, Germany, Cuba, and Finland. 2003 donors are ECHO, Italy and Switzerland. | Mr. Rick Corsino Country Director T: +8502-3817220 F: +8502-3817639 |
WFP – Food Aid Liaison Unit (FALU)7 |
Chagang, Kaesong, Kangwon Nampo, North Hamgyong, North Pyongan Pyongyang Ryanggang, South Hamgyong, South Hwanghae |
ACT CFGB Caritas World vision |
Mr. Umberto Greco T: +8502-3817236 F: +8502-3817639 |
World Health & Nutrition Organisation (WHO) |
All provinces | Sweden, Norway, Ro Korea UK, Rotary International, ECHO | Dr. Eigil Sorenson WHO Representative T: +8502-3817914 F: +8502-3817916 |
1 Each agency may internally classify a programme or project using different themes or sectors. However, for the purpose of identifying sectors OCHA uses the following sector classifications when compiling this matrix: Food (Includes transport costs, provision of food aid), Agriculture, Health & Nutrition (Includes: Reproductive Health & Nutrition, Nutrition, Psycho-social support, Mental Health & Nutrition, Assistance to the Disabled) Water and Sanitation, Family Shelter and Non-Food Items (Includes transport costs, provision of relief items), Education, Economic recovery and infrastructure (Includes: Rehabilitation), and Coordination and Support services.
2 Donors listed under ‘Funding Sources’ refers to donor support for ongoing programmes, or recently completed programmes.
3 Campus fuer Christus are a resident NGO, who implement programmes during the agricultural seasonal or as required basis.
4 PMU Interlife is a resident NGO, who implement programmes during the agricultural seasonal or as required basis.
5 Development programme includes co-operation in the field of agriculture, aid co-operation, capacity building. SDC maintain a small humanitarian assistance programme.
6 WFP provides support to the Health & Nutrition sector through LFP, and other sectors through FFW.
7 FALU consists of Action by Churches Together, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Caritas Internationalis and World Vision.