Adopted on 25 May 2007, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
We the civil society members working for conflict prevention in Northeast Asia gathered in
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 24-25 May 2007. We the participants reaffirmed our commitments
made in the 2005 Tokyo Agenda and the 2006 Mt. Kumgang Action Plan, and explored
further common efforts. The meeting focused on Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones (NWFZs) in
Northeast Asia and to conduct civil society forum in support of the Six-Party Talks. The
Ulaanbaatar meeting was particularly meaningful, thanks to the assistance by the Mongolian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since Mongolia itself is one of the best examples of the
commitment to NWFZ.
We hereby make this statement as our common understanding on the following three issues:
first, how to encourage the Six-Party Talks to move forward towards a regional mechanism
for peace; second, how to establish a Northeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NEANWFZ);
and third, how to strengthen and promote the experience of Mongolia as a “single-
State NWFZ.” We also welcome the progress of the Global Article 9 Campaign to Abolish
War and many peace initiatives by focal points of the network. NGOs and civil society actors
should be united and act together towards our common goal.
1. Supporting Six-Party Talks for a Regional Peace Mechanism
We support the Six-Party Talks as a multilateral platform to discuss ways to peaceful and
permanent settlement of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula. Despite the DPRK’s
nuclear test, we are encouraged by the agreement of 13 February 2007. We call on the
governments to implement the agreement. Not only multilateral cooperation but also bilateral
cooperation between the DPRK and the US and between the DPRK and Japan should be
encouraged. We also believe that development of relationships between the DPRK and the
ROK is able to promote the Six-Party Talks, and the Six-Party Talks is also conducive to the
cooperation between North-South Korea.
The Six-Party Talks should also, on the basis of the solution to the problems on the Korean
Peninsula, aim at the further goals of creating a Northeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone
(NEA-NWFZ) and developing a greater regional peace mechanism. The process should be
supported by local initiatives, such as Jeju and Okinawa being free from military bases and
efforts for historical reconciliation in this region. The process should also, beyond militarysecurity
issues, be developed as a cooperative platform in the region to deal with human
security, covering issues such as environment, energy and development.
We shall continue to develop GPPAC Northeast Asia process, engaging civil society
representatives from the DPRK and the US.
2. Working Towards a Northeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NEA-NWFZ)
We underline the importance of NWFZs as concrete steps towards nuclear disarmament. We
are committed to joining the global efforts by governments, international organizations and
civil society, to strengthening existing NWFZs and creating new zones. We call on the governments of nuclear-weapon States that have not done so to sign and ratify the protocols
of NWFZ treaties as soon as possible.
In Northeast Asia, it is a matter of urgency to create a NWFZ. Such a zone would facilitate
conflict prevention and provide the basis of a regional peace mechanism. Governments
should commit themselves to working towards such a zone as an achievable goal, and
consider the existing proposals.
There are many challenges to realize a NEA-NWFZ, including the question of the US nuclear
deterrence that Japan and the ROK rely on; the need for disarmament measures by the
nuclear-weapon States; security assurances by the nuclear-weapon States; Japan’s
stockpile and production of plutonium; and the need to strengthen physical protection of
nuclear materials. Innovative and flexible approaches should be developed to address these
It is vital to mobilize public opinion for a “security without nuclear weapons” through civil
society efforts. We can develop and promote, both individually and collectively, public
awareness raising; educating policy makers; campaigns for national legislations; and studies
on legal and technical aspects. As citizens of a region that experienced nuclear devastation,
we are committed to taking a proactive role for a nuclear-weapon-free world.
3. Strengthening the Single-State NWFZ
We underline the importance of establishing second generation of NWFZs that are credible,
clearly defined and internationally recognized in strengthening mutual trust, international
peace and security. We also underline the importance of inclusive approach to the
establishment of NWFZs, so as to prevent blind spots or weak links in the emerging network
of NWFZs.
We believe that institutionalization of Mongolia’s single-State NWFZ would be an important
measure of preventive diplomacy and would enhance predictability in the region and support
Mongolia’s policy of neutrality. It would also eliminate a possible blind spot in the emerging
network of NWFZs.
We welcome the 2000 joint statement of the five nuclear-weapon States providing security
assurances to Mongolia and call upon them to take the next logical step in fully
institutionalizing the status. In this respect we welcome the Sapporo recommendation of
2001 for Mongolia and its neighbors to conclude a trilateral treaty between China, Russia
and Mongolia institutionalizing Mongolia’s nuclear-weapon-free status. We hope that such a
treaty will be concluded in the nearest future.
List of Participants:
Seoul Focal Point
Ms. Jungeun PARK – People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
Mr. Kiho YI – Sungkonghoe University / Nautilus at Seoul
Prof. Younghee SHIM – Hanyang University
Mr. Jongmoo LEE – Korean Sharing Movement
Beijing Focal Point
Mr. Duming CHEN – Chinese People’s Association for Peace & Disarmament
Mr. Zhigang CAO – Chinese People’s Association for Peace & Disarmament
Shanghai Focal Point
Prof. Huasheng ZHAO – Fudan University
Taipei Focal Point
Prof. Szu-chien HSU – Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica (IPSAS)
Prof. Mei-lin PAN – National Chiao Tung University
Prof. Chih-kuang WU – Fu Jen Catholic University
Vladivostok Focal Point
Mr. Vadim GAPONENKO – Maritime State University
Tokyo Focal Point
Mr. Jun SASAMOTO – Japanese Lawyers International Solidarity Association
Kyoto Focal Point
Prof. Hiroshi ANDO – Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan
Ulaanbaatar Focal Point
Amb. Jargalsaikhan ENKHSAIKHAN – Institute for Strategic Studies of Mongolia; Blue
Prof. Tsokhio ADYASUREN – Environmental Education and Research Institute
Mr. Damba GANBAT – Academy of Political Education
Resource Persons
Mr. Bohyuk SUH – Korea National Strategy Institute (KNSI)
Mr. Alyn WARE – International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Dr. Wade HUNTLY – Simons Centre for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Research, Liu
Institute for Global Issues, University of British Colombia
Regional Initiator
Mr. Tatsuya YOSHIOKA –Peace Boat
Regional Secretariat
Mr. Akira KAWASAKI – Peace Boat
Ms. Jinhye CHO – Peace Boat
Mr. Stacy HUGHES – Peace Boat