Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 28 August 2015

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"Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 28 August 2015", NAPSNet Weekly Report, August 27, 2015,

Deterrence imageDETERRENCE: No third use: an interview with Nagasaki Mayor Tomihisa Taue, Interview, Daniel Horner, Arms Control Association (July/August 2015)

The Group of 7 will meet in Shima, May 26-27 2016. Hiroshima mayor Matsui Kazumi invited them to meet hibakusha in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nagasaki mayor Tomihisa Taue proposed that Japan and the two Koreas establish a nuclear weapons-free zone. Will Obama visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki? If so, what would he say?

shaking handsDPRK: Full text of inter-Korean agreement: KCNA, Yonhap News Agency (25 August 2015)

The recent agreement between the Koreas reveals a vastly changed Inter-Korean dynamic. Any agreement represents a snapshot of perceived relative power and usually also foreshadows relative power trajectories. While it is important to see how the agreement is implemented, it would be far better to address the root causes of insecurity between the Koreas with a comprehensive security agreement.

Gov imageGOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Ten years later, contamination still plagues Maehyang Village, Hong Yong-deok, Hankyoreh (20 August 2015)

Maehyang Village, located next to islets used as a bomb test site by the US military, continues to feel the effects of decades of testing, despite an end to activities in 2005. The area has never been fully cleaned and fears of contamination hinder business around fishing, the village’s main economic activity. Plans to develop the area into youth baseball fields further threaten economic livelihood, according to some resident groups.

Image for 27 Aug 2015CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: The coming financial climate: Aligning the financial system with sustainable development – the Inquiry’s fourth progress report, United Nations Environment Programme-UNEP (2015) [526 KB, PDF]

This report, on an inquiry into aligning the financial system with sustainable development, focuses on moving investments into low-carbon projects. It considers the need to invest in adaptation to protect economies from the risks associated with climate change. The report argues that the world’s financial system must undergo comprehensive change by 2035 if humanity is to make the transition needed to reduce the threat of dangerous climate change.

Austral imageAUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: America invites Australia to bomb Arabs in Syria, Rodger Shanahan, The Interpreter (24 August 2015)

The politically troubled Australian government is moving to join the US in bombing Syria and permitting ADF personnel to direct US drone strikes,while showing unhappy inventiveness in a new doctrine of collective self-defence. Meanwhile “despite claims by the US-led Coalition that its airstrikes are ‘the most precise and disciplined in the history of aerial warfare’, many hundreds of non-combatants have been killed by the 12 international allies in the first year of their air war.”

The Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report presents articles and full length reports each week in six categories: Austral security, nuclear deterrence, energy security, climate change and security, the DPRK, climate change adaptation and governance and civil society. Our team of contributors carefully select items that highlight the links between these themes and the three regions in which our offices are found — North America, Northeast Asia, and the Austral-Asia region.

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