Semi-Weekly Bulletin

The Austral Peace and Security Network (APSNet) Semi-Weekly Bulletin covered critical national and regional security issues, broadly understood, in Australia and the surrounding region. Archives from 2005 until 2010.

APSNet, Semi-Weekly Bulletin

APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, December 10, 2007

  1. Secret Pledge Keeps Us at War
  2. Aussie Iraq Role after Pullout
  3. Australian Diplomats Meet Moro Rebels in Philippines
  4. NATO and Afghan Forces Hem in Taliban Haven
  5. Backbench Stings Nelson Over Hornet
  6. Atmosphere of Mistrust around Asia Pacific: Report
  7. Australian Security: Integrated Policy an Urgent Need
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, December 6, 2007

  1. Australia and the Future of Nuclear Deterrence
  2. Australia and United States Treaty on Defense Trade Cooperation
  3. Iraq ‘Ready’ for Withdrawal
  4. National Intelligence Estimate about Iran’s Nuclear Program
  5. UN Chief Warns of Water Wars
  6. Afghanistan: Letter to the Editor
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, December 3, 2007

  1. Revealed: The Day Australia Planned to Bomb Indonesia
  2. Climate Diplomacy: The Governance Challenge
  3. Torture Fear for Pows Captured by Australians
  4. Defence Silent on Civilian Deaths
  5. Iraqi Parliament Hit by Walkout
  6. BHP Nuclear Hopes Come at High Price
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 29, 2007

  1. No Walking Away from Afghans: Defence Chief
  2. After the 2006 Crisis: Australian Interests in Timor-Leste
  3. Poor to Bear Brunt of Warming
  4. UN Envoy Says Indonesian Torture Widespread
  5. How the US Got its Philippine Bases Back
  6. Iraq Deal Eyes Long US Presence
  7. Upper House Votes to End Japan’s Mission in Iraq
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 26, 2007

  1. Rudd Takes Tough Stand on Boat People
  2. Seamen Pose Big Security Threat
  3. Rudd to Improve Australia Ties
  4. Reinado Threatens to Destabilise Timor
  5. Bush Loses a Friend in Australia
  6. Afghan Civilians Suffer in Battle for their Security
  7. First U.S. Troop Cutback in Iraq Gets Under Way
  8. Indonesia’s Health Minister Says ‘no’ to Sharing Bird Flu Virus with WHO
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 22, 2007

  1. The Indonesian Air Force is deploying three more radar stations
  2. Stumbling into Chaos: Afghanistan on the Brink
  3. Afghanistan ‘Falling into Hands of Taliban’
  4. Defence Systems to Get a Rocketing
  5. Bin Laden Talks of Victory
  6. Asian Leaders Drop India Australia from Regional `Community’
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 19, 2007

  1. Coalition ‘Cannot Win’ in Iraq or Afghanistan
  2. Coroner Finds Balibo Five Deliberately Killed
  3. Labor Military Bid to Save Whales
  4. Losing Afghanistan, One Civilian at a Time
  5. Jakarta Merits Mid-East Role
  6. Poll Spotlight on Climate
  7. Blind to the Greatest Threats
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 15, 2007

  1. White Paper First Step in Defence Rethink
  2. Police, ASIO Review after Court Debacle
  3. Dutch Accused of Complicity in Torture in Afghanistan
  4. Combined Force Kills Militants, Detains Foreign Fighter Facilitator in Afghanistan
  5. Philippine Defense Secretary Pushing for Filipino-Australian Military Drills
  6. AFP to Raise Armoured Unit
  7. 113th Human Bird Flu Case in Indonesia
  8. Fish Vanishing from Southeast Asian Ocean
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 12, 2007

  1. Case Dropped against ‘Terrorism Trainee’
  2. MoU Signed for Australia-US Joint Military Communications Ground Station
  3. Iraq: Call an Air Strike
  4. ‘Climate Bomb’ Warning over Deforestation for Palm Oil
  5. Enmeshed: Australia and Southeast Asia’s Fisheries
  6. Timor-Leste: UN Human Rights Report Lauds Progress but Warns Gains Still Fragile
  7. Defence Tables Annual Report 2006-07
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, October 29, 2007

  1. Afghanistan and Iraq: Quagmire or Strategic Priority?
  2. Afghanistan: Diggers Say No to Allies’ Plan
  3. Undiagnosed Brain Injury – The Hidden Legacy of Iraq
  4. Dispute Flares over Nuclear Dump Site
  5. Making Modernity in Timor-Leste
  6. Australian Customs Service Annual Report
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