Maps – Afghanistan

Maps – Afghanistan

Online maps and map collections of Afghanistan and regions.

Individual maps

Afghanistan, Political Map, U.S. Army

Afghanistan, Relief Map, U.S. Army

Afghanistan Country Map, UK Foreign Office (PDF, 1MB)

Afghanistan, United Nations Cartographic Office

Kandahar Province, AIMS, 2003 [820 KB PDF].

Kandahar City Map, AIMS [273 KB PDF].

Kandahar-Kabul highway, US, Department of State, 2003.

Oruzgan province, Australia in Afghanistan

Southern Afghanistan map, Department of Defence, Australia. (high resolution), (low resolution)

Tarin Kowt, Australia in Afghanistan

Terrain Analysis of Afghanistan, Eastview Information Services

E-book providing detailed local terrain analysis reports covering the entire area of the country, including border regions. Each chapter corresponds to a geographic area described by individual Soviet/Russian topographic maps at 1:200,000 scale, with chapter names based on the largest population center for that area. The individual 200k map sheets contain thousands of geographic place names translated into English in accordance with the U.S. Board of Geographic Names standards.

Map collections – Afghanistan collection

Excellent collection of downloadable maps, including ArcGIS Shapefile Map Layers. If necessary, use search for “Afghanistan”.

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Maps, NATO, Last updated 29 October 2009

Contains maps of Afghanistan, ISAF troop strength, ISAF Regional Commands (RCs) and Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs)

Afghanistan maps, ReliefWeb Map Centre

Very large collection of detailed maps for reference, social, cultural, political and military issues, and maps of complex emergencies and disasters.

Afghanistan maps, Perry-Castaneda Collection, University of Texas library

Large collection of detailed country-, regional- and city-maps, plus thematic and historical maps. Includes note that “the following maps were produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency unless otherwise indicated.”

Afghanistan – Maps, Afghanistan Information Management Service

Very large collection of maps and Geographic Information System data, funded by US Agency for International Development, United Nations Development Programme and the EU. “Most AIMS [Afghanistan Information Management Service] maps are based on sources such as the United State Defense Mapping Agency 1958 1:100,000, Soviet 1990 1:50,000, recent satellite imagery of varying resolutions or current survey data provided by different organizations. Additional layers may be created by using GPS [Global Positioning System] data, surveys and assessments, client specific data or remotely sensed information. All maps are checked in-house for errors, and printed and distributed through our customer service section.”

Afghanistan maps,

Mainly US military, bases, and security situation maps, but also a general collection, sometimes outdated, regarding population, cities, opium, humanitarian situation, and militia facilities.

Military Operations: Briefing Maps, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom.

Provincial Reconstruction Teams: Interactive Graphic Maps on Nation-building, Security and Counter-narcotics, Financial Times, 13 October 2009

Maps on nation-building activities such as economic and humanitarian aid, education and health assistance, security threat levels, and opium cultivation activity.

Project coordinator: Richard Tanter
Additional research: Ronald Li
Updated: 24 March 2010