Joint Statement in Connection with Dr. El Baradei’s Call for a New Security Paradigm
Adopted on 25 May 2007, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
We, members of GPPAC-NEA, met in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia to consider issues related to
conducting a civil society forum in support of Six-Party Talks and promoting a Nuclear-
Weapon-Free Zone in the region. In connection with the statement by Dr. Mohamed El-
Baradei, Director-General of IAEA at the International Conference on the Prevention of
Nuclear Catastrophe, we make the following statement:
1. We fully agree with Dr. El Baradei that the nuclear non-proliferation regime is
faltering, and that there is a need for a new security paradigm in which nuclear
weapons are “universally banned, morally abhorred and their futility unmasked.”
2. We support the idea that special efforts need to be taken to start talks on the
conclusion of a Nuclear Weapons Convention that would outlaw and eliminate
nuclear weapons worldwide, much like the conventions on biological and chemical
weapons and landmines.
3. We also believe that efforts need to be taken to establish new Nuclear-Weapon-Free
zones, including in Northeast Asia, that would promote strengthening of nuclear nonproliferation
and the achievement of nuclear disarmament.
4. We believe that the decisions taken by Ulaanbaatar meeting of GPPAC-NEA will
contribute to the promotion of the new security paradigm
List of Participants:
Seoul Focal Point
Ms. Jungeun PARK – People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
Mr. Kiho YI – Sungkonghoe University / Nautilus at Seoul
Prof. Younghee SHIM – Hanyang University
Mr. Jongmoo LEE – Korean Sharing Movement
Beijing Focal Point
Mr. Duming CHEN – Chinese People’s Association for Peace & Disarmament
Mr. Zhigang CAO – Chinese People’s Association for Peace & Disarmament
Shanghai Focal Point
Prof. Huasheng ZHAO – Fudan University
Taipei Focal Point
Prof. Szu-chien HSU – Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica (IPSAS)
Prof. Mei-lin PAN – National Chiao Tung University
Prof. Chih-kuang WU – Fu Jen Catholic University
Vladivostok Focal Point
Mr. Vadim GAPONENKO – Maritime State University
Tokyo Focal Point
Mr. Jun SASAMOTO – Japanese Lawyers International Solidarity Association
Kyoto Focal Point
Prof. Hiroshi ANDO – Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan
Ulaanbaatar Focal Point
Amb. Jargalsaikhan ENKHSAIKHAN – Institute for Strategic Studies of Mongolia; Blue
Prof. Tsokhio ADYASUREN – Environmental Education and Research Institute
Mr. Damba GANBAT – Academy of Political Education
Resource Persons
Mr. Bohyuk SUH – Korea National Strategy Institute (KNSI)
Mr. Alyn WARE – International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Dr. Wade HUNTLY – Simons Centre for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Research, Liu
Institute for Global Issues, University of British Colombia
Regional Initiator
Mr. Tatsuya YOSHIOKA –Peace Boat
Regional Secretariat
Mr. Akira KAWASAKI – Peace Boat
Ms. Jinhye CHO – Peace Boat
Mr. Stacy HUGHES – Peace Boat