Nautilus Peace and Security 6 August 2004

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"Nautilus Peace and Security 6 August 2004", Daily Report, August 06, 2004,

U.S. Troop Withdrawals And Self-Reliant Defense

This essay by Taik-young Hamm, Professor of Political Science at Kyungnam University and Advisor to the Civil Network for a Peaceful Korea, discusses the US troop withdrawal from the Korean Peninsula and its implications for the ROK. Prof. Hamm writes, “the current asymmetric ROK-U.S. alliance structure is excessive, as is the South Korean mentality of dependence on the United States for security. South Korean citizens and government alike need to overcome this latter neurosis, while the government additionally must foster self-reliant defense posture and doctrine, diplomacy skills, and an effective indigenous ‘crisis management’ system rather than undertake simple arms buildups with an enlarged defense budget.”

NAPSnet Top Story: Korean Missile Said To Advance; U.S. Is Unworried

The New York Times reported that the DPRK appears closer to deploying a new mobile ballistic missile that is a worrisome increase in that nation’s military capacity, but American government officials stressed Wednesday that the weapon could not reach the continental US. The new missile is based on designs of a Soviet-era submarine-launched weapon which has an estimated maximum range of just over 2,600 miles. The DPRK does not have a submarine capable of carrying the missile to within striking range of the continental US. “There is no way this can hit the mainland,” an American government official said Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

FOIA Top Story: Eighth United States Army Chronology: 1 January To 30 June, 1974

The Nautilus Institute Global Disclosure / Freedom of Information Act Project will be publishing a volume from these quarterly histories once a month. These histories from US service or unified commands in the Pacific were released to Nautilus under US Freedom of Information Act requests.

Eighth United States Army Chronology: 1 January To 30 June, 1974 .

Project Status Report By The KUT/SU Research Collaboration

This project status report by Syracuse University discusses its attempts to create “bilateral research collaborations with Kim Chaek University of Technology (KUT), Pyongyang.” The goal of this project “is to generate and sustain an environment of trusted communication supportive of open and empathetic communications” between researchers at the two universities.


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