Semi-Weekly Bulletin

The Austral Peace and Security Network (APSNet) Semi-Weekly Bulletin covered critical national and regional security issues, broadly understood, in Australia and the surrounding region. Archives from 2005 until 2010.

APSNet, Semi-Weekly Bulletin

APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, January 15, 2009

  1. Australia and Indonesia Sign Agreement to Improve Security Cooperation
  2. The Afghan Scam: The Untold Story of Why the U.S. Is Bound to Fail in Afghanistan
  3. About-face Likely on Gulf illness
  4. Detainee Tortured, Says U.S. Official
  5. India and the US Talk Missile Defense
  6. Dengue Spreads in Northern Australia; Worst Outbreak Since 2004
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, January 12, 2009

  1. Nautilus Awarded Australia-Japan Foundation Grant for Nuclear Disarmament Study
  2. Australian Forces Kill Taliban Leader: Defence
  3. Aim to Withdraw Diggers from Afghanistan by 2012
  4. Navy Plans Pirate Fight
  5. Defence Warns of Climate Conflict
  6. [Malaysia] Navy Puts Focus on Security in Straits of Malacca
  7. Failure of Justice in Indonesia
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, December 1, 2008

  1. [Thailand] Yellow, Red Camps Bring Country Closer to the Brink
  2. Alarm Bells Ringing for China’s Leadership
  3. Privatising the Fight against Somali Pirates
  4. Indonesia Treads Novel Path
  5. Aussies Keep Spy Files on Afghans
  6. Michael Fussell Named as Australian Soldier Killed in Afghanistan
  7. [India and Pakistan] Attacks Imperil Delicate U.S. Role between Rivals
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 27, 2008

  1. Indonesia ‘Crucial’ In Weathering Climate Storm
  2. Miner Tied to Somali Pirates
  3. China’s Secrecy ‘Could Affect Region’, Angus Houston Warns
  4. Asian Leaders Prefer To Broaden Existing Body: Woolcott
  5. Jakarta May Have to Seek IMF Aid
  6. US Aims to Boost Afghan Troop Surge
  7. Opium Trade Plagues War against Taliban
  8. Fitzgibbon in Dispute with UN over Rejected General
  9. PM Holds Tongue on Taliban Talks
  10. Nuclear War Threat to Grow By 2025
  11. [East Timor] Like There’s No Tomorrow
  12. Defence Department is Facing More Delays over Boeing’s Wedgetail Surveillance Aircraft
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 17, 2008

  1. Defence Department Defies Kevin Rudd on White Paper
  2. Australia and China to Speed up Free Trade Deal Talks
  3. Allies Form Plan to Divide and Conquer Taliban
  4. Iraqi Cabinet Approves Security Pact with US
  5. East Timor Budget Ruled Unconstitutional
  6. India Concerned at Nuclear Weapons Falling in Wrong Hands
  7. We Don’t Need IMF: Indonesia
  8. Dengue Screening Begins in New Caledonia
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 13, 2008

  1. East Timor Talks Tough
  2. AWB Case Put On Hold Indefinitely
  3. Indonesia Defends Executions
  4. Secret Order Lets U.S. Raid Al Qaeda
  5. US Wants To Resume Nuke Testing To Retain Bomb Making Skills
  6. Nuclear Security in Pakistan after Musharraf
  7. US to Drop Mullah Omar from Blacklist
  8. Solomons Accepts Controversial Iranian Aid
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 10, 2008

  1. Navy Chief Sinks Rudd Fears of Arms Race
  2. Australian Input into US War Strategy
  3. UN Vote: Rudd Breaks with Howard on Israel
  4. Indonesia: VP Denies Talk of Split between Mulyani, SBY
  5. Japan Eyes Own Early Warning Satellite
  6. Myanmar says Daewoo Will Continue Exploration
  7. Climate Change: Issues/Challenges Facing the Region
  8. China: What Sort of Great Power Will It Be?
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 6, 2008

  1. It’s Farewell To Our Great Friend Bush
  2. As China’s Losses Mount, Confidence Turns to Fear – Officials Use Bailouts to Forestall Unrest
  3. David Petraeus Makes Pakistan a Priority
  4. Australia on Alert as Indonesia Set to Execute Bali Bombers
  5. Armed Conflicts Report 2008
  6. Amid the Financial Storm: Redirecting Climate Change
  7. Thousands Evacuate as Vietnam Capital Battles Flood
  8. Taking Obama Seriously
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 3, 2008

  1. Chief of the Defence Force Statement [on Afghanistan]
  2. Ramos Horta Ready to Torpedo Gas Pipeline to Darwin
  3. Ramos-Horta Calls for more Australian Aid
  4. Alexander Downer with No Real Clue about what’s Going Down
  5. The Philippines: The Collapse of Peace in Mindanao
  6. Global Jigsaw: ASPI’s Strategic Assessment 2008
  7. National Adaptation Research Plan (Human Health): Consultation Draft
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APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, October 30, 2008

  1. Defence Spending Reforms Nigh
  2. Afghans, Pakistanis Opt to Talk to Taliban Council Backs Dialogue with Insurgents
  3. Pakistan Summons US Ambassador Over Air Strikes
  4. Gates Calls for Modernization of US Nuclear Arsenal
  5. Taiwan’s Retreat from Alms Race Good for Pacific
  6. West Papua: Inside Indonesia?
  7. Australia Deserves a Voice in Reshaping the World
  8. Global Fund to Address Avian Influenza Remains in Deficit
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