Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly – 12 September 2013

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"Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly – 12 September 2013", NAPSNet Weekly Report, September 12, 2013,

chinese dancers by war shipDETERRENCE: Could a Maritime Conflict Start a Sino-American War? M. Valencia, The Japan Times, September 2, 2013

The US and China should adopt voluntary guidelines to only use the ocean for peaceful purposes, and to refrain from the threat or use of force, as well as provocative acts such as collecting information to support the use of force against the coastal state, or interfering with naval electronic systems.


Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 1.20.12 AMDPRK: North Korea’s Ten Principles Show Regime Rigidity. Christopher Green, Korea Realtime Report of the Wall Street Journal, (9 September 2013)

It is unclear what conditions have to be right from the North Korean standpoint to release Kenneth Bae.  Paradoxically, the regime uses Rodman, Olympics, sports and reopening the Kaesong Industrial Zone as heterodoxy to internally demonstrate the orthodoxy of dynastic Kim family rule as enshrined in the 1974 “10 principles”.

Photo: People canoe June 4 in the flooded city of Wehlen, Germany. Johannes Eisele / AFP/Getty ImagesENERGY SECURITY: The Dangerous Effects of Global Warming, Editorial Board, Washington Post (9 September 2013)

The Washington Post continues to recite the mantra “humans shouldn’t just adapt but head off excessive future excessive warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions now”. The news from the G-20 meeting in St Petersburg is that the US and China reiterated their agreement of a few months ago in California to merely reduce HFC use, to which the rest of the G-20 agreed. “Down Under” a new leader may revoke carbon taxation. EU energy companies are complaining about aggressive CO2 limits and subsidies for renewables creating stranded assets in the face of lower electricity demands.

Japan wins olympic bid - AP PhotoGOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Asian Olympic Double to Unlock Continent’s Potential, Karolos Grohmann, Reuters (9 September 2013)

Tokyo’s pick as host of the 2020 Olympic Games following the 2018 Games in South Korea brings the region further into the global spotlight, along with regional issues. For example, Chinese media reacted by calling on Japan to reflect on its history. South Korea and China also released a joint statement last week expressing concern over Japan’s historical claims. Prime Minister Abe met with China’s Xi and South Korea’s Park for the first time in an unsubstantial meeting on the sidelines of the G-20.

Another novel take on communicating climate data, using sonification to show the warming trend. For me, the overlaid graph isn't necessary, but I can see why it was tempting to include it - to provide the link to something more familiar perhaps. CHANGE ADAPTATION: Building Shared Understanding and Capacity for Action: Insights on Climate Risk Communication from India, Ghana, Malawi, and Mongolia, Jon Padgham et al., International Journal of Communication, vol. 7, pp. 970-983 (2013)

Developing credible and relevant approaches for communicating climate risks that are grounded in decision-making processes is essential for better managing risks associated with current climate variability and for developing pathways for adaptation to longer-term climate change. However, creating effective communication that informs climate risk management and adaptation remains a significant global challenge.

Terraced rice farming in MadagascarCLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: Climate Change Will Bring More Surprises to Security Community, Interview with Mark Levy, State of the Planet, Earth Institute (5 September 2013

The collapse of the government in Madagascar a few years ago from opposition to the sweetheart deal that the government made in a long term land lease to the South Korea government was not on anybody’s radar. But it’s a direct response to a climate-triggered policy response. Korea is worried about how it’s going to feed its people in a climate-stressed, water-scarce world. They sought out these long-term land deals and it led to the collapse of a government.

The Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report presents articles and full length reports each week in six categories: Austral security, nuclear deterrence, energy security, climate change and security, the DPRK, climate change adaptation and governance and civil society. Our team of contributors carefully select items that highlight the links between these themes and the three regions in which our offices are found—North America, Northeast Asia, and the Austral-Asia region. 

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