1. Alleged DPRK Nuclear Activities
2. Inter-Korean Agreements
3. DPRK Connections to Japan
4. Japan on US Retaliatory Efforts
5. PRC Views of US Retaliatory Efforts
6. PRC Border with Pakistan
7. PRC Entry into WTO
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK-DPRK Talks
2. Kim Jong-il’s Inspection
3. ROK Participation in US Retaliation
III. Japan 1. Japanese Participation in US Retaliation
2. US Naval Movements from Japan
3. US Bases in Japan
IV. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK-ROK Relations
2. DPRK-Japanese Relations
3. PRC Reaction to Attacks against US
4. UN Resolution on Attack against US
5. World Views of US Retaliation
6. Russian Air Force Modernization
I. United States
1. Alleged DPRK Nuclear Activities (“NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER OUTCROPPING OF TERRORISM,” 09/18/01) reported that a former DPRK researcher at the nuclear facilities in Yongbyon is in hiding in the PRC and recently contacted Lee Young-hwa, a professor at Kansai University in Japan, and Japanese freelance journalist Jiro Ishimaru. According to Lee and Ishimaru, she claims that the DPRK moved its entire nuclear development program to new underground bunkers before US inspections of its old facilities began and are continuing research there. She reportedly claimed that the underground facilities are made to appear from aerial photos to be a peasant’s village. She also said that she is trying to defect to the US.
2. Inter-Korean Agreements
The New York Times (Don Kirk, “AS TALKS END IN SEOUL, TWO KOREAS PLAN MORE EXCHANGE VISITS,” Seoul, 9/18/01), The Associated Press (Jae-Suk Yoo, “N., S. KOREA PLAN OCT. REUNIONS,” Seoul, 9/18/01), and Reuters (Paul Eckert, “KOREAS AGREE TO NEW FAMILY REUNIONS, MORE TALKS,” Seoul, 9/18/01) reported that DPRK and ROK negotiators on Tuesday approved a new round of family reunions between the two countries scheduled to start next month. ROK assistant unification minister Rhee Bong-jo said that separated families will exchange visits October 16-18. Negotiators, meeting for two days mainly in private, unannounced sessions, concluded their talks early Tuesday. Rhee commented, “The inter-Korean dialogue is now back on track.” The agreement also calls for the DPRK to begin construction as soon as possible on its portion of a railroad that would link the two Koreas. ROK Army engineers have almost completed building the portion of the track near Panmunjom. Rhee said the agreement called for close cooperation between the DPRK, the ROK, and Russia on Russia’s proposal for connecting the inter-Korean railway via Russia to Western Europe. The agreement also calls for review of a proposal for a natural gas pipeline that would run from the oil fields of Siberia through northeastern PRC to both the DPRK and the ROK. The negotiators also agreed to hold working-level discussions on building an industrial complex in the DPRK city of Kaesong, and on such issues as the construction of a road between the DPRK and the ROK along the peninsula’s eastern coast. The agreement also calls for an unspecified “foreign survey team” to study the Imjin River as it runs from the DPRK to the ROK and to make recommendations for flood control.
Reuters (“SEOUL’S KIM SEES KOREAS AGREEMENT EASING TENSIONS,” Seoul, 9/18/01) reported that ROK President Kim Dae-jung hailed Tuesday’s inter-Korean agreement, saying that the accord was particularly helpful in easing fears amid rising world tensions. Kim spoke to his cabinet after DPRK and ROK ministers signed the agreement, saying, “Our people have two kinds of fears right now: security and peace concerns and economic worries. Fortunately, South-North Korean ministers held talks and announced breakthroughs in many areas. At a time when the world is getting caught up in war, it is significant to see peace upheld and exchanges and cooperation on the Korean peninsula, which is most sensitive to security issues.”
3. DPRK Connections to Japan (“NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER OUTCROPPING OF TERRORISM,” 09/18/01) reported that Kansai University Professor Lee Young-hwa, Japanese freelance journalist Jiro Ishimaru, and Pyon Jin-il, publisher of Korea Report, said that Japanese Red Army terrorists have been moving frequently between the DPRK and the Middle East for the past decade. They also said that the DPRK government has been manufacturing large quantities of heroin, amphetamines, weapons and counterfeit US dollars to finance its weapons development programs, and selling them either through criminal gangs in Japan or via Russia and the PRC to the US and Europe. They added that members of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) also help finance the DPRK regime in exchange for bribes. Lee said that when Japan gave 500,000 tons of rice aid to the DPRK last year, politicians received kickbacks. He stated, “I was with a North Korean official as he phoned a Japanese member of parliament and told him a shipment of free fish had been sent to a company he owns.” Kiyoshi Ueda, a member of Japan’s opposition Democratic Party, said that Japan’s ruling party has begun preparations to bail out credit cooperatives linked to the DPRK government with payments of public money that have amounted to US$3 billion so far and could rise to over US$10 billion. Lee stated, “They are now trying to quietly use public money to restart these institutions with the same people in charge as those that drove them to bankruptcy in the first place.” According to The Crimes of Fuji Bank, a book by Mineo Yamamoto, Fuji paid US$350 million to DPRK organizations in Japan in exchange for debt collection services. Ishimaru said that the real risk associated with the DPRK is that “nobody really knows what is going on there.” Pyon added, “Nobody knows how much money goes from Japan to North Korea.”
4. Japan on US Retaliatory Efforts
The Associated Press (“DEVIATING FROM GULF WAR STANCE, JAPAN OFFICIAL URGES LOGISTICAL SUPPORT FOR U.S. RETALIATION,” Tokyo, 9/18/01) reported that a top Japanese official urged his country to mobilize transports, medicine and other supplies instead of money to aid US military efforts. The comments came as Japan’s ruling coalition outlined a new push to allow the country’s military to help guard US bases in Japan in the wake of last week’s terror attacks. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has repeatedly said that his country will back the US in its expected retaliatory strike, but has fallen short on specifics. Deviating from Japan’s stance during the Gulf War, Takeo Hiranuma, Japan’s minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, suggested Tuesday that Japan privilege logistical, rather than monetary, support for the US efforts. Hiranuma was quoted as saying by Kyodo News service, “Japan should provide maximum cooperation with emphasis placed on the provision of necessary goods, logistical support, and medical services, rather than providing financial assistance.” Japanese Ministry spokesman Masahide Shima confirmed the stance.
5. PRC Views of US Retaliatory Efforts
Reuters (“CHINA SETS TERMS FOR BACKING U.S. WAR ON TERROR,” Beijing, 9/18/01) reported that the PRC asked the US for support in its own fight against “terrorism and separatism” in return for PRC support of US retaliation against recent terrorist attacks. PRC Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao also said that the PRC was prepared to discuss any proposals to combat international terrorism at the United Nations Security Council. However, he insisted that any military action in retaliation for last week’s attacks on the US would have to be based on “concrete evidence,” should not hurt innocent people, and should be conducted within international law. Zhu said, “The United States has asked China to provide assistance in the fight against terrorism. China, by the same token, has reasons to ask the United States to give its support and understanding in the fight against terrorism and separatists. We should not have double standards.” Asked whether the PRC was imposing specific conditions for its support for the US, such as an end to US arms sales to Taiwan, Zhu said, “The fight against terrorism is a different issue. We are not making bargains here.” However, he went on to say that the US and the PRC had “common interests” in combating Taiwan independence activists whom he said presented the main threat to stability across the Taiwan Strait.
Reuters (John Ruwitch, “CHINA GIVES VEILED WARNING TO US,” Beijing, 9/17/01) reported that Xue Dongzheng, deputy director of the Crime Investigation Department at the PRC Ministry of Public Security, warned at an Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) on September 17 that US military retaliation for last week’s terror attacks would only “aggravate terrorism and violence.” Xue also suggested that the US should shoulder some blame for terrorism, which he said was caused in part by “alien intervention.” Xue, stated, “We are opposed to the disregard of principles of international law in launching armed operations or violence under the pretext of anti-terrorism which infringes on the state sovereignty of others. Instead of alleviation, this could only aggravate terrorism and violence. In our view, of all causative factors, alien intervention and injustice in international political and economic order account for the hotbed of international terrorism.”
6. PRC Border with Pakistan
The London Daily Telegraph (David Rennie, “WARY BEIJING SEALS OFF FRONTIER WITH PAKISTAN,” Beijing, 09/18/01) reported that PRC officials at the border post of Tashkurgan said that the Karakorum highway into Pakistan from the PRC desert outpost of Kashgar was sealed on Saturday. The PRC’s short, mountainous border with Afghanistan is permanently closed to official traffic, and analysts said that it was highly unlikely that Afghan refugees would head for the PRC. An unnamed Western diplomat said that PRC leaders “are pragmatic enough to know what is going to happen anyway. They don’t like the idea of American troops in Pakistan, but if the US is saying ‘Be our friend or be our enemy’, they don’t want to be on the wrong side of that.” [Ed. Note: This article was included in the US Department of Defense’s Early Bird news service for September 18.]
7. PRC Entry into WTO
The Associated Press (Clare Nullis, “CHINA’S ENTRY INTO WTO HAILED,” Beijing, 9/18/01) and Reuters (Bill Savadove, “PRC CHINA GREETS WTO WITH JOY AND WORRY,” Beijing, 9/18/01) reported that the PRC cheered on Tuesday the approval of terms for its World Trade Organization (WTO) entry. On September 17, a WTO working party approved terms that the PRC had negotiated to enter the trade body after 15 years of talks, clearing the way for membership by the end of this year. However, the WTO must still approve the deal at a ministerial meeting scheduled for November in Qatar. A Ministry of Foreign Trade spokeswoman said, “We are happy about this and certainly looking forward to formal entry after so many years of waiting.” However, Li Ruihan, a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s politburo, said that big challenges awaited the PRC. Li said, “As China’s accession to the WTO is just around the corner, we will have closer links with the rest of the world and the requirements for our opening up will be even higher. All in all, we are faced with not only rare opportunities, but also severe challenges.”
II. Republic of Korea
1. ROK-DPRK Talks
The Korea Herald (Kim Ji-ho, “KOREAS CLOSE TO AGREEING ON MORE FAMILY REUNIONS,” Seoul, 09/18/01) reported that an ROK delegate to the inter-Korean ministerial talks indicated Monday that the two sides agreed to arrange more reunions of separated families. “We will be able to issue a joint statement on our agreements today, including those on the separated families,” said Rhee Bong-jo, a senior Unification Ministry official who serves as the spokesman for the ROK delegation. Another senior Unification Ministry official said that exchange visits of separated families could be possible as early as next month. Rhee and the ministry official did not provide further details of the discussions that the two sides had on the second full day of the ministerial talks at a Seoul hotel. Analysts said however that Rhee’s statement hints that the negotiators reached an agreement on some issues. Earlier, ROK officials said that the two sides were struggling to narrow their differences on issues like rail link and electricity aid.
The Korea Herald (Kim Ji-ho, “SEOUL URGES NORTH KOREA TO CONTINUE WITH PEACE TALKS,” Seoul, 09/18/01) reported that the ROK expressed its regret to the DPRK over a series of controversies that impeded their relations in the past months, and urged the DPRK to hasten the rapprochement process on the peninsula, ROK officials said Monday. “We clearly expressed regret that the North unilaterally put off the fifth round of inter-Korean ministerial talks in March,” said Rhee Bong-jo, an ROK delegate to the inter-Korean ministerial talks. The ROK delegation also mentioned some issues that damaged inter-Korean ties, including DPRK vessels’ violation of the ROK’s waters and the alleged pro-Communist activities by ROK visitors to the DPRK. “We strongly urged the North to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents,” Rhee said, emerging after 70 minutes from the first session of the ministerial talks that were to continue through Wednesday.
2. Kim Jong-il’s Inspection
Joongang Ilbo(“NORTH KOREA HINTS CONDITIONAL SUSPENSION OF MISSILE PRODUCTION,” Seoul, 09/17/01) reported that the DPRK hinted that it could suspend its missile production if the US withdraws its nuclear weapons and missiles deployed in Korean Peninsula and no longer poses a threat to the DPRK. [Ed. Note: Declassified US documents obtained by the Nautilus Institute confirm that the US withdrew all nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula in 1991. See:]. The DPRK’s major official newspaper Rodong Sinmun said through its commentary that its missile is purely for self-protection and had it not been for the US and its dangerous scheme to invade the nation, the DPRK would not have bothered with the missiles in the first place. “Right now we are desperate for every penny, every little bits of steel,” the paper said. “This is part of the U.S. scheme to crush our nation by inducing us to self-protect by developing missile,” it claimed. Reiterating that the DPRK will not accept the US taking advantage of the DPRK as an excuse to develop its own Missile Defense shield, the paper boasted that its nation is fully prepared for all consequences. The commentary also added if the US continues to single out the DPRK as a rogue nation and a threat to the rest of the world when there’s also Russia and the PRC also opposed to the MD Plan, it would not only deteriorate the already bad relations between the DPRK and the US but also intensify confrontation between the two Koreas.
3. ROK Participation in US Retaliation
The Korea Times (Oh Young-jin, “KIM VOWS FULL SUPPORT FOR US,” 09/18/01) reported that ROK President Kim Dae-jung on Monday expressed his intention to fully support US retaliatory action against those who are responsible for last week’s terrorist attacks in the US. In a message to US President George W. Bush, Kim stated, “I assure you that the Republic of Korea will provide all necessary cooperation and assistance as a close ally in the spirit of the ROK-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty.” Kim added that the ROK will take part in the “international coalition” to support the US action against terrorism. Kim’s spokesman, Oh Hong-keun, stated, “The message was intended to show our positive support behind U.S. anti- terrorism efforts.” Oh added, however, that the government will review and decide what help will be rendered to the US when it makes a formal request. US Ambassador to the ROK Thomas Hubbard on Friday sent a request to ROK Defense Minister Kim Dong-shin for “moral and material” support in the US effort to fight terrorism, but according to the Ministry did not make specific requests. ROK Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Han Seung-soo and his US counterpart Colin Powell were to meet in Washington on September 18.
III. Japan
1. Japanese Participation in US Retaliation
The Japan Times (“JAPAN VOWS FULL, ALBEIT NONMILITARY, SUPPORT FOR U.S. RETALIATORY ACTION,” Tokyo, 09/15/01, 1) reported that Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Friday promised maximum support to the US in its retaliation against the conspirators behind last Tuesday’s attacks, but ruled out Japan joining a possible multinational use of force against them. Koizumi said that Japan’s support to the US will be constrained by limitations under the Constitution, but added that he will contemplate how Japan can provide the most support, aside from the use of force.
The Japan Times (“SDF SHOULD HELP U.S. RETALIATION, YAMASAKI SAYS,” Tokyo, 09/16/01, 2) reported that a senior official of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party suggested Saturday that the government should consider dispatching the Self Defense Forces to provide logistical support when the U.S. retaliates against those responsible for Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in U.S., as long as the attack is endorsed by the UN. “The extent to which Japan will cooperate within the framework of UN security activities is a theme that we must discuss,” LDP Secretary General Taku Yamasaki said. While emphasizing the need to take every precaution to prevent possible terrorist attacks in Japan, he said, “it would be against the national interest if we do not use our SDF.” Meanwhile, leader of the Democratic Party of Japan Yukio Hatoyama said, “Japan must act within the framework of the Constitution, but Japan is now expected to take subjective action to prevent further acts of terrorism and keep its presence visible to its allies.”
2. US Naval Movements from Japan
The Japan Times (“U.S. WARSHIP LEAVES JAPAN FOR MID EAST,” Yokosuka, 09/16/01, 2) reported that the US missile cruiser Cowpens sailed from the US Navy base in Yokosuka on Saturday morning. It was first warship dispatched from the base since the attacks in the US. While confirming the departure of the 9,957-ton Ticonderoga- class cruiser, officials of the 7th fleet headquarters refused to elaborate on the warship’s destination or its mission. It is believed that the cruiser has been dispatched to the Middle East, as warships stationed in Yokosuka are the closest to the Middle East and can arrive on station in about a week. The Cowpens is equipped with Tomahawk surface-to surface missiles and an Aegis air defense system. Another cruiser and a destroyer were scheduled to sail from the base on Monday.
3. US Bases in Japan
The Japan Times (“SDF REINFORCES SECURITY AT BASES,” Tokyo, 09/13/01, 2) reported that Japan’s Defense Agency has reinforced security at Self Defense Forces facilities nationwide, especially those used jointly with US forces, an agency official said. There are about 47,000 US service members stationed in Japan. A spokesman at the Kadena Air Base in Okinawa Prefecture said that the “level D” alert will remain intact until the threat to US Forces is judged to have subsided. The Japan Coast Guard was on high alert last Wednesday as it stepped up security around US military facilities.
IV. People’s Republic of China
1. DPRK-ROK Relations
People Daily (Wang Linchang, “ROK PRESIDENT MEET DPRK DELEGATION,” Seoul, 09/18/01, P3) reported that on September 17, ROK President Kim Dae-jung gave his best wishes for fruitful DPRK-ROK fifth ministerial-level talks, hoping that the two sides can enhance mutual understanding and strengthen mutual cooperation. Kim made the remarks when meeting a DPRK delegation that came to ROK to attend the level talks. Kim said that in the current complicated international situation, the reopening of the talks is worthy of felicitating. The DPRK delegation leader echoed Kim’s praise of the talks, saying that the talks themselves are an effort by both sides to implement the June common declaration. He said that the DPRK would try its best to make the talks fruitful ones.
2. DPRK-Japanese Relations
People Daily (Xinhua News Agency, Zhang Jinfang, Li Zhengyu, “DPRK CALLED JAPAN TO ACCOUNT FOR ITS INVASION HISTORY,” Pyongyang, 09/18/01, P3) reported that recently leaders from the DPRK political parties and social communities made remarks requesting Japan to face its invasion crime and completely account for its invasion history. The DPRK Social Democratic Party leader reviewed the Japanese invasion to Korea and listed many horrible numbers, saying that Japan had invaded Korea for over 40 years, impressed over 6 million young laborers and killed more than 1 million Korean people. Other DPRK parties also expressed their anger and accusation to Japanese invasion. They said that Japan should apologize and compensate for the victim countries.
3. PRC Reaction to Attacks against US
Jiefang Daily (Xinhua News Agency, “PRC SHOWS ITS WILLINGNESS TO AID AND COOPERATE WITH US ON TERRORISM,” Beijing, 09/13/01, P1) reported that on the evening of September 12, PRC President Jiang Zemin had a telephone talk with US President George W. Bush. Bush first expressed his gratefulness to Jiang for his phone call and condolences for the US people. Bush said that international terrorism is a threat to world peace. He stressed that he expected to cooperate with President Jiang and other leaders of international society to combat international terrorism. Bush also expressed his wish that the PRC and the US could strengthen their cooperation in the UN Security Council on this issue. President Jiang said that this terrorist attack against the US not only brought disaster to the US people, but also posed challenges to the sincere wishes of peace-loving people of the world. Like the US people, Jiang said, the Chinese people vehemently condemned this horrible terrorist activity. Jiang expressed his great concern to the US Government and people. He noted that the PRC pays close attention to the progress of rescue work, and is willing to supply all necessary aid and cooperation. He stressed that the PRC is willing to strengthen dialogue with the US and international society to combat jointly terrorism and violence.
Jiefang Daily (Xinhua News Agency, “US IS EXPECTING COOPERATION FROM PRC ON COMBATING TERRORISM,” Beijing, 09/14/01, P4) reported that PRC Vice-Premier Qian Qichen talked with US Secretary of State Colin Powell on the phone on September 13 evening. Powell again gave his thanks to the PRC Government and people’s support and condolence in this event. He said that the US is expecting to cooperate with the PRC on combating terrorism. Qian Qichen said that the PRC has all the time opposed any kinds of terrorist activities, and considers that combating terrorism needs cooperation with international society. Qian pointed out that he is very glad to know that the UN Security Council has unanimously passed a resolution condemning terrorism. He said that the PRC is willing to continue cooperation with the US on this issue.
China Daily (Fu Jing, “JOINT EFFORTS NEEDED IN WAR AGAINST CRIME,” Beijing, 09/18/01) reported that on September 17, senior PRC and Italian ministers called on the world to declare a joint and continuous war against cross- border crimes, including last Tuesday’s terrorist attack against the United States. “The attack is a typical terrorist activity and it is not only the American people who have suffered but the willingness for peace among people of all the world that has been challenged,” PRC Minister for Public Security Jia Chunwang said. He was speaking at the opening ceremony of a three-day international workshop attended by 26 members of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Beijing. “The attack is despicable and the world as a whole should step up decisive measures at once to prevent such a tragedy ever occurring again,” Italian Interior Minister Claudio Scajola told the workshop aimed at discussing strategies to combat cross-border crimes. PRC Premier Zhu Rongji sent a congratulatory massage to the forum, saying that the PRC, as a country long devoted to world peace and economic development, will unremittingly play a powerful role in global police cooperation to counter transnational crimes. “International communities have heightened attention and adopted pro-active countermeasures to prevent the rampancy of transnational crimes and China backs these efforts with its full support,” said Zhu in his letter. State Councilor Luo Gan read the statement to delegates at Monday’s ceremony. Minister Jia said that many of today’s criminals use high technology and have ties with illegal groups in other countries, making security and justice an international concern. “We are in an era in which only international teamwork can guarantee sound development in any country,” said Jia – a point echoed by the Italian minister, acting as co-chairman of the Organizing Committee of the three-day forum and heard by more than 200 representatives at home and abroad.
4. UN Resolution on Attack against US
Jiefang Daily (Xinhua News Agency, “UN SECRETARY-GENERAL AND UN SECURITY COUNCIL CHAIRMAN CONDEMNED TERRORISM,” United Nations, 09/13/01, P3) reported that the UN Secretary-General and UN Security Council Chairman condemned the attack against the US. The Secretary-General said in a declaration for the media, it is undoubted that the September 11 attack is a carefully-plotted and collaborated terrorism activity. It noted, “Terrorism, wherever it occurs, should be combated firmly.” He said, “at this moment calm and reasonable evaluation is more necessary than any time. We still do not know who plotted this activity behind the scene and what goals they planned to reach. What we know is that terrorism can not put forward any justice course.”
5. World Views of US Retaliation
People Daily (Xinhua News Agency, “WORLD REACTS TO US POSSIBLE USING FORCE,” Beijing, 09/18/01, P3) reported that leaders of some countries and international organizations presented their views on September 16 over the US possible retaliation by force to the attacks on Washington and New York. The Italian Defense Minister said that Italy will not dispatch its soldiers to join the possible US military action. The Spanish defense chief told the local media that he is planning to allow the US to use its air bases unconditionally, but he also pointed out that this does not necessarily mean that Spain will take joint military actions with the US. The NATO members enjoy the right to have their own options. The Greek “National Newspaper” quoted the Greek Defense Minister as saying that Greece is calling on the US to be prudent when adopting military attack to avoid blind retaliation. NATO Secretary-General Roberson stressed that NATO member states will not take joint actions automatically. The US should request specific aid based on the existing relevant items, he added, and each member state will decide its own reaction. The senior representative of EU foreign affairs and security affairs argued that an international alliance should be established to counter terrorism. He said that due to the boundless and borderless characteristics of terrorism, the UN should play a key role in this matter. He expressed his opposition to impute terrorism attack to a specific race, culture, or religion, noting that to do so would lead to serious mistakes and injustice. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said that considering the fact that the US will possibly conduct military attacks against Afghanistan, the Russian 7,000 forces stationed at the border of Tajikistan and Afghanistan have entered comprehensive ground alert. The Tajikistan Foreign Ministry excluded the possibility of allowing foreign troops to operate from its territory in the military attacks against Afghanistan.
6. Russian Air Force Modernization
Jiefang Daily (“RUSSIA DEDICATES TO ITS AIR FORCE MODERNIZATION,” Shanghai, 09/17/01, P3) reported that the Russian Air Force Commander-in-Chief told Russian journalists on September 15 that Russian Air Force Headquarters is planning to renew 80 percent of its fighter planes. He said that in the past 10 years, the Russian Air Force did not add new fighter planes. However, he said, in the following several years, all Russian fighters, bombers, reconnaissance planes and transporting planes need renewing. Based on this fact, he stressed, Russian Air Force Headquarters decided to renew the current fourth-generation planes to the types between the fourth and fifth generations. He said that now Russia has 8 Su-27YB planes and is preparing for trial flights. By the end of this year, there will be 5 more Su-27YB being manufactured. The Russian Air Force can be equipped with this plane in 2005- 2006. The General finally said that in the future, the Russian Air Force will own three kinds of fighting planes and two models of transporting planes, the Aerial Defense Missile Forces will own two models of aerial defense missile systems to destruct short-distance and long-distance targets, and electronic technology forces will own 5 various types of electronic stations.
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