DPRK Briefing Book : Projected 2005 Needs for WFP Projects and Operations for the DPR Korea 2005
- Objectives of WFP assistance
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has suffered widespread food shortages since the mid 1990s, largely as a result of serious economic difficulties compounded by natural disasters. WFP’s assistance from 1995 onward has contributed to improving the nutritional status of children and mothers as highlighted by the 2002 UNICEF/WFP/Government Nutrition Survey. Household food security remains precarious for millions of people, especially the under/unemployed workers and their families in urban areas. They have seen their purchasing power erode as an initial consequence of the economic reforms introduced in mid 2002.
The WFP intervention is designed to:
- save lives by preventing food shortages from developing into famine;
- maintain and/or improve the nutritional status of young children and other vulnerable groups;
- mitigate the potential negative and disproportionate initial impact of economic reforms on the food security of vulnerable segments of the population;
- support Government’s efforts towards agricultural recovery, disaster mitigation, reconstruction of sustainable infrastructure and protection of the environment through food-for-work (FFW) projects.
Beneficiaries include pregnant/nursing mothers, young children, selected elderly persons and the new urban poor households. FFW activities carried out largely by under/unemployed urban workers include agro-forestry, flood prevention, reforestation and water/soil conservation and urban infrastructure. Biscuits and micronutrient- fortified blended food and noodles, produced by WFP-assisted local food production facilities, are distributed to pediatric in-patients, pregnant and nursing women and young children.
- Development projects and activities
None - Emergency operations
- Protracted relief and recovery operations
None - Special operations
DPRK EMOP 10141.2: “Emergency Assistance for Vulnerable Groups”
Duration: One year (through December 2004) – extension through December 2005 is planned
Total project commitment: 1,006,190 tonnes (includes 525,000 tonnes for 2005) Extension for 2005 – subject to approval
Food assistance will be provided to vulnerable people in DPR Korea, in particular the most-at-risk young children, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly. Priority will further be given to highly food insecure workers and their families in urban areas whose purchasing power has been severely diminished by the economic adjustment process that started in 2002. Improved targeting, addressing specific nutritional problems, will be made possible on the basis of the findings of a joint Government/UNICEF/WFP nutrition survey planned for October 2004, following up on the survey of October 2002, as well as ongoing household food economy analyses. WFP will continue to advocate for increased access to vulnerable population groups and food security information. At present, WFP staff can work in 161 out of 203 counties, representing 85 percent of total civilian population. The Government is continuously urged by WFP at headquarters, regional and national levels to ease operational constraints. Despite continued serious constraints, operating conditions have improved, strengthening WFP’s capacity to ensure that targeted beneficiaries are effectively reached and needy groups timely detected.
FFW is an important component of the operation. FFW activities are carried out in spring and autumn in most vulnerable counties. Food security at the household level is increased by creating temporary employment opportunities. Participants include under/unemployed urban industrial workers and farmers outside the busy agricultural season. FFW projects aim to protect and increase agricultural production through flood control, reforestation and water/soil conservation. Rehabilitation of damaged assets is assisted in the immediate aftermath of natural disasters. No food-for-training (FFT) activities are foreseen. Biscuits and micro nutrient fortified blended food and noodles are produced by eighteen WFP-supported local food production (LFP) facilities around the country. The LFP products are distributed to inpatients in pediatric hospitals/wards, pregnant and nursing women, and young children.
Expected Outputs in 2005