
 [Background]  [Datasets]  [Papers]  [Participants]  [Agenda] [Pictures]

25 June

Informal Meeting Check-in (for those arriving on 25 June or before)

18:30               INFORMAL GROUP DINNER

26 June

8:15     Meeting Check-in, with Continental Breakfast and Coffee/Tea Served at Workshop Venue

9:00     OPENING REMARKS by Meeting Co-hosts:

  • Stanford University Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC)
  • Korea Energy Economics Institute (Dr. RYU Ji-Chul, Director of the Center for Energy Research Northeast Asia, KEEI)
  • Nautilus Institute (Dr. Peter HAYES, Executive Director, NautilusInstitute)

Presentation of Meeting Goals and Schedule: Nautilus Institute

SESSION 1: DPRK Energy Supply and Resources

North Korean Energy Issues and Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia”,RYU Ji-Chul (Executive Director, Center for Energy Research, KEEI)

Analysis of Present Status and Future Supply/Demand prospects for the DPRK Power System”, YOON Jae-young (Head of Power Systems Group, Korea Electrotechnical Research Institute)

The DPRK’s Energy and Energy-related Imports from and Exports to China: Recent Trends”, Nate ADEN (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory China Energy Group)

Overview of Mineral Resources in the DPR Korea”, CHUNG Woo-Jin (KEEI Research Fellow)

Forest and other Biomass Production in the DPRK: Current Situation and Recent Trends as Indicated by Remote Sensing Data”, LEE SeungHo(Korea Forest Research Institute/Korea Forest Service) [Title to be confirmed]

LUNCH with Talk by William Perry, Stanford/CISAC

SESSION 2: DPRK Energy Demand and Economy

Recent Changes in the DPRK Economy as Reflected in Available Data, and Implications for the Energy Sector”, Prof. William BROWN (George Washington University)

“Observations on Recent Trends in the DPRK Energy Sector: Local and Regional Availability of Electricity, and Fuel Use in the Residential and Service Sectors”,

Implications of Trends in Chinese Investment and Cross-border Trade for the DPRK Industrial Sector and Related Energy Use”Prof. LI Dunqiu(Research Center for Korean Peninsular studies, Institute of World Development Research Center the State Council of the P.R.C.)

Trends in the DPRK Agricultural Sector, and Implications for Energy Use”,Hugh BENTLEY (formerly consultant to UNDP AREP Project)

“The DPRK Program of Economic Reform and Implications for Future Energy Needs”, Robert CARLIN (formerly of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization)

Energy Efficiency Activities in the DPRK and Opportunities for Rationalization of Energy Use”, Prof. Jan JASIEWICZ (formerly of UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs)


SESSION 3: Discussion on DPRK Energy Supply and Demand Situation: Challenges and Impacts of Recent Trends in the DPRK Economy

Panel discussion with expert “discussants”, followed by a general discussion involving experts who have spoken earlier in the day and other attendees.  Invited Panel Discussants thus far:

  • BIAN Xiaochun (Institute of World Development Research Center the State Council of the P.R.C.)
  • Michael MAY, Stanford University
  • Robert SCHOCK, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

19:00   GROUP DINNER Hosted by NI-USF, with Talk by Head of KEEI Delegation

27 June

8:30     Continental Breakfast and Coffee/Tea Served at Workshop Venue

9:00     SESSION 4: Integrated Estimates of DPRK Energy Supply and Demand

Updated DPRK Energy Balance (Draft) and Work to Be Done”, David VON HIPPEL and Jungmin KANG, Nautilus Institute

DPR Korean Energy Demand/Supply Analysis: Energy Balance Sheet 2003”, KIM Kyung-Sool, (Research Fellow, KEEI)

Estimated DPRK Military Energy Use: Analytical Approach and Draft Updated Results”, David VON HIPPEL, Nautilus Institute

Updated DPRK Future Energy Paths, and Implications for Near-term Energy Sector Cooperation”, David VON HIPPEL and Jungmin KANG, Nautilus Institute

Group Discussion of Energy Balance Estimates, including Strengths, Weaknesses, and Potential Suggestions/Next Steps in Refining Estimates.


SESSION 5: International Cooperation for Energy Sector Redevelopment in the DPRK

Potential Areas/Modes for Energy Sector Collaboration with the DPRK”, Peter HAYES (Nautilus Institute) [Brief presentation laying out options previously suggested to “set the stage” for discussions]

Current Situation and Prospects of Energy Cooperation between Two Koreas”, KIM Kyung Sool(Research Fellow, KEEI) [or MOCIE Representative]

“Recent Trends in U.S.-Korean Economic Relations and their Impacts on the DPRK”, Robert Armstrong(US State Department)


SESSION 6: Panel and Group Discussion, International Cooperation for Energy Sector Redevelopment in the DPRK and “Next Steps”

Panel discussion with expert Discussants, followed by a general discussion involving experts who have spoken earlier in the Meeting and other attendees.  Overall Topics: Potential Areas and Modes for Energy Sector Collaboration with the DPRK, including identification of likely areas for collaboration/assistance, potential modes of working together, potential difficulties that might be encountered, potential actors involved in energy sector rehabilitation in the DPRK, likely “first steps” in rehabilitation, coordination issues, and other issues.

Possible Panel Discussants:

  • Neil JOECK, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • RYU Ji-Chul, KEEI [or  Representative from ROK Ministry of Unification or MOCIE (to be finalized)]
  • ZHOU Nan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, China Energy Group
  • Professor YOUN Yeo-Chang, Seoul National University
  • Siegfried HECKER, Stanford University
  • Representative from US DOE (under discussion with DOE)


19:00   GROUP DINNER Hosted by NI-USF