East Asian Energy Futures/Asian Energy Security Working Groups Data and Reports
Country Teams:
Regional Data
The following papers were prepared for a study commissioned by World Wildlife Fund, Japan
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Potential in Japan’s Power Sector — Estimating Carbon Emissions Avoided by a Fuel-Switch Scenario (
- Annexes: Workpapers and Background Data Used in Preparing Japan LEAP Dataset and Scenarios, and Seclected Detailed Results (
1213 KB)
The following presentations were prepared for East Asia Energy Futures (EAEF)/Asia Energy Security Project Workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada 4 to 7 November, 2003
- Energy Update in Japan (
- Application of LEAP in Japan: The “Power Switch” Energy Path (
390 KB)
The following data were prepared for the East Asia Energy Futures/Asia Energy Security Project, as modified for use in the Japan WWF “Power Switch” Analysis of Energy Futures for Japan.
- Japan WWF Demand Data (HTML version, Excel version)
- Japan WWF Transformation Data (HTML version, Excel version)
- Japan WWF Resources Data (HTML version, Excel version)
- Japan WWF Fuel Data (HTML version, Excel version)
The following presentations were prepared for East Asia Energy Futures (EAEF)/Asia Energy Security Project Workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada 4 to 7 November, 2003
The following data were prepared for the East Asia Energy Futures/Asia Energy Security Project, as modified for use in the China.
- China Demand Data (HTML version, Excel version)
- China Transformation Data (HTML version, Excel version)
- China Reserves Data (HTML version, Excel version)
- China Fuel Data (HTML version, Excel version)
The following paper was prepared for Asia Energy Security Project Workshop, Beijing, China May 12 – 14, 2004
The following presentation was prepared for Asia Energy Security Project Workshop, Beijing, China May 12 – 14, 2004
The following dataset for the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea was prepared by Nautilus as input to the AES project. Excel workbooks are included for the Demand, Transformation, Resources, and Fuels portions of the LEAP datasets, with an additional workbook providing selected results from the DPRK energy paths model.
- DPRK Demand Data (Excel version)
- DPRK Transformation Data (Excel version)
- DPRK Resources Data (Excel version)
- DPRK Fuel Data (Excel version)
- DPRK Results (Excel version)
About LEAP
LEAP, the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system, is an advanced Windows-based software tool for integrated energy-environment and greenhouse gas mitigation analysis. LEAP has been developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute-Boston with support from international organizations to meet the needs of researchers, NGOs and government agencies worldwide.